from trezor.enums import StellarAssetType, StellarSignerType from trezor.messages import ( StellarAccountMergeOp, StellarAllowTrustOp, StellarAsset, StellarBumpSequenceOp, StellarChangeTrustOp, StellarCreateAccountOp, StellarCreatePassiveOfferOp, StellarManageDataOp, StellarManageOfferOp, StellarPathPaymentOp, StellarPaymentOp, StellarSetOptionsOp, ) from trezor.ui.layouts import ( confirm_address, confirm_amount, confirm_blob, confirm_metadata, confirm_output, confirm_properties, confirm_text, ) from trezor.wire import DataError, ProcessError from .. import consts, helpers from ..layout import format_amount, format_asset if False: from trezor.wire import Context async def confirm_source_account(ctx: Context, source_account: str) -> None: await confirm_address( ctx, "Confirm operation", source_account, description="Source account:", br_type="op_source_account", ) async def confirm_allow_trust_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarAllowTrustOp) -> None: await confirm_properties( ctx, "op_allow_trust", title="Allow trust" if op.is_authorized else "Revoke trust", props=( ("Asset", op.asset_code), ("Trusted Account", op.trusted_account), ), ) async def confirm_account_merge_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarAccountMergeOp) -> None: await confirm_address( ctx, "Account Merge", op.destination_account, description="All XLM will be sent to:", br_type="op_account_merge", ) async def confirm_bump_sequence_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarBumpSequenceOp) -> None: await confirm_metadata( ctx, "op_bump", "Bump Sequence", content="Set sequence to {}?", param=str(op.bump_to), ) async def confirm_change_trust_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarChangeTrustOp) -> None: await confirm_amount( ctx, title="Delete trust" if op.limit == 0 else "Add trust", amount=format_amount(op.limit, op.asset), description="Limit:", br_type="op_change_trust", ) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.asset) async def confirm_create_account_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarCreateAccountOp) -> None: await confirm_properties( ctx, "op_create_account", "Create Account", props=( ("Account", op.new_account), ("Initial Balance", format_amount(op.starting_balance)), ), ) async def confirm_create_passive_offer_op( ctx: Context, op: StellarCreatePassiveOfferOp ) -> None: if op.amount == 0: text = "Delete Passive Offer" else: text = "New Passive Offer" await _confirm_offer(ctx, text, op) async def confirm_manage_offer_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarManageOfferOp) -> None: if op.offer_id == 0: text = "New Offer" else: if op.amount == 0: text = "Delete" else: text = "Update" text += " #%d" % op.offer_id await _confirm_offer(ctx, text, op) async def _confirm_offer( ctx: Context, title: str, op: StellarCreatePassiveOfferOp | StellarManageOfferOp, ) -> None: await confirm_properties( ctx, "op_offer", title=title, props=( ("Selling:", format_amount(op.amount, op.selling_asset)), ("Buying:", format_asset(op.buying_asset)), ( "Price per {}:".format(format_asset(op.buying_asset)), str(op.price_n / op.price_d), ), ), ) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.selling_asset) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.buying_asset) async def confirm_manage_data_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarManageDataOp) -> None: from trezor.crypto.hashlib import sha256 if op.value: digest = sha256(op.value).digest() await confirm_properties( ctx, "op_data", "Set data", props=(("Key:", op.key), ("Value (SHA-256):", digest)), ) else: await confirm_metadata( ctx, "op_data", "Clear data", "Do you want to clear value key {}?", param=op.key, ) async def confirm_path_payment_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarPathPaymentOp) -> None: await confirm_output( ctx, address=op.destination_account, amount=format_amount(op.destination_amount, op.destination_asset), title="Path Pay", ) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.destination_asset) # confirm what the sender is using to pay await confirm_amount( ctx, title="Debited amount", amount=format_amount(op.send_max, op.send_asset), description="Pay at most:", br_type="op_path_payment", ) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.send_asset) async def confirm_payment_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarPaymentOp) -> None: await confirm_output( ctx, address=op.destination_account, amount=format_amount(op.amount, op.asset), ) await confirm_asset_issuer(ctx, op.asset) async def confirm_set_options_op(ctx: Context, op: StellarSetOptionsOp) -> None: if op.inflation_destination_account: await confirm_address( ctx, "Inflation", op.inflation_destination_account, description="Destination:", br_type="op_inflation", ) if op.clear_flags: t = _format_flags(op.clear_flags) await confirm_text(ctx, "op_set_options", "Clear flags", data=t) if op.set_flags: t = _format_flags(op.set_flags) await confirm_text(ctx, "op_set_options", "Set flags", data=t) thresholds = _format_thresholds(op) if thresholds: await confirm_properties( ctx, "op_thresholds", "Account Thresholds", props=thresholds ) if op.home_domain: await confirm_text(ctx, "op_home_domain", "Home Domain", op.home_domain) if op.signer_type is not None: if op.signer_key is None or op.signer_weight is None: raise DataError("Stellar: invalid signer option data.") if op.signer_weight > 0: title = "Add Signer" else: title = "Remove Signer" data: str | bytes = "" if op.signer_type == StellarSignerType.ACCOUNT: description = "Account:" data = helpers.address_from_public_key(op.signer_key) elif op.signer_type == StellarSignerType.PRE_AUTH: description = "Pre-auth transaction:" data = op.signer_key elif op.signer_type == StellarSignerType.HASH: description = "Hash:" data = op.signer_key else: raise ProcessError("Stellar: invalid signer type") await confirm_blob( ctx, "op_signer", title=title, description=description, data=data, ) def _format_thresholds(op: StellarSetOptionsOp) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: props = [] if op.master_weight is not None: props.append(("Master Weight:", str(op.master_weight))) if op.low_threshold is not None: props.append(("Low:", str(op.low_threshold))) if op.medium_threshold is not None: props.append(("Medium:", str(op.medium_threshold))) if op.high_threshold is not None: props.append(("High:", str(op.high_threshold))) return props def _format_flags(flags: int) -> str: if flags > consts.FLAGS_MAX_SIZE: raise ProcessError("Stellar: invalid flags") text = "{}{}{}".format( "AUTH_REQUIRED\n" if flags & consts.FLAG_AUTH_REQUIRED else "", "AUTH_REVOCABLE\n" if flags & consts.FLAG_AUTH_REVOCABLE else "", "AUTH_IMMUTABLE\n" if flags & consts.FLAG_AUTH_IMMUTABLE else "", ) return text async def confirm_asset_issuer(ctx: Context, asset: StellarAsset) -> None: if asset.type == StellarAssetType.NATIVE: return if asset.issuer is None or asset.code is None: raise DataError("Stellar: invalid asset definition") await confirm_address( ctx, "Confirm Issuer", asset.issuer, description="{} issuer:".format(asset.code), br_type="confirm_asset_issuer", )