from micropython import const from ubinascii import hexlify from trezor import utils from trezor.enums import AmountUnit, ButtonRequestType, OutputScriptType from trezor.strings import format_amount from trezor.ui import layouts from .. import addresses from . import omni if not utils.BITCOIN_ONLY: from import altcoin if False: from trezor import wire from trezor.messages import TxOutput from trezor.ui.layouts import LayoutType from apps.common.coininfo import CoinInfo _LOCKTIME_TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE = const(500_000_000) def format_coin_amount(amount: int, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit) -> str: decimals, shortcut = coin.decimals, coin.coin_shortcut if amount_unit == AmountUnit.SATOSHI: decimals = 0 shortcut = "sat " + shortcut elif amount_unit == AmountUnit.MICROBITCOIN and decimals >= 6: decimals -= 6 shortcut = "u" + shortcut elif amount_unit == AmountUnit.MILLIBITCOIN and decimals >= 3: decimals -= 3 shortcut = "m" + shortcut # we don't need to do anything for AmountUnit.BITCOIN return "%s %s" % (format_amount(amount, decimals), shortcut) async def confirm_output( ctx: wire.Context, output: TxOutput, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit ) -> None: if output.script_type == OutputScriptType.PAYTOOPRETURN: data = output.op_return_data assert data is not None if omni.is_valid(data): # OMNI transaction layout: LayoutType = layouts.confirm_metadata( ctx, "omni_transaction", "OMNI transaction", omni.parse(data), br_code=ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, ) else: # generic OP_RETURN layout = layouts.confirm_blob( ctx, "op_return", title="OP_RETURN", data=data, br_code=ButtonRequestType.ConfirmOutput, ) else: assert output.address is not None address_short = addresses.address_short(coin, output.address) layout = layouts.confirm_output( ctx, address_short, format_coin_amount(output.amount, coin, amount_unit) ) await layout async def confirm_decred_sstx_submission( ctx: wire.Context, output: TxOutput, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit ) -> None: assert output.address is not None address_short = addresses.address_short(coin, output.address) await altcoin.confirm_decred_sstx_submission( ctx, address_short, format_coin_amount(output.amount, coin, amount_unit) ) async def confirm_replacement(ctx: wire.Context, description: str, txid: bytes) -> None: await layouts.confirm_replacement( ctx, description, hexlify(txid).decode(), ) async def confirm_modify_output( ctx: wire.Context, txo: TxOutput, orig_txo: TxOutput, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit, ) -> None: assert txo.address is not None address_short = addresses.address_short(coin, txo.address) amount_change = txo.amount - orig_txo.amount await layouts.confirm_modify_output( ctx, address_short, amount_change, format_coin_amount(abs(amount_change), coin, amount_unit), format_coin_amount(txo.amount, coin, amount_unit), ) async def confirm_modify_fee( ctx: wire.Context, user_fee_change: int, total_fee_new: int, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit, ) -> None: await layouts.confirm_modify_fee( ctx, user_fee_change, format_coin_amount(abs(user_fee_change), coin, amount_unit), format_coin_amount(total_fee_new, coin, amount_unit), ) async def confirm_joint_total( ctx: wire.Context, spending: int, total: int, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit, ) -> None: await layouts.confirm_joint_total( ctx, spending_amount=format_coin_amount(spending, coin, amount_unit), total_amount=format_coin_amount(total, coin, amount_unit), ) async def confirm_total( ctx: wire.Context, spending: int, fee: int, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit, ) -> None: await layouts.confirm_total( ctx, total_amount=format_coin_amount(spending, coin, amount_unit), fee_amount=format_coin_amount(fee, coin, amount_unit), ) async def confirm_feeoverthreshold( ctx: wire.Context, fee: int, coin: CoinInfo, amount_unit: AmountUnit ) -> None: fee_amount = format_coin_amount(fee, coin, amount_unit) await layouts.confirm_metadata( ctx, "fee_over_threshold", "High fee", "The fee of\n{}is unexpectedly high.", fee_amount, ButtonRequestType.FeeOverThreshold, ) async def confirm_change_count_over_threshold( ctx: wire.Context, change_count: int ) -> None: await layouts.confirm_metadata( ctx, "change_count_over_threshold", "Warning", "There are {}\nchange-outputs.\n", str(change_count), ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) async def confirm_nondefault_locktime( ctx: wire.Context, lock_time: int, lock_time_disabled: bool ) -> None: if lock_time_disabled: title = "Warning" text = "Locktime is set but will\nhave no effect.\n" param: str | None = None elif lock_time < _LOCKTIME_TIMESTAMP_MIN_VALUE: title = "Confirm locktime" text = "Locktime for this\ntransaction is set to\nblockheight:\n{}" param = str(lock_time) else: title = "Confirm locktime" text = "Locktime for this\ntransaction is set to\ntimestamp:\n{}" param = str(lock_time) await layouts.confirm_metadata( ctx, "nondefault_locktime", title, text, param, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, )