from __future__ import annotations import shutil from collections import defaultdict from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import dominate import dominate.tags as t from dominate.tags import a, div, h1, h2, hr, i, p, span, strong, table, td, th, tr from dominate.util import text from ..common import UI_TESTS_DIR, TestCase, TestResult from . import download, html HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent REPORTS_PATH = UI_TESTS_DIR / "reports" TESTREPORT_PATH = REPORTS_PATH / "test" IMAGES_PATH = TESTREPORT_PATH / "images" SCREEN_TEXT_FILE = TESTREPORT_PATH / "screen_text.txt" STYLE = (HERE / "testreport.css").read_text() SCRIPT = (HERE / "testreport.js").read_text() # These two html files are referencing each other ALL_SCREENS = "all_screens.html" ALL_UNIQUE_SCREENS = "all_unique_screens.html" def document( title: str, actual_hash: str | None = None, index: bool = False, model: str | None = None, ) -> dominate.document: doc = dominate.document(title=title) style = style.add_raw_string(STYLE) script = t.script() script.add_raw_string(SCRIPT) doc.head.add(style, script) if actual_hash is not None: doc.body["data-actual-hash"] = actual_hash if index: doc.body["data-index"] = True if model: doc.body["class"] = f"model-{model}" return doc def _header(test_name: str, expected_hash: str | None, actual_hash: str) -> None: h1(test_name) with div(): if actual_hash == expected_hash: p( "This test succeeded on UI comparison.", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;", ) elif expected_hash is None: p( "This test is new and has no expected hash.", style="color: blue; font-weight: bold;", ) else: p( "This test failed on UI comparison.", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;", ) p("Expected: ", expected_hash or "(new test case)") p("Actual: ", actual_hash) hr() def setup(main_runner: bool) -> None: """Delete and create the reports dir to clear previous entries.""" if main_runner: shutil.rmtree(TESTREPORT_PATH, ignore_errors=True) TESTREPORT_PATH.mkdir(parents=True) (TESTREPORT_PATH / "failed").mkdir() (TESTREPORT_PATH / "passed").mkdir() (TESTREPORT_PATH / "new").mkdir() IMAGES_PATH.mkdir(parents=True) html.set_image_dir(IMAGES_PATH) def index() -> Path: """Generate index.html with all the test results - lists of failed and passed tests.""" passed_tests = list((TESTREPORT_PATH / "passed").iterdir()) failed_tests = list((TESTREPORT_PATH / "failed").iterdir()) new_tests = list((TESTREPORT_PATH / "new").iterdir()) actual_hashes = { result.actual_hash for result in TestResult.recent_results() } title = "UI Test report " +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") doc = document(title=title, index=True) with doc: h1("UI Test report") if not failed_tests: p("All tests succeeded!", style="color: green; font-weight: bold;") else: p("Some tests failed!", style="color: red; font-weight: bold;") hr() h2("Failed", style="color: red;") with p(id="file-hint"): strong("Tip:") text(" use ") t.span("./tests/", style="font-family: monospace") text(" to enable smart features.") with div("Test colors", _class="script-hidden"): with t.ul(): with t.span("new", style="color: blue") t.button("clear all", onclick="resetState('all')") with t.span("marked OK", style="color: grey") t.button("clear", onclick="resetState('ok')") with t.span("marked BAD", style="color: darkred") t.button("clear", onclick="resetState('bad')") html.report_links(failed_tests, TESTREPORT_PATH, actual_hashes) h2("New tests", style="color: blue;") html.report_links(new_tests, TESTREPORT_PATH) h2("Passed", style="color: green;") html.report_links(passed_tests, TESTREPORT_PATH) return html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH, doc, "index.html") def all_screens() -> Path: """Generate an HTML file for all the screens from the current test run. Shows all test-cases at one place. """ recent_results = list(TestResult.recent_results()) model = recent_results[0].test.model if recent_results else None title = "All test cases" doc = document(title=title, model=model) with doc: h1("All test cases") hr() count = 0 result_count = 0 for result in recent_results: result_count += 1 h2(, for image in result.images: # Including link to each image to see where else it occurs. with a(href=f"{ALL_UNIQUE_SCREENS}#{image}"): html.image_link(image, TESTREPORT_PATH) count += 1 h2(f"{count} screens from {result_count} testcases.") return html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH, doc, ALL_SCREENS) def all_unique_screens() -> Path: """Generate an HTML file with all the unique screens from the current test run.""" recent_results = TestResult.recent_results() result_count = 0 model = None test_cases: dict[str, list[str]] = defaultdict(list) for result in recent_results: result_count += 1 model = result.test.model for image in result.images: test_cases[image].append( test_case_pairs = sorted(test_cases.