use core::{cmp::Ordering, convert::TryInto}; use crate::{ error::Error, micropython::{ buffer::{get_buffer, StrBuffer}, gc::Gc, iter::IterBuf, list::List, map::Map, module::Module, obj::Obj, qstr::Qstr, util, }, strutil::{StringType, TString}, translations::TR, trezorhal::model, ui::{ component::{ base::ComponentExt, connect::Connect, image::BlendedImage, jpeg::{ImageBuffer, Jpeg}, paginated::{PageMsg, Paginate}, placed::GridPlaced, text::{ op::OpTextLayout, paragraphs::{ Checklist, Paragraph, ParagraphSource, ParagraphVecLong, ParagraphVecShort, Paragraphs, VecExt, }, TextStyle, }, Border, Component, Empty, FormattedText, Label, Never, Qr, Timeout, }, display::{tjpgd::jpeg_info, Icon}, geometry, layout::{ obj::{ComponentMsgObj, LayoutObj}, result::{CANCELLED, CONFIRMED, INFO}, util::{upy_disable_animation, ConfirmBlob, PropsList}, }, model_mercury::component::check_homescreen_format, }, }; use super::{ component::{ AddressDetails, Bip39Input, Button, ButtonMsg, ButtonPage, ButtonStyleSheet, CancelConfirmMsg, CancelInfoConfirmMsg, CoinJoinProgress, Dialog, DialogMsg, FidoConfirm, FidoMsg, Frame, FrameMsg, Homescreen, HomescreenMsg, IconDialog, Lockscreen, MnemonicInput, MnemonicKeyboard, MnemonicKeyboardMsg, NumberInputDialog, NumberInputDialogMsg, PassphraseKeyboard, PassphraseKeyboardMsg, PinKeyboard, PinKeyboardMsg, Progress, SelectWordCount, SelectWordCountMsg, SelectWordMsg, SimplePage, Slip39Input, VerticalMenu, VerticalMenuChoiceMsg, }, theme, }; impl TryFrom for Obj { type Error = Error; fn try_from(value: CancelConfirmMsg) -> Result { match value { CancelConfirmMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed => Ok(CONFIRMED.as_obj()), } } } impl TryFrom for Obj { type Error = Error; fn try_from(value: CancelInfoConfirmMsg) -> Result { match value { CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Info => Ok(INFO.as_obj()), CancelInfoConfirmMsg::Confirmed => Ok(CONFIRMED.as_obj()), } } } impl TryFrom for Obj { type Error = Error; fn try_from(value: SelectWordMsg) -> Result { match value { SelectWordMsg::Selected(i) => i.try_into(), } } } impl TryFrom for Obj { type Error = Error; fn try_from(value: SelectWordCountMsg) -> Result { match value { SelectWordCountMsg::Selected(i) => i.try_into(), } } } impl TryFrom for Obj { type Error = Error; fn try_from(value: VerticalMenuChoiceMsg) -> Result { match value { VerticalMenuChoiceMsg::Selected(i) => i.try_into(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for FidoConfirm where F: Fn(usize) -> T, T: StringType, U: Component, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { FidoMsg::Confirmed(page) => Ok((page as u8).into()), FidoMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Dialog where T: ComponentMsgObj, U: Component, ::Msg: TryInto, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { DialogMsg::Content(c) => Ok(self.inner().msg_try_into_obj(c)?), DialogMsg::Controls(msg) => msg.try_into(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for IconDialog where T: StringType, U: Component, ::Msg: TryInto, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { DialogMsg::Controls(msg) => msg.try_into(), _ => unreachable!(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for PinKeyboard where T: AsRef, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { PinKeyboardMsg::Confirmed =>, PinKeyboardMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for PassphraseKeyboard { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { PassphraseKeyboardMsg::Confirmed => self.passphrase().try_into(), PassphraseKeyboardMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for MnemonicKeyboard where T: MnemonicInput, U: AsRef, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { MnemonicKeyboardMsg::Confirmed => { if let Some(word) = self.mnemonic() { word.try_into() } else { panic!("invalid mnemonic") } } MnemonicKeyboardMsg::Previous => "".try_into(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Frame where T: ComponentMsgObj, U: AsRef, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { FrameMsg::Content(c) => self.inner().msg_try_into_obj(c), FrameMsg::Button(b) => b.try_into(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for VerticalMenu where T: AsRef, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { VerticalMenuChoiceMsg::Selected(i) => i.try_into(), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for ButtonPage where T: Component + Paginate, U: AsRef + From<&'static str>, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { PageMsg::Content(_) => Err(Error::TypeError), PageMsg::Confirmed => Ok(CONFIRMED.as_obj()), PageMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), PageMsg::SwipeLeft => Ok(INFO.as_obj()), PageMsg::SwipeRight => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Jpeg { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } // Clippy/compiler complains about conflicting implementations // TODO move the common impls to a common module #[cfg(not(feature = "clippy"))] impl ComponentMsgObj for Paragraphs where T: ParagraphSource, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } impl ComponentMsgObj for FormattedText where T: StringType + Clone, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Checklist where T: ParagraphSource, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } impl ComponentMsgObj for NumberInputDialog where T: StringType, F: Fn(u32) -> T, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { let value = self.value().try_into()?; match msg { NumberInputDialogMsg::Selected => Ok((CONFIRMED.as_obj(), value).try_into()?), NumberInputDialogMsg::InfoRequested => Ok((CANCELLED.as_obj(), value).try_into()?), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Border where T: ComponentMsgObj, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { self.inner().msg_try_into_obj(msg) } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Progress where T: StringType, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Homescreen { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { HomescreenMsg::Dismissed => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Lockscreen { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { HomescreenMsg::Dismissed => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for (GridPlaced>, GridPlaced>) where T: ParagraphSource, S: StringType + Clone, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!() } } // Clippy/compiler complains about conflicting implementations #[cfg(not(feature = "clippy"))] impl ComponentMsgObj for (Timeout, T) where T: Component, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()) } } impl ComponentMsgObj for Qr { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!(); } } impl ComponentMsgObj for SimplePage where T: ComponentMsgObj + Paginate, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { PageMsg::Content(inner_msg) => Ok(self.inner().msg_try_into_obj(inner_msg)?), PageMsg::Cancelled => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), _ => Err(Error::TypeError), } } } impl ComponentMsgObj for AddressDetails where T: StringType + Clone, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()) } } impl ComponentMsgObj for CoinJoinProgress where T: AsRef, U: Component, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, _msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { unreachable!(); } } impl ComponentMsgObj for super::component::bl_confirm::Confirm where T: AsRef, { fn msg_try_into_obj(&self, msg: Self::Msg) -> Result { match msg { super::component::bl_confirm::ConfirmMsg::Cancel => Ok(CANCELLED.as_obj()), super::component::bl_confirm::ConfirmMsg::Confirm => Ok(CONFIRMED.as_obj()), } } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_action(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let action: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_action)?.try_into_option()?; let description: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into_option()?; let verb: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let verb_cancel: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb_cancel) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let reverse: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_reverse, false)?; let hold: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold, false)?; let hold_danger: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold_danger, false)?; let paragraphs = { let action = action.unwrap_or_default(); let description = description.unwrap_or_default(); let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecShort::new(); if !reverse { paragraphs .