/* * This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/ * * Copyright (c) SatoshiLabs * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include "boot_args.h" #include "common.h" #include "display.h" #include "display_utils.h" #include "fault_handlers.h" #include "flash.h" #include "flash_otp.h" #include "image.h" #include "lowlevel.h" #include "messages.pb.h" #include "random_delays.h" #include "secbool.h" #include "secret.h" #ifdef USE_DMA2D #include "dma2d.h" #endif #ifdef USE_I2C #include "i2c.h" #endif #ifdef USE_OPTIGA #include "optiga_hal.h" #endif #ifdef USE_TOUCH #include "touch.h" #endif #ifdef USE_BUTTON #include "button.h" #endif #ifdef USE_CONSUMPTION_MASK #include "consumption_mask.h" #endif #ifdef USE_RGB_LED #include "rgb_led.h" #endif #ifdef USE_HASH_PROCESSOR #include "hash_processor.h" #endif #include "model.h" #include "usb.h" #include "version.h" #include "bootui.h" #include "messages.h" #include "rust_ui.h" #include "unit_variant.h" #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR #include "emulator.h" #else #include "compiler_traits.h" #include "mpu.h" #include "platform.h" #endif #define USB_IFACE_NUM 0 typedef enum { SHUTDOWN = 0, CONTINUE_TO_FIRMWARE = 0xAABBCCDD, RETURN_TO_MENU = 0x55667788, } usb_result_t; void failed_jump_to_firmware(void); CONFIDENTIAL volatile secbool dont_optimize_out_true = sectrue; CONFIDENTIAL volatile void (*firmware_jump_fn)(void) = failed_jump_to_firmware; static void usb_init_all(secbool usb21_landing) { usb_dev_info_t dev_info = { .device_class = 0x00, .device_subclass = 0x00, .device_protocol = 0x00, .vendor_id = 0x1209, .product_id = 0x53C0, .release_num = 0x0200, .manufacturer = MODEL_USB_MANUFACTURER, .product = MODEL_USB_PRODUCT, .serial_number = "000000000000000000000000", .interface = "TREZOR Interface", .usb21_enabled = sectrue, .usb21_landing = usb21_landing, }; static uint8_t rx_buffer[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; static const usb_webusb_info_t webusb_info = { .iface_num = USB_IFACE_NUM, #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR .emu_port = 21324, #else .ep_in = 0x01, .ep_out = 0x01, #endif .subclass = 0, .protocol = 0, .max_packet_len = sizeof(rx_buffer), .rx_buffer = rx_buffer, .polling_interval = 1, }; ensure(usb_init(&dev_info), NULL); ensure(usb_webusb_add(&webusb_info), NULL); ensure(usb_start(), NULL); } static usb_result_t bootloader_usb_loop(const vendor_header *const vhdr, const image_header *const hdr) { // if both are NULL, we don't have a firmware installed // let's show a webusb landing page in this case usb_init_all((vhdr == NULL && hdr == NULL) ? sectrue : secfalse); uint8_t buf[USB_PACKET_SIZE]; for (;;) { #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR emulator_poll_events(); #endif int r = usb_webusb_read_blocking(USB_IFACE_NUM, buf, USB_PACKET_SIZE, USB_TIMEOUT); if (r != USB_PACKET_SIZE) { continue; } uint16_t msg_id; uint32_t msg_size; uint32_t response; if (sectrue != msg_parse_header(buf, &msg_id, &msg_size)) { // invalid header -> discard continue; } switch (msg_id) { case MessageType_MessageType_Initialize: process_msg_Initialize(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf, vhdr, hdr); break; case MessageType_MessageType_Ping: process_msg_Ping(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case MessageType_MessageType_WipeDevice: response = ui_screen_wipe_confirm(); if (INPUT_CANCEL == response) { send_user_abort(USB_IFACE_NUM, "Wipe cancelled"); hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return RETURN_TO_MENU; } ui_screen_wipe(); r = process_msg_WipeDevice(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0) { // error screen_wipe_fail(); hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return SHUTDOWN; } else { // success screen_wipe_success(); hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return SHUTDOWN; } break; case MessageType_MessageType_FirmwareErase: process_msg_FirmwareErase(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; case MessageType_MessageType_FirmwareUpload: r = process_msg_FirmwareUpload(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); if (r < 0 && r != UPLOAD_ERR_USER_ABORT) { // error, but