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True) title = "All unique screens" doc = document(title=title, model=model) with doc: h1("All unique screens") hr() for hash, tests in test_case_pairs: # Adding link to the appropriate hash, where other testcases # with the same hash (screen) are listed. with a(href=f"#{hash}"): with span(id="l-" + hash): html.image_link( hash, TESTREPORT_PATH, title=f"{len(tests)} testcases)" ) # Adding all screen hashes together with links to testcases having these screens. for hash, tests in test_case_pairs: h2(hash) with div(id=hash): with a(href=f"#l-{hash}"): html.image_link(hash, TESTREPORT_PATH) for case in tests: # Adding link to each test-case with a(href=f"{ALL_SCREENS}#{case}"): p(case) h2(f"{len(test_case_pairs)} unique screens from {result_count} testcases.") return html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH, doc, ALL_UNIQUE_SCREENS) def screen_text_report() -> None: """Generate a report with text representation of all screens.""" recent_results = list(TestResult.recent_results()) # Creating both a text file (suitable for offline usage) # and an HTML file (suitable for online usage). with open(SCREEN_TEXT_FILE, "w") as f2: for result in recent_results: if not result.test.screen_text_file.exists(): continue f2.write(f"\n{}\n") with open(result.test.screen_text_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): f2.write(f"\t{line}") doc = dominate.document(title="Screen text report") with doc: for result in recent_results: if not result.test.screen_text_file.exists(): continue with a(href=f"{ALL_SCREENS}#{}"): h2( with open(result.test.screen_text_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): p(line) html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH, doc, "screen_text.html") def differing_screens() -> None: """Creating an HTML page showing all the unique screens that got changed.""" unique_diffs: set[tuple[str | None, str | None]] = set() def already_included(left: str | None, right: str | None) -> bool: return (left, right) in unique_diffs def include(left: str | None, right: str | None) -> None: unique_diffs.add((left, right)) # Only going through tests failed in UI comparison, # there are no differing screens in UI-passed tests. recent_ui_failures = list(TestResult.recent_ui_failures()) model = recent_ui_failures[0].test.model if recent_ui_failures else None doc = document(title="Differing screens", model=model) with doc: with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Expected") th("Actual") th("Testcase (link)") for ui_failure in recent_ui_failures: for recorded, actual in ui_failure.diff_lines(): if recorded != actual and not already_included(recorded, actual): include(recorded, actual) with tr(bgcolor="red"): html.image_column(recorded, TESTREPORT_PATH) html.image_column(actual, TESTREPORT_PATH) with td(): with a(href=f"failed/{}.html"): i( html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH, doc, "differing_screens.html") def generate_reports(do_screen_text: bool = False) -> None: """Generate HTML reports for the test.""" html.set_image_dir(IMAGES_PATH) index() all_screens() all_unique_screens() if do_screen_text: screen_text_report() differing_screens() def _copy_deduplicated(test: TestCase) -> None: """Copy the actual screenshots to the deduplicated dir.""" html.store_images(*test.actual_screens) html.store_images(*test.recorded_screens) def failed(result: TestResult) -> Path: """Generate an HTML file for a failed test-case. Compares the actual screenshots to the expected ones. """ download_failed = False if not result.test.recorded_dir.exists(): result.test.recorded_dir.mkdir() if result.expected_hash: try: download.fetch_recorded(result.expected_hash, result.test.recorded_dir) except Exception: download_failed = True _copy_deduplicated(result.test) doc = document(, actual_hash=result.actual_hash, model=result.test.model ) with doc: _header(, result.expected_hash, result.actual_hash) with div(id="markbox", _class="script-hidden"): p("Click a button to mark the test result as:") with div(id="buttons"): t.button("OK", id="mark-ok", onclick="markState('ok')") t.button("OK & UPDATE", id="mark-update", onclick="markState('update')") t.button("BAD", id="mark-bad", onclick="markState('bad')") if download_failed: with p(): strong("WARNING:") text(" failed to download recorded fixtures. Is this a new test case?") with table(border=1, width=600): with tr(): th("Expected") th("Actual") html.diff_table(result.diff_lines(), TESTREPORT_PATH / "failed") return html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH / "failed", doc, + ".html") def passed(result: TestResult) -> Path: """Generate an HTML file for a passed test-case.""" return recorded(result, header="Passed") def missing(result: TestResult) -> Path: """Generate an HTML file for a newly seen test-case.""" return recorded(result, header="New testcase", dir="new") def recorded(result: TestResult, header: str = "Recorded", dir: str = "passed") -> Path: """Generate an HTML file for a passed test-case. Shows all the screens from it in exact order. """ _copy_deduplicated(result.test) doc = document(, model=result.test.model) with doc: _header(, result.actual_hash, result.actual_hash) with table(border=1): with tr(): th(header) for screen in result.images: with tr(): html.image_column(screen, TESTREPORT_PATH / dir) return html.write(TESTREPORT_PATH / dir, doc, + ".html")