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, action)) .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description)); } else { paragraphs .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description)) .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, action)); } paragraphs.into_paragraphs() }; let mut page = if hold { ButtonPage::new(paragraphs, theme::BG).with_hold()? } else { ButtonPage::new(paragraphs, theme::BG).with_cancel_confirm(verb_cancel, verb) }; if hold && hold_danger { page = page.with_confirm_style(theme::button_danger()) } let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned(title, page))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_emphasized(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let verb: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let mut ops = OpTextLayout::new(theme::TEXT_NORMAL); for item in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)? { if item.is_str() { ops = ops.text_normal(item.try_into()?) } else { let [emphasis, text]: [Obj; 2] = util::iter_into_array(item)?; let text: StrBuffer = text.try_into()?; if emphasis.try_into()? { ops = ops.text_demibold(text); } else { ops = ops.text_normal(text); } } } let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, ButtonPage::new(FormattedText::new(ops).vertically_centered(), theme::BG) .with_cancel_confirm(None, verb), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } struct ConfirmBlobParams { title: StrBuffer, subtitle: Option, data: Obj, description: Option, extra: Option, verb: Option, verb_cancel: Option, info_button: bool, hold: bool, chunkify: bool, text_mono: bool, } impl ConfirmBlobParams { fn new( title: StrBuffer, data: Obj, description: Option, verb: Option, verb_cancel: Option, hold: bool, ) -> Self { Self { title, subtitle: None, data, description, extra: None, verb, verb_cancel, info_button: false, hold, chunkify: false, text_mono: true, } } fn with_extra(mut self, extra: Option) -> Self { self.extra = extra; self } fn with_subtitle(mut self, subtitle: Option) -> Self { self.subtitle = subtitle; self } fn with_info_button(mut self, info_button: bool) -> Self { self.info_button = info_button; self } fn with_chunkify(mut self, chunkify: bool) -> Self { self.chunkify = chunkify; self } fn with_text_mono(mut self, text_mono: bool) -> Self { self.text_mono = text_mono; self } fn into_layout(self) -> Result { let paragraphs = ConfirmBlob { description: self.description.unwrap_or_else(StrBuffer::empty), extra: self.extra.unwrap_or_else(StrBuffer::empty), data:, description_font: &theme::TEXT_NORMAL, extra_font: &theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, data_font: if self.chunkify { let data: StrBuffer =; theme::get_chunkified_text_style(data.len()) } else if self.text_mono { &theme::TEXT_MONO } else { &theme::TEXT_NORMAL }, } .into_paragraphs(); let mut page = ButtonPage::new(paragraphs, theme::BG); if let Some(verb) = self.verb { page = page.with_cancel_confirm(self.verb_cancel, Some(verb)) } if self.hold { page = page.with_hold()? } let mut frame = Frame::left_aligned(self.title, page); if let Some(subtitle) = self.subtitle { frame = frame.with_subtitle(subtitle); } if self.info_button { frame = frame.with_info_button(); } let obj = LayoutObj::new(frame)?; Ok(obj.into()) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_blob(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let data: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_data)?; let description: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into_option()?; let extra: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_extra)?.try_into_option()?; let verb: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let verb_cancel: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb_cancel) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let hold: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold, false)?; let chunkify: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_chunkify, false)?; ConfirmBlobParams::new(title, data, description, verb, verb_cancel, hold) .with_extra(extra) .with_chunkify(chunkify) .into_layout() }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_address(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let description: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into_option()?; let verb: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb, TR::buttons__confirm.try_into()?)?; let extra: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_extra)?.try_into_option()?; let data: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_data)?; let chunkify: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_chunkify, false)?; let data_style = if chunkify { let address: StrBuffer = data.try_into()?; theme::get_chunkified_text_style(address.len()) } else { &theme::TEXT_MONO }; let paragraphs = ConfirmBlob { description: description.unwrap_or_else(StrBuffer::empty), extra: extra.unwrap_or_else(StrBuffer::empty), data: data.try_into()?, description_font: &theme::TEXT_NORMAL, extra_font: &theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, data_font: data_style, } .into_paragraphs(); let obj = LayoutObj::new( Frame::left_aligned( title, ButtonPage::new(paragraphs, theme::BG) .with_swipe_left() .with_cancel_confirm(None, Some(verb)), ) .with_info_button(), )?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_properties(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let hold: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold, false)?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let paragraphs = PropsList::new( items, &theme::TEXT_NORMAL, &theme::TEXT_MONO, &theme::TEXT_MONO, )?; let page: ButtonPage<_, StrBuffer> = if hold { ButtonPage::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG).with_hold()? } else { ButtonPage::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG) .with_cancel_confirm(None, Some(TR::buttons__confirm.try_into()?)) }; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned(title, page))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_homescreen(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let image: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_image)?; let mut jpeg = unwrap!(ImageBuffer::from_object(image)); if jpeg.is_empty() { // Incoming data may be empty, meaning we should // display default homescreen image. jpeg = ImageBuffer::from_slice(theme::IMAGE_HOMESCREEN); } if let None = jpeg_info( { return Err(value_error!("Invalid image.")); }; let tr_change: StrBuffer = TR::buttons__change.try_into()?; let buttons = Button::cancel_confirm_text(None, Some(tr_change)); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::centered( title, Dialog::new(Jpeg::new(jpeg, 1), buttons), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_reset_device(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button)?.try_into()?; let par_array: [Paragraph; 3] = [ Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, TR::reset__by_continuing.try_into()?) .with_bottom_padding(17), // simulating a carriage return Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, TR::reset__more_info_at.try_into()?), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, TR::reset__tos_link.try_into()?), ]; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new(par_array); let buttons = Button::cancel_confirm( Button::with_icon(theme::ICON_CANCEL), Button::with_text(button).styled(theme::button_confirm()), true, ); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned(title, Dialog::new(paragraphs, buttons)))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_address_details(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let qr_title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_qr_title)?.try_into()?; let details_title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_details_title)?.try_into()?; let address: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_address)?.try_into()?; let case_sensitive: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_case_sensitive)?.try_into()?; let account: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_account)?.try_into_option()?; let path: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_path)?.try_into_option()?; let xpubs: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_xpubs)?; let mut ad = AddressDetails::new( qr_title, address, case_sensitive, details_title, account, path, )?; for i in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(xpubs)? { let [xtitle, text]: [StrBuffer; 2] = util::iter_into_array(i)?; ad.add_xpub(xtitle, text)?; } let obj = LayoutObj::new(SimplePage::horizontal(ad, theme::BG).with_swipe_right_to_go_back())?