""" Minimalistic CBOR implementation, supports only what we need in cardano. """ import ustruct as struct from micropython import const from trezor import log if False: from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Tuple Value = Any _CBOR_TYPE_MASK = const(0xE0) _CBOR_INFO_BITS = const(0x1F) _CBOR_UNSIGNED_INT = const(0b000 << 5) _CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT = const(0b001 << 5) _CBOR_BYTE_STRING = const(0b010 << 5) _CBOR_TEXT_STRING = const(0b011 << 5) _CBOR_ARRAY = const(0b100 << 5) _CBOR_MAP = const(0b101 << 5) _CBOR_TAG = const(0b110 << 5) _CBOR_PRIMITIVE = const(0b111 << 5) _CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS = const(0x18) _CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS = const(0x19) _CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS = const(0x1A) _CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS = const(0x1B) _CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS = const(0x1F) _CBOR_FALSE = const(0x14) _CBOR_TRUE = const(0x15) _CBOR_NULL = const(0x16) _CBOR_BREAK = const(0x1F) _CBOR_RAW_TAG = const(0x18) def _header(typ: int, l: int) -> bytes: if l < 24: return struct.pack(">B", typ + l) elif l < 2 ** 8: return struct.pack(">BB", typ + 24, l) elif l < 2 ** 16: return struct.pack(">BH", typ + 25, l) elif l < 2 ** 32: return struct.pack(">BI", typ + 26, l) elif l < 2 ** 64: return struct.pack(">BQ", typ + 27, l) else: raise NotImplementedError("Length %d not suppported" % l) def _cbor_encode(value: Value) -> Iterable[bytes]: if isinstance(value, int): if value >= 0: yield _header(_CBOR_UNSIGNED_INT, value) else: yield _header(_CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT, -1 - value) elif isinstance(value, bytes): yield _header(_CBOR_BYTE_STRING, len(value)) yield value elif isinstance(value, bytearray): yield _header(_CBOR_BYTE_STRING, len(value)) yield bytes(value) elif isinstance(value, str): encoded_value = value.encode() yield _header(_CBOR_TEXT_STRING, len(encoded_value)) yield encoded_value elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple): # definite-length valued list yield _header(_CBOR_ARRAY, len(value)) for x in value: yield from _cbor_encode(x) elif isinstance(value, dict): yield _header(_CBOR_MAP, len(value)) sorted_map = sorted((encode(k), v) for k, v in value.items()) for k, v in sorted_map: yield k yield from _cbor_encode(v) elif isinstance(value, Tagged): yield _header(_CBOR_TAG, value.tag) yield from _cbor_encode(value.value) elif isinstance(value, IndefiniteLengthArray): yield bytes([_CBOR_ARRAY + 31]) for x in value.array: yield from _cbor_encode(x) yield bytes([_CBOR_PRIMITIVE + 31]) elif isinstance(value, bool): if value: yield bytes([_CBOR_PRIMITIVE + _CBOR_TRUE]) else: yield bytes([_CBOR_PRIMITIVE + _CBOR_FALSE]) elif isinstance(value, Raw): yield value.value elif value is None: yield bytes([_CBOR_PRIMITIVE + _CBOR_NULL]) else: if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "not implemented (encode): %s", type(value)) raise NotImplementedError def _read_length(cbor: bytes, aux: int) -> Tuple[int, bytes]: if aux < _CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS: return (aux, cbor) elif aux == _CBOR_UINT8_FOLLOWS: return (cbor[0], cbor[1:]) elif aux == _CBOR_UINT16_FOLLOWS: res = cbor[1] res += cbor[0] << 8 return (res, cbor[2:]) elif aux == _CBOR_UINT32_FOLLOWS: res = cbor[3] res += cbor[2] << 8 res += cbor[1] << 16 res += cbor[0] << 24 return (res, cbor[4:]) elif aux == _CBOR_UINT64_FOLLOWS: res = cbor[7] res += cbor[6] << 8 res += cbor[5] << 16 res += cbor[4] << 24 res += cbor[3] << 32 res += cbor[2] << 40 res += cbor[1] << 48 res += cbor[0] << 56 return (res, cbor[8:]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Length %d not suppported" % aux) def _cbor_decode(cbor: bytes) -> Tuple[Value, bytes]: fb = cbor[0] data = b"" fb_type = fb & _CBOR_TYPE_MASK fb_aux = fb & _CBOR_INFO_BITS if fb_type == _CBOR_UNSIGNED_INT: return _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) elif fb_type == _CBOR_NEGATIVE_INT: val, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) return (-1 - val, data) elif fb_type == _CBOR_BYTE_STRING: ln, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) return (data[0:ln], data[ln:]) elif fb_type == _CBOR_TEXT_STRING: ln, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) return (data[0:ln].decode(), data[ln:]) elif fb_type == _CBOR_ARRAY: if fb_aux == _CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS: res: Value = [] data = cbor[1:] while True: item, data = _cbor_decode(data) if item == _CBOR_PRIMITIVE + _CBOR_BREAK: break res.append(item) return (res, data) else: ln, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) res = [] for i in range(ln): item, data = _cbor_decode(data) res.append(item) return (res, data) elif fb_type == _CBOR_MAP: res = {} if fb_aux == _CBOR_VAR_FOLLOWS: data = cbor[1:] while True: key, data = _cbor_decode(data) if key in res: raise ValueError if key == _CBOR_PRIMITIVE + _CBOR_BREAK: break value, data = _cbor_decode(data) res[key] = value else: ln, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) for i in range(ln): key, data = _cbor_decode(data) if key in res: raise ValueError value, data = _cbor_decode(data) res[key] = value return res, data elif fb_type == _CBOR_TAG: val, data = _read_length(cbor[1:], fb_aux) item, data = _cbor_decode(data) if val == _CBOR_RAW_TAG: # only tag 24 (0x18) is supported return item, data else: return Tagged(val, item), data elif fb_type == _CBOR_PRIMITIVE: if fb_aux == _CBOR_FALSE: return (False, cbor[1:]) elif fb_aux == _CBOR_TRUE: return (True, cbor[1:]) elif fb_aux == _CBOR_NULL: return (None, cbor[1:]) elif fb_aux == _CBOR_BREAK: return (cbor[0], cbor[1:]) else: raise NotImplementedError else: if __debug__: log.debug(__name__, "not implemented (decode): %s", cbor[0]) raise NotImplementedError class Tagged: def __init__(self, tag: int, value: Value) -> None: self.tag = tag self.value = value def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return ( isinstance(other, Tagged) and self.tag == other.tag and self.value == other.value ) class Raw: def __init__(self, value: Value): self.value = value class IndefiniteLengthArray: def __init__(self, array: List[Value]) -> None: self.array = array def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if isinstance(other, IndefiniteLengthArray): return self.array == other.array elif isinstance(other, list): return self.array == other else: return False def encode(value: Value) -> bytes: return b"".join(_cbor_encode(value)) def decode(cbor: bytes) -> Value: res, check = _cbor_decode(cbor) if not (check == b""): raise ValueError return res