not user abort if (r == UPLOAD_ERR_BOOTLOADER_LOCKED) { // This function does not return show_install_restricted_screen(); } else { ui_screen_fail(); } usb_deinit(); return SHUTDOWN; } else if (r == UPLOAD_ERR_USER_ABORT) { hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return RETURN_TO_MENU; } else if (r == 0) { // last chunk received ui_screen_install_progress_upload(1000); ui_screen_done(4, sectrue); ui_screen_done(3, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); ui_screen_done(2, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); ui_screen_done(1, secfalse); hal_delay(1000); usb_deinit(); return CONTINUE_TO_FIRMWARE; } break; case MessageType_MessageType_GetFeatures: process_msg_GetFeatures(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf, vhdr, hdr); break; #if defined USE_OPTIGA && !defined STM32U5 case MessageType_MessageType_UnlockBootloader: response = ui_screen_unlock_bootloader_confirm(); if (INPUT_CANCEL == response) { send_user_abort(USB_IFACE_NUM, "Bootloader unlock cancelled"); hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return RETURN_TO_MENU; } process_msg_UnlockBootloader(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); screen_unlock_bootloader_success(); hal_delay(100); usb_deinit(); return SHUTDOWN; break; #endif default: process_msg_unknown(USB_IFACE_NUM, msg_size, buf); break; } } } static secbool check_vendor_header_lock(const vendor_header *const vhdr) { uint8_t lock[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; ensure(flash_otp_read(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_VENDOR_HEADER_LOCK, 0, lock, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); if (0 == memcmp(lock, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE)) { return sectrue; } uint8_t hash[32]; vendor_header_hash(vhdr, hash); return sectrue * (0 == memcmp(lock, hash, 32)); } // protection against bootloader downgrade #if PRODUCTION && !defined STM32U5 static void check_bootloader_version(void) { uint8_t bits[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE * 8; i++) { if (i < VERSION_MONOTONIC) { bits[i / 8] &= ~(1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } else { bits[i / 8] |= (1 << (7 - (i % 8))); } } ensure(flash_otp_write(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_BOOTLOADER_VERSION, 0, bits, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); uint8_t bits2[FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE]; ensure(flash_otp_read(FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_BOOTLOADER_VERSION, 0, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE), NULL); ensure(sectrue * (0 == memcmp(bits, bits2, FLASH_OTP_BLOCK_SIZE)), "Bootloader downgrade protection"); } #endif void failed_jump_to_firmware(void) { error_shutdown("(glitch)"); } void real_jump_to_firmware(void) { const image_header *hdr = NULL; vendor_header vhdr = {0}; ensure(read_vendor_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr), "Firmware is corrupted"); ensure(check_vendor_header_keys(&vhdr), "Firmware is corrupted"); ensure(check_vendor_header_lock(&vhdr), "Unauthorized vendor keys"); hdr = read_image_header((const uint8_t *)(size_t)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE); ensure(hdr == (const image_header *)(size_t)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen) ? sectrue : secfalse, "Firmware is corrupted"); ensure(check_image_model(hdr), "Wrong firmware model"); ensure(check_image_header_sig(hdr, vhdr.vsig_m, vhdr.vsig_n, vhdr.vpub), "Firmware is corrupted"); ensure(check_image_contents(hdr, IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE + vhdr.hdrlen, &FIRMWARE_AREA), "Firmware is corrupted"); secret_prepare_fw( ((vhdr.vtrust & VTRUST_SECRET_MASK) == VTRUST_SECRET_ALLOW) * sectrue, ((vhdr.vtrust & VTRUST_NO_WARNING) == VTRUST_NO_WARNING) * sectrue); // if all warnings are disabled in VTRUST flags then skip the procedure if ((vhdr.vtrust & VTRUST_NO_WARNING) != VTRUST_NO_WARNING) { ui_fadeout(); ui_screen_boot(&vhdr, hdr, 0); ui_fadein(); // The delay is encoded in bitwise complement form. int delay = (vhdr.vtrust & VTRUST_WAIT_MASK) ^ VTRUST_WAIT_MASK; if (delay > 1) { while (delay > 