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_info_with_cancel(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let horizontal: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_horizontal, false)?; let chunkify: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_chunkify, false)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecShort::new(); for para in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)? { let [key, value]: [Obj; 2] = util::iter_into_array(para)?; let key: StrBuffer = key.try_into()?; let value: StrBuffer = value.try_into()?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, key).no_break()); if chunkify { paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new( theme::get_chunkified_text_style(value.len()), value, )); } else { paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, value)); } } let axis = match horizontal { true => geometry::Axis::Horizontal, _ => geometry::Axis::Vertical, }; let obj = LayoutObj::new( Frame::left_aligned( title, SimplePage::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), axis, theme::BG) .with_swipe_right_to_go_back(), ) .with_cancel_button(), )?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_value(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let subtitle: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_subtitle)?.try_into_option()?; let description: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into_option()?; let value: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_value)?; let info_button: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_info_button, false)?; let verb: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let verb_cancel: Option = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_verb_cancel) .unwrap_or_else(|_| Obj::const_none()) .try_into_option()?; let hold: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold, false)?; let chunkify: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_chunkify, false)?; let text_mono: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_text_mono, true)?; ConfirmBlobParams::new(title, value, description, verb, verb_cancel, hold) .with_subtitle(subtitle) .with_info_button(info_button) .with_chunkify(chunkify) .with_text_mono(text_mono) .into_layout() }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_total(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let info_button: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_info_button, false)?; let cancel_arrow: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_cancel_arrow, false)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecShort::new(); for pair in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)? { let [label, value]: [StrBuffer; 2] = util::iter_into_array(pair)?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, label).no_break()); paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, value)); } let mut page: ButtonPage<_, StrBuffer> = ButtonPage::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG).with_hold()?; if cancel_arrow { page = page.with_cancel_arrow() } if info_button { page = page.with_swipe_left(); } let mut frame = Frame::left_aligned(title, page); if info_button { frame = frame.with_info_button(); } let obj = LayoutObj::new(frame)?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_modify_output(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let sign: i32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_sign)?.try_into()?; let amount_change: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_amount_change)?.try_into()?; let amount_new: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_amount_new)?.try_into()?; let description = if sign < 0 { TR::modify_amount__decrease_amount.try_into()? } else { TR::modify_amount__increase_amount.try_into()? }; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new([ Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, amount_change), Paragraph::new( &theme::TEXT_NORMAL, TR::modify_amount__new_amount.try_into()?, ), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, amount_new), ]); let tr_title: StrBuffer = TR::modify_amount__title.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( tr_title, ButtonPage::<_, StrBuffer>::new(paragraphs, theme::BG) .with_cancel_confirm(Some("^".into()), Some(TR::buttons__continue.try_into()?)), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_modify_fee(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let sign: i32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_sign)?.try_into()?; let user_fee_change: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_user_fee_change)?.try_into()?; let total_fee_new: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_total_fee_new)?.try_into()?; let (description, change, total_label) = match sign { s if s < 0 => ( TR::modify_fee__decrease_fee.try_into()?, user_fee_change, TR::modify_fee__new_transaction_fee.try_into()?, ), s if s > 0 => ( TR::modify_fee__increase_fee.try_into()?, user_fee_change, TR::modify_fee__new_transaction_fee.try_into()?, ), _ => ( TR::modify_fee__no_change.try_into()?, StrBuffer::empty(), TR::modify_fee__transaction_fee.try_into()?, ), }; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new([ Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, change), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, total_label), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, total_fee_new), ]); let obj = LayoutObj::new( Frame::left_aligned( title, ButtonPage::<_, StrBuffer>::new(paragraphs, theme::BG) .with_hold()? .with_swipe_left(), ) .with_info_button(), )?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } fn new_show_modal( kwargs: &Map, icon: BlendedImage, button_style: ButtonStyleSheet, ) -> Result { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let value: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_value, StrBuffer::empty())?; let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description, StrBuffer::empty())?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button, TR::buttons__continue.try_into()?)?; let allow_cancel: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_allow_cancel, true)?; let time_ms: u32 = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_time_ms, 0)?; let no_buttons = button.as_ref().is_empty(); let obj = if no_buttons && time_ms == 0 { // No buttons and no timer, used when we only want to draw the dialog once and // then throw away the layout object. LayoutObj::new( IconDialog::new(icon, title, Empty) .with_value(value) .with_description(description), )? .into() } else if no_buttons && time_ms > 0 { // Timeout, no buttons. LayoutObj::new( IconDialog::new( icon, title, Timeout::new(time_ms).map(|_| Some(CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed)), ) .with_value(value) .with_description(description), )? .into() } else if allow_cancel { // Two buttons. LayoutObj::new( IconDialog::new( icon, title, Button::cancel_confirm( Button::with_icon(theme::ICON_CANCEL), Button::with_text(button).styled(button_style), false, ), ) .with_value(value) .with_description(description), )? .into() } else { // Single button. LayoutObj::new( IconDialog::new( icon, title, theme::button_bar(Button::with_text(button).styled(button_style).map(|msg| { (matches!