from trezor import messages, wire from trezor.enums import CardanoCertificateType from .. import layout, seed from ..helpers.credential import Credential, should_show_credentials from ..helpers.paths import SCHEMA_MINT from .signer import Signer class PlutusSigner(Signer): """ The Plutus siging mode is meant for txs that involve Plutus script evaluation. The validation rules are less strict, but more tx items/warnings are shown to the user. """ SIGNING_MODE_TITLE = "Confirming a Plutus transaction." async def _show_tx_init(self) -> None: await super()._show_tx_init() # These items should be present if a Plutus script is to be executed. if self.msg.script_data_hash is None: await layout.warn_no_script_data_hash(self.ctx) if self.msg.collateral_inputs_count == 0: await layout.warn_no_collateral_inputs(self.ctx) if self.msg.total_collateral is None: await layout.warn_unknown_total_collateral(self.ctx) async def _confirm_tx(self, tx_hash: bytes) -> None: # super() omitted intentionally # We display tx hash so that experienced users can compare it to the tx hash # computed by a trusted device (in case the tx contains many items which are # tedious to check one by one on the Trezor screen). is_network_id_verifiable = self._is_network_id_verifiable() await layout.confirm_tx( self.ctx, self.msg.fee, self.msg.network_id, self.msg.protocol_magic, self.msg.ttl, self.msg.validity_interval_start, self.msg.total_collateral, is_network_id_verifiable, tx_hash, ) def _should_show_tx_hash(self) -> bool: # super() omitted intentionally # Plutus txs tend to contain a lot of opaque data, some users might # want to verify only the tx hash. return True async def _show_input(self, input: messages.CardanoTxInput) -> None: # super() omitted intentionally # The inputs are not interchangeable (because of datums), so we must show them. await layout.confirm_input(self.ctx, input) async def _show_output_credentials( self, address_parameters: messages.CardanoAddressParametersType ) -> None: # In ordinary txs, change outputs with matching payment and staking paths can be # hidden, but we need to show them in Plutus txs because of the script # evaluation. We at least hide the staking path if it matches the payment path. show_both_credentials = should_show_credentials(address_parameters) await layout.show_device_owned_output_credentials( self.ctx, Credential.payment_credential(address_parameters), Credential.stake_credential(address_parameters), show_both_credentials, ) def _should_show_output(self, output: messages.CardanoTxOutput) -> bool: # super() omitted intentionally # All outputs need to be shown (even device-owned), because they might influence # the script evaluation. return True def _is_change_output(self, output: messages.CardanoTxOutput) -> bool: # super() omitted intentionally # In Plutus txs, we don't call device-owned outputs "change" outputs. return False def _validate_certificate(self, certificate: messages.CardanoTxCertificate) -> None: super()._validate_certificate(certificate) if certificate.type == CardanoCertificateType.STAKE_POOL_REGISTRATION: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid certificate") def _validate_witness_request( self, witness_request: messages.CardanoTxWitnessRequest ) -> None: super()._validate_witness_request(witness_request) is_minting = SCHEMA_MINT.match(witness_request.path) # In Plutus txs, we allow minting witnesses even when the tx doesn't have token minting. if not ( seed.is_shelley_path(witness_request.path) or seed.is_multisig_path(witness_request.path) or is_minting ): raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid witness request")