from micropython import const from trezor import ui from trezor.messages import ButtonRequestType from trezor.ui.text import Text from apps.common import HARDENED from apps.common.confirm import require_confirm async def validate_path(ctx, validate_func, **kwargs): if not validate_func(**kwargs): await show_path_warning(ctx, kwargs["path"]) async def show_path_warning(ctx, path: list): text = Text("Confirm path", ui.ICON_WRONG, icon_color=ui.RED) text.normal("The path") text.mono(*break_address_n_to_lines(path)) text.normal("seems unusual.") text.normal("Are you sure?") return await require_confirm( ctx, text, code=ButtonRequestType.UnknownDerivationPath ) def validate_path_for_get_public_key(path: list, slip44_id: int) -> bool: """ Checks if path has at least three hardened items and slip44 id matches. The path is allowed to have more than three items, but all the following items have to be non-hardened. """ length = len(path) if length < 3 or length > 5: return False if path[0] != 44 | HARDENED: return False if path[1] != slip44_id | HARDENED: return False if path[2] < HARDENED or path[2] > 20 | HARDENED: return False if length > 3 and is_hardened(path[3]): return False if length > 4 and is_hardened(path[4]): return False return True def is_hardened(i: int) -> bool: if i & HARDENED: return True return False def break_address_n_to_lines(address_n: list) -> list: def path_item(i: int): if i & HARDENED: return str(i ^ HARDENED) + "'" else: return str(i) lines = [] path_str = "m/" + "/".join([path_item(i) for i in address_n]) per_line = const(17) while len(path_str) > per_line: i = path_str[:per_line].rfind("/") lines.append(path_str[:i]) path_str = path_str[i:] lines.append(path_str) return lines