(msg, ButtonMsg::Clicked)).then(|| CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed) })), ) .with_value(value) .with_description(description), )? .into() }; Ok(obj) } extern "C" fn new_show_error(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let icon = BlendedImage::new( theme::IMAGE_BG_CIRCLE, theme::IMAGE_FG_ERROR, theme::ERROR_COLOR, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); new_show_modal(kwargs, icon, theme::button_default()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_fido(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let app_name: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_app_name)?.try_into()?; let icon: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_icon_name)?.try_into_option()?; let accounts: Gc = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_accounts)?.try_into()?; // Cache the page count so that we can move `accounts` into the closure. let page_count = accounts.len(); // Closure to lazy-load the information on given page index. // Done like this to allow arbitrarily many pages without // the need of any allocation here in Rust. let get_page = move |page_index| { let account = unwrap!(accounts.get(page_index)); account.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|_| "".into()) }; let controls = Button::cancel_confirm( Button::with_icon(theme::ICON_CANCEL), Button::::with_text(TR::buttons__confirm.try_into()?) .styled(theme::button_confirm()), true, ); let fido_page = FidoConfirm::new(app_name, get_page, page_count, icon, controls); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::centered(title, fido_page))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_warning(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let icon = BlendedImage::new( theme::IMAGE_BG_OCTAGON, theme::IMAGE_FG_WARN, theme::WARN_COLOR, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); new_show_modal(kwargs, icon, theme::button_reset()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_success(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let icon = BlendedImage::new( theme::IMAGE_BG_CIRCLE, theme::IMAGE_FG_SUCCESS, theme::SUCCESS_COLOR, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); new_show_modal(kwargs, icon, theme::button_confirm()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_info(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let icon = BlendedImage::new( theme::IMAGE_BG_CIRCLE, theme::IMAGE_FG_INFO, theme::INFO_COLOR, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); new_show_modal(kwargs, icon, theme::button_info()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_mismatch(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let description: StrBuffer = TR::addr_mismatch__contact_support_at.try_into()?; let url: StrBuffer = TR::addr_mismatch__support_url.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = TR::buttons__quit.try_into()?; let icon = BlendedImage::new( theme::IMAGE_BG_OCTAGON, theme::IMAGE_FG_WARN, theme::WARN_COLOR, theme::FG, theme::BG, ); let obj = LayoutObj::new( IconDialog::new( icon, title, Button::cancel_confirm( Button::with_icon(theme::ICON_BACK), Button::with_text(button).styled(theme::button_reset()), true, ), ) .with_paragraph( Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description) .centered() .with_bottom_padding( theme::TEXT_NORMAL.text_font.text_height() - theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD.text_font.text_height(), ), ) .with_text(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, url), )?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_simple(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: Option = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into_option()?; let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description, StrBuffer::empty())?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button, StrBuffer::empty())?; let obj = if let Some(t) = title { LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( t, Dialog::new( Paragraphs::new([Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description)]), theme::button_bar(Button::with_text(button).map(|msg| { (matches!(msg, ButtonMsg::Clicked)).then(|| CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed) })), ), ))? .into() } else if !button.is_empty() { LayoutObj::new(Border::new( theme::borders(), Dialog::new( Paragraphs::new([Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description)]), theme::button_bar(Button::with_text(button).map(|msg| { (matches!(msg, ButtonMsg::Clicked)).then(|| CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed) })), ), ))? .into() } else { LayoutObj::new(Border::new( theme::borders(), Dialog::new( Paragraphs::new( [Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, description).centered()], ), Empty, ), ))? .into() }; Ok(obj) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_with_info(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button)?.try_into()?; let info_button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_info_button)?.try_into()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecShort::new(); for para in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)? { let [font, text]: [Obj; 2] = util::iter_into_array(para)?; let style: &TextStyle = theme::textstyle_number(font.try_into()?); let text: StrBuffer = text.try_into()?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(style, text)); if paragraphs.is_full() { break; } } let buttons = Button::cancel_info_confirm(button, info_button); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, Dialog::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), buttons), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_more(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button)?.try_into()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecLong::new(); for para in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)? { let [font, text]: [Obj; 2] = util::iter_into_array(para)?; let style: &TextStyle = theme::textstyle_number(font.try_into()?); let text: StrBuffer = text.try_into()?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(style, text)); } let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, ButtonPage::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG) .with_cancel_confirm(None, Some(button)) .with_confirm_style(theme::button_default()) .with_back_button(), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_coinjoin(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let max_rounds: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_max_rounds)?.try_into()?; let max_feerate: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_max_feerate)?.try_into()?; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new([ Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, TR::coinjoin__max_rounds.try_into()?), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, max_rounds), Paragraph::new( &theme::TEXT_NORMAL, TR::coinjoin__max_mining_fee.try_into()?, ), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, max_feerate), ]); let tr_title: StrBuffer = TR::coinjoin__title.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( tr_title, ButtonPage::<_, StrBuffer>::new(paragraphs, theme::BG).with_hold()?, ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_request_pin(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let prompt: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prompt)?.try_into()?; let subprompt: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_subprompt)?.try_into()?; let allow_cancel: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_allow_cancel, true)?; let warning: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_wrong_pin, false)?; let warning = if warning { Some(TR::pin__wrong_pin.try_into()?) } else { None }; let obj = LayoutObj::new(PinKeyboard::new(prompt, subprompt, warning, allow_cancel))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_request_passphrase(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let _prompt: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prompt)?.try_into()?; let _max_len: u32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_max_len)?.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(PassphraseKeyboard::new())?