Usage ===== Show help for all command: .. code:: trezorctl --help Retrieve features, settings and coin types supported by your device: .. code:: trezorctl get_features Bitcoin ------- Get first receiving address of first account for Bitcoin (Legacy / non-SegWit): .. code:: trezorctl get_address -c Bitcoin -t address -n "m/44'/0'/0'/0/0" Get first receiving address of first account for Bitcoin (SegWit-in-P2SH): .. code:: trezorctl get_address -c Bitcoin -t p2shsegwit -n "m/49'/0'/0'/0/0" Get Legacy Bitcoin ``xpub`` (can be used to create a watch-only wallet): .. code:: trezorctl get_public_node -c Bitcoin -n "m/44'/0'/0'" Litecoin -------- Get first receiving address of first account for Litecoin (SegWit-in-P2SH): .. code:: trezorctl get_address -c Litecoin -t p2shsegwit -n "m/49'/2'/0'/0/0"