0) { ui_screen_boot(&vhdr, hdr, delay); hal_delay(1000); delay--; } } else if (delay == 1) { hal_delay(1000); } if ((vhdr.vtrust & VTRUST_NO_CLICK) == 0) { ui_screen_boot(&vhdr, hdr, -1); ui_click(); } ui_screen_boot_stage_1(false); } display_finish_actions(); ensure_compatible_settings(); // mpu_config_firmware(); // jump_to_unprivileged(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen + IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE); mpu_config_off(); jump_to(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen + IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE); } #ifdef STM32U5 __attribute__((noreturn)) void jump_to_fw_through_reset(void) { display_finish_actions(); display_fade(display_backlight(-1), 0, 200); __disable_irq(); delete_secrets(); NVIC_SystemReset(); for (;;) ; } #endif #ifndef TREZOR_EMULATOR int main(void) { #else int bootloader_main(void) { #endif secbool stay_in_bootloader = secfalse; random_delays_init(); #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T set_core_clock(CLOCK_180_MHZ); #endif #ifdef USE_HASH_PROCESSOR hash_processor_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_I2C i2c_init(); #endif display_reinit(); #ifdef USE_DMA2D dma2d_init(); #endif unit_variant_init(); #ifdef USE_TOUCH #ifdef TREZOR_MODEL_T3T1 // on T3T1, tester needs to run without touch, so making an exception // until unit variant is written in OTP if (unit_variant_present()) { ensure(touch_init(), "Touch screen panel was not loaded properly."); } else { touch_init(); } #else ensure(touch_init(), "Touch screen panel was not loaded properly."); #endif #endif ui_screen_boot_stage_1(false); mpu_config_bootloader(); fault_handlers_init(); #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR // wait a bit so that the empty lock icon is visible // (on a real device, we are waiting for touch init which takes longer) hal_delay(400); #endif const image_header *hdr = NULL; vendor_header vhdr; // detect whether the device contains a valid firmware volatile secbool vhdr_present = secfalse; volatile secbool vhdr_keys_ok = secfalse; volatile secbool vhdr_lock_ok = secfalse; volatile secbool img_hdr_ok = secfalse; volatile secbool model_ok = secfalse; volatile secbool header_present = secfalse; volatile secbool firmware_present = secfalse; volatile secbool firmware_present_backup = secfalse; volatile secbool auto_upgrade = secfalse; vhdr_present = read_vendor_header((const uint8_t *)FIRMWARE_START, &vhdr); if (sectrue == vhdr_present) { vhdr_keys_ok = check_vendor_header_keys(&vhdr); } if (sectrue == vhdr_keys_ok) { vhdr_lock_ok = check_vendor_header_lock(&vhdr); } if (sectrue == vhdr_lock_ok) { hdr = read_image_header( (const uint8_t *)(size_t)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen), FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAGIC, FIRMWARE_IMAGE_MAXSIZE); if (hdr == (const image_header *)(size_t)(FIRMWARE_START + vhdr.hdrlen)) { img_hdr_ok = sectrue; } } if (sectrue == img_hdr_ok) { model_ok = check_image_model(hdr); } if (sectrue == model_ok) { header_present = check_image_header_sig(hdr, vhdr.vsig_m, vhdr.vsig_n, vhdr.vpub); } if (sectrue == header_present) { firmware_present = check_image_contents( hdr, IMAGE_HEADER_SIZE + vhdr.hdrlen, &FIRMWARE_AREA); firmware_present_backup = firmware_present; } #ifdef USE_OPTIGA optiga_hal_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_BUTTON button_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_CONSUMPTION_MASK consumption_mask_init(); #endif #ifdef USE_RGB_LED rgb_led_init(); #endif #if PRODUCTION && !defined STM32U5 // for STM32U5, this check is moved to boardloader check_bootloader_version(); #endif switch (bootargs_get_command()) { case BOOT_COMMAND_STOP_AND_WAIT: // firmare requested to stay in bootloader stay_in_bootloader = sectrue; break; case BOOT_COMMAND_INSTALL_UPGRADE: if (firmware_present == sectrue) { // continue without user interaction auto_upgrade = sectrue; } break; default: break; } ensure(dont_optimize_out_true * (firmware_present == firmware_present_backup), NULL); // delay to detect touch or skip if we know we are staying in bootloader // anyway uint32_t touched = 0; #ifdef USE_TOUCH if (firmware_present == sectrue && stay_in_bootloader != sectrue) { // Wait until the touch controller is ready // (on hardware this may take a while) while (touch_ready() != sectrue) { hal_delay(1); } #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR hal_delay(500); #endif // Give the touch controller time to report events // if someone touches the screen for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (touch_activity() == sectrue) { touched = 1; break; } hal_delay(5); } } #elif defined USE_BUTTON button_read(); if (button_state_left() == 1) { touched = 1; } #endif ensure(dont_optimize_out_true * (firmware_present == firmware_present_backup), NULL); // start the bootloader ... // ... if user touched the screen on start // ... or we have stay_in_bootloader flag to force it // ... or strict upgrade was confirmed in the firmware (auto_upgrade flag) // ... or there is no valid firmware if (touched || stay_in_bootloader == sectrue || firmware_present != sectrue || auto_upgrade == sectrue) { screen_t screen; ui_set_initial_setup(true); if (header_present == sectrue) { if (auto_upgrade == sectrue) { screen = SCREEN_WAIT_FOR_HOST; } else { ui_set_initial_setup(false); screen = SCREEN_INTRO; } } else { screen = SCREEN_WELCOME; #ifdef STM32U5 secret_bhk_regenerate(); #endif // erase storage ensure(flash_area_erase_bulk(STORAGE_AREAS, STORAGE_AREAS_COUNT, NULL), NULL); // keep the model screen up for a while #ifndef USE_BACKLIGHT hal_delay(1500); #else // backlight fading takes some time so the explicit delay here is // shorter hal_delay(1000); #endif } while (true) { volatile secbool continue_to_firmware = secfalse; volatile secbool continue_to_firmware_backup = secfalse; uint32_t ui_result = 0; switch (screen) { case SCREEN_WELCOME: ui_screen_welcome(); // and start the usb loop switch (bootloader_usb_loop(NULL, NULL)) { case CONTINUE_TO_FIRMWARE: continue_to_firmware = sectrue; continue_to_firmware_backup = sectrue; break; case RETURN_TO_MENU: break; default: case SHUTDOWN: return 1; break; } break; case SCREEN_INTRO: ui_result = ui_screen_intro(&vhdr, hdr, firmware_present); if (ui_result == 1) { screen = SCREEN_MENU; } if (ui_result == 2) { screen = SCREEN_WAIT_FOR_HOST; } break; case SCREEN_MENU: ui_result = ui_screen_menu(firmware_present); if (ui_result == 0xAABBCCDD) { // exit menu screen = SCREEN_INTRO; } if (ui_result == 0x11223344) { // reboot #ifndef STM32U5 ui_screen_boot_stage_1(true); #endif continue_to_firmware = firmware_present; continue_to_firmware_backup = firmware_present_backup; } if (ui_result == 0x55667788) { // wipe screen = SCREEN_WIPE_CONFIRM; } break; case SCREEN_WIPE_CONFIRM: ui_result = screen_wipe_confirm(); if (ui_result == INPUT_CANCEL) { // canceled screen = SCREEN_MENU; } if (ui_result == INPUT_CONFIRM) { ui_screen_wipe(); secbool r = bootloader_WipeDevice(); if (r != sectrue) { // error screen_wipe_fail(); return 1; } else { // success screen_wipe_success(); return 1; } } break; case SCREEN_WAIT_FOR_HOST: screen_connect(auto_upgrade == sectrue); switch (bootloader_usb_loop(&vhdr, hdr)) { case CONTINUE_TO_FIRMWARE: continue_to_firmware = sectrue; continue_to_firmware_backup = sectrue; break; case RETURN_TO_MENU: screen = SCREEN_INTRO; break; case SHUTDOWN: return 1; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } if (continue_to_firmware != continue_to_firmware_backup) { // erase storage if we saw flips randomly flip, most likely due to // glitch #ifdef STM32U5 secret_bhk_regenerate(); #endif ensure(flash_area_erase_bulk(STORAGE_AREAS, STORAGE_AREAS_COUNT, NULL), NULL); } ensure(dont_optimize_out_true * (continue_to_firmware == continue_to_firmware_backup), NULL); if (sectrue == continue_to_firmware) { #ifdef STM32U5 firmware_jump_fn = jump_to_fw_through_reset; #else ui_screen_boot_stage_1(true); firmware_jump_fn = real_jump_to_firmware; #endif break; } } } ensure(dont_optimize_out_true * (firmware_present == firmware_present_backup), NULL); #ifdef STM32U5 if (sectrue == firmware_present && firmware_jump_fn != jump_to_fw_through_reset) { firmware_jump_fn = real_jump_to_firmware; } #else if (sectrue == firmware_present) { firmware_jump_fn = real_jump_to_firmware; } #endif firmware_jump_fn(); return 0; }