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_request_bip39(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let prompt: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prompt)?.try_into()?; let prefill_word: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prefill_word)?.try_into()?; let can_go_back: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_can_go_back)?.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(MnemonicKeyboard::new( Bip39Input::prefilled_word(prefill_word.as_ref()), prompt, can_go_back, ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_request_slip39(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let prompt: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prompt)?.try_into()?; let prefill_word: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_prefill_word)?.try_into()?; let can_go_back: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_can_go_back)?.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(MnemonicKeyboard::new( Slip39Input::prefilled_word(prefill_word.as_ref()), prompt, can_go_back, ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_select_word(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into()?; let words_iterable: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_words)?; let words: [StrBuffer; 3] = util::iter_into_array(words_iterable)?; let content = VerticalMenu::select_word(words); let frame_with_menu = Frame::left_aligned(title, content).with_subtitle(description); let obj = LayoutObj::new(frame_with_menu)?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_tx_context_menu(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], _kwargs: &Map| { // TODO: this is just POC let title: StrBuffer = StrBuffer::from(""); let options: [(StrBuffer, Icon); 3] = [ (StrBuffer::from("Address QR code"), theme::ICON_QR_CODE), ( StrBuffer::from("Fee info"), theme::ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT, ), (StrBuffer::from("Cancel transaction"), theme::ICON_CANCEL), ]; let content = VerticalMenu::context_menu(options); let frame_with_menu = Frame::left_aligned(title, content).with_cancel_button(); let obj = LayoutObj::new(frame_with_menu)?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_share_words(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let pages: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_pages)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecLong::new(); for page in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(pages)? { let text: StrBuffer = page.try_into()?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_MONO, text).break_after()); } let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, ButtonPage::<_, StrBuffer>::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG) .with_hold()? .without_cancel(), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_request_number(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let min_count: u32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_min_count)?.try_into()?; let max_count: u32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_max_count)?.try_into()?; let count: u32 = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_count)?.try_into()?; let description_callback: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?; assert!(description_callback != Obj::const_none()); let callback = move |i: u32| { StrBuffer::try_from( description_callback .call_with_n_args(&[i.try_into().unwrap()]) .unwrap(), ) .unwrap() }; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, NumberInputDialog::new(min_count, max_count, count, callback)?, ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_checklist(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button)?.try_into()?; let active: usize = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_active)?.try_into()?; let items: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_items)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecLong::new(); for (i, item) in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(items)?.enumerate() { let style = match i.cmp(&active) { Ordering::Less => &theme::TEXT_CHECKLIST_DONE, Ordering::Equal => &theme::TEXT_CHECKLIST_SELECTED, Ordering::Greater => &theme::TEXT_CHECKLIST_DEFAULT, }; let text: StrBuffer = item.try_into()?; paragraphs.add(Paragraph::new(style, text)); } let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, Dialog::new( Checklist::from_paragraphs( theme::ICON_LIST_CURRENT, theme::ICON_LIST_CHECK, active, paragraphs .into_paragraphs() .with_spacing(theme::CHECKLIST_SPACING), ) .with_check_width(theme::CHECKLIST_CHECK_WIDTH) .with_current_offset(theme::CHECKLIST_CURRENT_OFFSET) .with_done_offset(theme::CHECKLIST_DONE_OFFSET), theme::button_bar(Button::with_text(button).map(|msg| { (matches!(msg, ButtonMsg::Clicked)).then(|| CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed) })), ), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_confirm_recovery(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into()?; let button: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_button)?.try_into()?; let dry_run: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_dry_run)?.try_into()?; let info_button: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_info_button, false)?; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new([ Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, title), Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description), ]) .with_spacing(theme::RECOVERY_SPACING); let notification: StrBuffer = if dry_run { TR::recovery__title_dry_run.try_into()? } else { TR::recovery__title.try_into()? }; let obj = if info_button { LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( notification, Dialog::new( paragraphs, Button::::cancel_info_confirm( TR::buttons__continue.try_into()?, TR::buttons__more_info.try_into()?, ), ), ))? } else { LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( notification, Dialog::new(paragraphs, Button::cancel_confirm_text(None, Some(button))), ))? }; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_select_word_count(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let dry_run: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_dry_run)?.try_into()?; let title: StrBuffer = if dry_run { TR::recovery__title_dry_run.try_into()? } else { TR::recovery__title.try_into()? }; let paragraphs = Paragraphs::new(Paragraph::::new( &theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, TR::recovery__select_num_of_words.try_into()?, )); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( title, Dialog::new(paragraphs, SelectWordCount::new()), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_group_share_success( n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map, ) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let lines_iterable: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_lines)?; let lines: [StrBuffer; 4] = util::iter_into_array(lines_iterable)?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(IconDialog::new_shares( lines, theme::button_bar( Button::::with_text(TR::buttons__continue.try_into()?).map(|msg| { (matches!(msg, ButtonMsg::Clicked)).then(|| CancelConfirmMsg::Confirmed) }), ), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_remaining_shares(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let pages_iterable: Obj = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_pages)?; let mut paragraphs = ParagraphVecLong::new(); for page in IterBuf::new().try_iterate(pages_iterable)? { let [title, description]: [StrBuffer; 2] = util::iter_into_array(page)?; paragraphs .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_DEMIBOLD, title)) .add(Paragraph::new(&theme::TEXT_NORMAL, description).break_after()); } let tr_title: StrBuffer = TR::recovery__title_remaining_shares.