syntax = "proto2";
package hw.trezor.messages.debug;

// Sugar for easier handling in Java
option java_package = "com.satoshilabs.trezor.lib.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "TrezorMessageDebug";

import "messages-common.proto";

 * Request: "Press" the button on the device
 * @start
 * @next DebugLinkLayout
message DebugLinkDecision {
    optional bool yes_no = 1;   // true for "Confirm", false for "Cancel"
    optional DebugSwipeDirection swipe = 2;  // swipe direction
    optional string input = 3;  // keyboard input
    * Structure representing swipe direction
    enum DebugSwipeDirection {
        UP = 0;
        DOWN = 1;
        LEFT = 2;
        RIGHT = 3;

    optional uint32 x = 4;        // touch X coordinate
    optional uint32 y = 5;        // touch Y coordinate
    optional bool wait = 6;       // wait for layout change
    optional uint32 hold_ms = 7;  // touch hold duration

 * Response: Device text layout
 * @end
message DebugLinkLayout {
    repeated string lines = 1;

 * Request: Re-seed RNG with given value
 * @start
 * @next Success
message DebugLinkReseedRandom {
    optional uint32 value = 1;

 * Request: Start or stop recording screen changes into given target directory
 * @start
 * @next Success
message DebugLinkRecordScreen {
    optional string target_directory = 1;  // empty or missing to stop recording

 * Request: Show text on the screen
 * @start
 * @next Success
 message DebugLinkShowText {
    optional string header_text = 1;  // screen header text
    repeated DebugLinkShowTextItem body_text = 2;  // body text segments
    optional string header_icon = 3;  // icon name in
    optional string icon_color = 4;   // color name in

    message DebugLinkShowTextItem {
        optional DebugLinkShowTextStyle style = 1;
        optional string content = 2;

    enum DebugLinkShowTextStyle {
        NORMAL = 0;
        BOLD = 1;
        MONO = 2;
        BR = 4;
        BR_HALF = 5;
        SET_COLOR = 6;

 * Request: Computer asks for device state
 * @start
 * @next DebugLinkState
message DebugLinkGetState {
    optional bool wait_word_list = 1;  // Trezor T only - wait until mnemonic words are shown
    optional bool wait_word_pos = 2;   // Trezor T only - wait until reset word position is requested
    optional bool wait_layout = 3;     // wait until current layout changes

 * Response: Device current state
 * @end
message DebugLinkState {
    optional bytes layout = 1;                              // raw buffer of display
    optional string pin = 2;                                // current PIN, blank if PIN is not set/enabled
    optional string matrix = 3;                             // current PIN matrix
    optional bytes mnemonic_secret = 4;                     // current mnemonic secret
    optional hw.trezor.messages.common.HDNodeType node = 5; // current BIP-32 node
    optional bool passphrase_protection = 6;                // is node/mnemonic encrypted using passphrase?
    optional string reset_word = 7;                         // word on device display during ResetDevice workflow
    optional bytes reset_entropy = 8;                       // current entropy during ResetDevice workflow
    optional string recovery_fake_word = 9;                 // (fake) word on display during RecoveryDevice workflow
    optional uint32 recovery_word_pos = 10;                 // index of mnemonic word the device is expecting during RecoveryDevice workflow
    optional uint32 reset_word_pos = 11;                    // index of mnemonic word the device is expecting during ResetDevice workflow
    optional uint32 mnemonic_type = 12;                     // current mnemonic type (BIP-39/SLIP-39)
    repeated string layout_lines = 13;                      // current layout text

 * Request: Ask device to restart
 * @start
message DebugLinkStop {

 * Response: Device wants host to log event
 * @ignore
message DebugLinkLog {
    optional uint32 level = 1;
    optional string bucket = 2;
    optional string text = 3;

 * Request: Read memory from device
 * @start
 * @next DebugLinkMemory
message DebugLinkMemoryRead {
    optional uint32 address = 1;
    optional uint32 length = 2;

 * Response: Device sends memory back
 * @end
message DebugLinkMemory {
    optional bytes memory = 1;

 * Request: Write memory to device.
 * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device.
 * @start
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message DebugLinkMemoryWrite {
    optional uint32 address = 1;
    optional bytes memory = 2;
    optional bool flash = 3;

 * Request: Erase block of flash on device
 * WARNING: Writing to the wrong location can irreparably break the device.
 * @start
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message DebugLinkFlashErase {
    optional uint32 sector = 1;

 * Request: Erase the SD card
 * @start
 * @next Success
 * @next Failure
message DebugLinkEraseSdCard {
    optional bool format = 1;  // if true, the card will be formatted to FAT32.
                               // if false, it will be all 0xFF bytes.

 * Request: Start or stop tracking layout changes
 * @start
 * @next Success
message DebugLinkWatchLayout {
    optional bool watch = 1;  // if true, start watching layout.
                              // if false, stop.