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Frame::left_aligned( tr_title, ButtonPage::<_, StrBuffer>::new(paragraphs.into_paragraphs(), theme::BG) .with_cancel_confirm(None, Some(TR::buttons__continue.try_into()?)) .with_confirm_style(theme::button_default()) .without_cancel(), ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_progress(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let indeterminate: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_indeterminate, false)?; let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description, StrBuffer::empty())?; // Description updates are received as &str and we need to provide a way to // convert them to StrBuffer. let obj = LayoutObj::new(Progress::new( title, indeterminate, description, StrBuffer::alloc, ))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_progress_coinjoin(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let title: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_title)?.try_into()?; let indeterminate: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_indeterminate, false)?; let time_ms: u32 = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_time_ms, 0)?; let skip_first_paint: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_skip_first_paint, false)?; // The second type parameter is actually not used in `new()` but we need to // provide it. let progress = CoinJoinProgress::<_, Never>::new(title, indeterminate)?; let obj = if time_ms > 0 && indeterminate { let timeout = Timeout::new(time_ms); LayoutObj::new((timeout,|_msg| None)))? } else { LayoutObj::new(progress)? }; if skip_first_paint { obj.skip_first_paint(); } Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_homescreen(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let label: TString<'static> = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_label)? .try_into_option()? .unwrap_or_else(|| model::FULL_NAME.into()); let notification: Option> = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_notification)?.try_into_option()?; let notification_level: u8 = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_notification_level, 0)?; let hold: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_hold)?.try_into()?; let skip_first_paint: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_skip_first_paint)?.try_into()?; let notification =|w| (w, notification_level)); let obj = LayoutObj::new(Homescreen::new(label, notification, hold))?; if skip_first_paint { obj.skip_first_paint(); } Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_lockscreen(n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map) -> Obj { let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let label: TString<'static> = kwargs .get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_label)? .try_into_option()? .unwrap_or_else(|| model::FULL_NAME.into()); let bootscreen: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_bootscreen)?.try_into()?; let coinjoin_authorized: bool = kwargs.get_or(Qstr::MP_QSTR_coinjoin_authorized, false)?; let skip_first_paint: bool = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_skip_first_paint)?.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Lockscreen::new(label, bootscreen, coinjoin_authorized))?; if skip_first_paint { obj.skip_first_paint(); } Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } pub extern "C" fn upy_check_homescreen_format(data: Obj) -> Obj { let block = || { let buffer = unsafe { get_buffer(data) }?; Ok(check_homescreen_format(buffer).into()) }; unsafe { util::try_or_raise(block) } } #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn new_confirm_firmware_update( n_args: usize, args: *const Obj, kwargs: *mut Map, ) -> Obj { use super::component::bl_confirm::{Confirm, ConfirmTitle}; let block = move |_args: &[Obj], kwargs: &Map| { let description: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_description)?.try_into()?; let fingerprint: StrBuffer = kwargs.get(Qstr::MP_QSTR_fingerprint)?.try_into()?; let title_str = TR::firmware_update__title.try_into()?; let title = Label::left_aligned(title_str, theme::TEXT_BOLD).vertically_centered(); let msg = Label::left_aligned(description, theme::TEXT_NORMAL); let left = Button::with_text(TR::buttons__cancel.try_into()?).styled(theme::button_default()); let right = Button::with_text(TR::buttons__install.try_into()?).styled(theme::button_confirm()); let obj = LayoutObj::new( Confirm::new(theme::BG, left, right, ConfirmTitle::Text(title), msg).with_info( TR::firmware_update__title_fingerprint.try_into()?, fingerprint, theme::button_moreinfo(), ), )?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_with_args_and_kwargs(n_args, args, kwargs, block) } } extern "C" fn new_show_wait_text(message: Obj) -> Obj { let block = || { let message: TString<'static> = message.try_into()?; let obj = LayoutObj::new(Connect::new(message, theme::FG, theme::BG))?; Ok(obj.into()) }; unsafe { util::try_or_raise(block) } } #[no_mangle] pub static mp_module_trezorui2: Module = obj_module! { /// from trezor import utils /// /// T = TypeVar("T") /// /// class LayoutObj(Generic[T]): /// """Representation of a Rust-based layout object. /// see `trezor::ui::layout::obj::LayoutObj`. /// """ /// /// def attach_timer_fn(self, fn: Callable[[int, int], None]) -> None: /// """Attach a timer setter function. /// /// The layout object can call the timer setter with two arguments, /// `token` and `deadline`. When `deadline` is reached, the layout object /// expects a callback to `self.timer(token)`. /// """ /// /// if utils.USE_TOUCH: /// def touch_event(self, event: int, x: int, y: int) -> T | None: /// """Receive a touch event `event` at coordinates `x`, `y`.""" /// /// if utils.USE_BUTTON: /// def button_event(self, event: int, button: int) -> T | None: /// """Receive a button event `event` for button `button`.""" /// /// def progress_event(self, value: int, description: str) -> T | None: /// """Receive a progress event.""" /// /// def usb_event(self, connected: bool) -> T | None: /// """Receive a USB connect/disconnect event.""" /// /// def timer(self, token: int) -> T | None: /// """Callback for the timer set by `attach_timer_fn`. /// /// This function should be called by the executor after the corresponding /// deadline is reached. /// """ /// /// def paint(self) -> bool: /// """Paint the layout object on screen. /// /// Will only paint updated parts of the layout as required. /// Returns True if any painting actually happened. /// """ /// /// def request_complete_repaint(self) -> None: /// """Request a complete repaint of the screen. /// /// Does not repaint the screen, a subsequent call to `paint()` is required. /// """ /// /// if __debug__: /// def trace(self, tracer: Callable[[str], None]) -> None: /// """Generate a JSON trace of the layout object. /// /// The JSON can be emitted as a sequence of calls to `tracer`, each of /// which is not necessarily a valid JSON chunk. The caller must /// reassemble the chunks to get a sensible result. /// """ /// /// def bounds(self) -> None: /// """Paint bounds of individual components on screen.""" /// /// def page_count(self) -> int: /// """Return the number of pages in the layout object.""" /// /// class UiResult: /// """Result of a UI operation.""" /// pass /// /// mock:global Qstr::MP_QSTR___name__ => Qstr::MP_QSTR_trezorui2.to_obj(), /// CONFIRMED: UiResult Qstr::MP_QSTR_CONFIRMED => CONFIRMED.as_obj(), /// CANCELLED: UiResult Qstr::MP_QSTR_CANCELLED => CANCELLED.as_obj(), /// INFO: UiResult Qstr::MP_QSTR_INFO => INFO.as_obj(), /// def disable_animation(disable: bool) -> None: /// """Disable animations, debug builds only.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_disable_animation => obj_fn_1!(upy_disable_animation).as_obj(), /// def check_homescreen_format(data: bytes) -> bool: /// """Check homescreen format and dimensions.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_check_homescreen_format => obj_fn_1!(upy_check_homescreen_format).as_obj(), /// def confirm_action( /// *, /// title: str, /// action: str | None, /// description: str | None, /// verb: str | None = None, /// verb_cancel: str | None = None, /// hold: bool = False, /// hold_danger: bool = False, /// reverse: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm action.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_action => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_action).as_obj(), /// def confirm_emphasized( /// *, /// title: str, /// items: Iterable[str | tuple[bool, str]], /// verb: str | None = None, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm formatted text that has been pre-split in python. For tuples /// the first component is a bool indicating whether this part is emphasized.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_emphasized => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_emphasized).as_obj(), /// def confirm_homescreen( /// *, /// title: str, /// image: bytes, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm homescreen.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_homescreen => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_homescreen).as_obj(), /// def confirm_blob( /// *, /// title: str, /// data: str | bytes, /// description: str | None, /// extra: str | None, /// verb: str | None = None, /// verb_cancel: str | None = None, /// hold: bool = False, /// chunkify: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm byte sequence data.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_blob => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_blob).as_obj(), /// def confirm_address( /// *, /// title: str, /// data: str | bytes, /// description: str | None, /// verb: str | None = "CONFIRM", /// extra: str | None, /// chunkify: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm address. Similar to `confirm_blob` but has corner info button /// and allows left swipe which does the same thing as the button.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_address => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_address).as_obj(), /// def confirm_properties( /// *, /// title: str, /// items: list[tuple[str | None, str | bytes | None, bool]], /// hold: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm list of key-value pairs. The third component in the tuple should be True if /// the value is to be rendered as binary with monospace font, False otherwise.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_properties => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_properties).as_obj(), /// def confirm_reset_device( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm TOS before device setup.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_reset_device => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_reset_device).as_obj(), /// def show_address_details( /// *, /// qr_title: str, /// address: str, /// case_sensitive: bool, /// details_title: str, /// account: str | None, /// path: str | None, /// xpubs: list[tuple[str, str]], /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Show address details - QR code, account, path, cosigner xpubs.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_address_details => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_address_details).as_obj(), /// def show_info_with_cancel( /// *, /// title: str, /// items: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], /// horizontal: bool = False, /// chunkify: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Show metadata for outgoing transaction.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_info_with_cancel => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_info_with_cancel).as_obj(), /// def confirm_value( /// *, /// title: str, /// value: str, /// description: str | None, /// subtitle: str | None, /// verb: str | None = None, /// verb_cancel: str | None = None, /// info_button: bool = False, /// hold: bool = False, /// chunkify: bool = False, /// text_mono: bool = True, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm value. Merge of confirm_total and confirm_output.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_value => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_value).as_obj(), /// def confirm_total( /// *, /// title: str, /// items: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], /// info_button: bool = False, /// cancel_arrow: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Transaction summary. Always hold to confirm.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_total => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_total).as_obj(), /// def confirm_modify_output( /// *, /// sign: int, /// amount_change: str, /// amount_new: str, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Decrease or increase output amount.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_modify_output => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_modify_output).as_obj(), /// def confirm_modify_fee( /// *, /// title: str, /// sign: int, /// user_fee_change: str, /// total_fee_new: str, /// fee_rate_amount: str | None, # ignored /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Decrease or increase transaction fee.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_modify_fee => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_modify_fee).as_obj(), /// def confirm_fido( /// *, /// title: str, /// app_name: str, /// icon_name: str | None, /// accounts: list[str | None], /// ) -> LayoutObj[int | UiResult]: /// """FIDO confirmation. /// /// Returns page index in case of confirmation and CANCELLED otherwise. /// """ Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_fido => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_fido).as_obj(), /// def show_error( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str = "CONTINUE", /// description: str = "", /// allow_cancel: bool = False, /// time_ms: int = 0, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Error modal. No buttons shown when `button` is empty string.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_error => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_error).as_obj(), /// def show_warning( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str = "CONTINUE", /// value: str = "", /// description: str = "", /// allow_cancel: bool = False, /// time_ms: int = 0, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Warning modal. No buttons shown when `button` is empty string.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_warning => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_warning).as_obj(), /// def show_success( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str = "CONTINUE", /// description: str = "", /// allow_cancel: bool = False, /// time_ms: int = 0, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Success modal. No buttons shown when `button` is empty string.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_success => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_success).as_obj(), /// def show_info( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str = "CONTINUE", /// description: str = "", /// allow_cancel: bool = False, /// time_ms: int = 0, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Info modal. No buttons shown when `button` is empty string.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_info => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_info).as_obj(), /// def show_mismatch(*, title: str) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Warning modal, receiving address mismatch.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_mismatch => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_mismatch).as_obj(), /// def show_simple( /// *, /// title: str | None, /// description: str = "", /// button: str = "", /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Simple dialog with text and one button.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_simple => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_simple).as_obj(), /// def confirm_with_info( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str, /// info_button: str, /// items: Iterable[tuple[int, str]], /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm given items but with third button. Always single page /// without scrolling.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_with_info => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_with_info).as_obj(), /// def confirm_more( /// *, /// title: str, /// button: str, /// items: Iterable[tuple[int, str]], /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm long content with the possibility to go back from any page. /// Meant to be used with confirm_with_info.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_more => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_more).as_obj(), /// def confirm_coinjoin( /// *, /// max_rounds: str, /// max_feerate: str, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Confirm coinjoin authorization.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_coinjoin => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_coinjoin).as_obj(), /// def request_pin( /// *, /// prompt: str, /// subprompt: str, /// allow_cancel: bool = True, /// wrong_pin: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[str | UiResult]: /// """Request pin on device.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_request_pin => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_request_pin).as_obj(), /// def request_passphrase( /// *, /// prompt: str, /// max_len: int, /// ) -> LayoutObj[str | UiResult]: /// """Passphrase input keyboard.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_request_passphrase => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_request_passphrase).as_obj(), /// def request_bip39( /// *, /// prompt: str, /// prefill_word: str, /// can_go_back: bool, /// ) -> LayoutObj[str]: /// """BIP39 word input keyboard.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_request_bip39 => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_request_bip39).as_obj(), /// def request_slip39( /// *, /// prompt: str, /// prefill_word: str, /// can_go_back: bool, /// ) -> LayoutObj[str]: /// """SLIP39 word input keyboard.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_request_slip39 => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_request_slip39).as_obj(), /// def select_word( /// *, /// title: str, /// description: str, /// words: Iterable[str], /// ) -> LayoutObj[int]: /// """Select mnemonic word from three possibilities - seed check after backup. The /// iterable must be of exact size. Returns index in range `0..3`.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_select_word => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_select_word).as_obj(), /// def show_tx_context_menu() -> LayoutObj[int]: /// """Show transaction context menu with the options for 1) Address QR code, 2) Fee /// information, 3) Cancel transaction""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_tx_context_menu => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_tx_context_menu).as_obj(), /// def show_share_words( /// *, /// title: str, /// pages: Iterable[str], /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Show mnemonic for backup. Expects the words pre-divided into individual pages.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_share_words => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_share_words).as_obj(), /// def request_number( /// *, /// title: str, /// count: int, /// min_count: int, /// max_count: int, /// description: Callable[[int], str] | None = None, /// ) -> LayoutObj[tuple[UiResult, int]]: /// """Number input with + and - buttons, description, and info button.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_request_number => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_request_number).as_obj(), /// def show_checklist( /// *, /// title: str, /// items: Iterable[str], /// active: int, /// button: str, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Checklist of backup steps. Active index is highlighted, previous items have check /// mark next to them.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_checklist => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_checklist).as_obj(), /// def confirm_recovery( /// *, /// title: str, /// description: str, /// button: str, /// dry_run: bool, /// info_button: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Device recovery homescreen.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_recovery => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_recovery).as_obj(), /// def select_word_count( /// *, /// dry_run: bool, /// ) -> LayoutObj[int | str]: # TT returns int /// """Select mnemonic word count from (12, 18, 20, 24, 33).""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_select_word_count => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_select_word_count).as_obj(), /// def show_group_share_success( /// *, /// lines: Iterable[str] /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Shown after successfully finishing a group.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_group_share_success => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_group_share_success).as_obj(), /// def show_remaining_shares( /// *, /// pages: Iterable[tuple[str, str]], /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Shows SLIP39 state after info button is pressed on `confirm_recovery`.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_remaining_shares => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_remaining_shares).as_obj(), /// def show_progress( /// *, /// title: str, /// indeterminate: bool = False, /// description: str = "", /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Show progress loader. Please note that the number of lines reserved on screen for /// description is determined at construction time. If you want multiline descriptions /// make sure the initial description has at least that amount of lines.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_progress => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_progress).as_obj(), /// def show_progress_coinjoin( /// *, /// title: str, /// indeterminate: bool = False, /// time_ms: int = 0, /// skip_first_paint: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Show progress loader for coinjoin. Returns CANCELLED after a specified time when /// time_ms timeout is passed.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_progress_coinjoin => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_progress_coinjoin).as_obj(), /// def show_homescreen( /// *, /// label: str | None, /// hold: bool, /// notification: str | None, /// notification_level: int = 0, /// skip_first_paint: bool, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Idle homescreen.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_homescreen => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_homescreen).as_obj(), /// def show_lockscreen( /// *, /// label: str | None, /// bootscreen: bool, /// skip_first_paint: bool, /// coinjoin_authorized: bool = False, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Homescreen for locked device.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_lockscreen => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_show_lockscreen).as_obj(), /// def confirm_firmware_update( /// *, /// description: str, /// fingerprint: str, /// ) -> LayoutObj[UiResult]: /// """Ask whether to update firmware, optionally show fingerprint. Shared with bootloader.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_confirm_firmware_update => obj_fn_kw!(0, new_confirm_firmware_update).as_obj(), /// def show_wait_text(message: str, /) -> LayoutObj[None]: /// """Show single-line text in the middle of the screen.""" Qstr::MP_QSTR_show_wait_text => obj_fn_1!(new_show_wait_text).as_obj(), }; #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use serde_json; use crate::{ trace::tests::trace, ui::{component::text::op::OpTextLayout, geometry::Rect, model_mercury::constant}, }; use super::*; const SCREEN: Rect = constant::screen().inset(theme::borders()); #[test] fn trace_example_layout() { let buttons = Button::cancel_confirm(Button::with_text("Left"), Button::with_text("Right"), false); let ops = OpTextLayout::new(theme::TEXT_NORMAL) .text_normal("Testing text layout, with some text, and some more text. And ") .text_bold("parameters!"); let formatted = FormattedText::new(ops); let mut layout = Dialog::new(formatted, buttons);; let expected = serde_json::json!({ "component": "Dialog", "content": { "component": "FormattedText", "text": ["Testing text layout, with", "\n", "some text, and some", "\n", "more text. And ", "paramet", "-", "\n", "ers!"], "fits": true, }, "controls": { "component": "FixedHeightBar", "inner": { "component": "Split", "first": { "component": "Button", "text": "Left", }, "second": { "component": "Button", "text": "Right", }, }, }, }); assert_eq!(trace(&layout), expected); } }