Command-line options for trezorctl

See `EXAMPLES.rst <EXAMPLES.rst>`_ for examples on how to use.

``trezorctl`` is split into a number of subcommands based on currency and/or
functionality. The best way to get up-to-date help is to use the integrated help option.

The full list of subcommands can be seen like so:

.. code::

  trezorctl --help

Each subcommand has its own help, shown with ``trezorctl <command> --help``.

List of subcommands

For convenience of search, the help texts of all commands and subcommands are listed
on one page here.

.. ### ALL CONTENT BELOW IS GENERATED BY helper-scripts/ ###
.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    -p, --path TEXT           Select device by specific path.
    -v, --verbose             Show communication messages.
    -j, --json                Print result as JSON object
    -P, --passphrase-on-host  Enter passphrase on host.
    -s, --session-id HEX      Resume given session ID.
    --version                 Show the version and exit.
    --help                    Show this message and exit.

    binance            Binance Chain commands.
    btc                Bitcoin and Bitcoin-like coins commands.
    cardano            Cardano commands.
    clear-session      Clear session (remove cached PIN, passphrase, etc.).
    cosi               CoSi (Cothority / collective signing) commands.
    crypto             Miscellaneous cryptography features.
    debug              Miscellaneous debug features.
    device             Device management commands - setup, recover seed, wipe, etc.
    eos                EOS commands.
    ethereum           Ethereum commands.
    fido               FIDO2, U2F and WebAuthN management commands.
    firmware-update    Upload new firmware to device.
    get-features       Retrieve device features and settings.
    get-session        Get a session ID for subsequent commands.
    lisk               Lisk commands.
    list               List connected Trezor devices.
    monero             Monero commands.
    nem                NEM commands.
    ping               Send ping message.
    ripple             Ripple commands.
    set                Device settings.
    stellar            Stellar commands.
    tezos              Tezos commands.
    usb-reset          Perform USB reset on stuck devices.
    version            Show version of trezorctl/trezorlib.
    wait-for-emulator  Wait until Trezor Emulator comes up.

Binance Chain commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl binance --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl binance [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Binance Chain commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address     Get Binance address for specified path.
    get-public-key  Get Binance public key.
    sign-tx         Sign Binance transaction

Bitcoin and Bitcoin-like coins commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl btc --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl btc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Bitcoin and Bitcoin-like coins commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address      Get address for specified path.
    get-public-node  Get public node of given path.
    sign-message     Sign message using address of given path.
    sign-tx          Sign transaction.
    verify-message   Verify message.

Cardano commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl cardano --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl cardano [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Cardano commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address     Get Cardano address.
    get-public-key  Get Cardano public key.
    sign-tx         Sign Cardano transaction.

CoSi (Cothority / collective signing) commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl cosi --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl cosi [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    CoSi (Cothority / collective signing) commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    commit  Ask device to commit to CoSi signing.
    sign    Ask device to sign using CoSi.

Miscellaneous cryptography features.

.. code::

  trezorctl crypto --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl crypto [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Miscellaneous cryptography features.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    decrypt-keyvalue  Decrypt value by given key and path.
    encrypt-keyvalue  Encrypt value by given key and path.
    get-entropy       Get random bytes from device.

Miscellaneous debug features.

.. code::

  trezorctl debug --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl debug [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Miscellaneous debug features.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    send-bytes  Send raw bytes to Trezor.
    show-text   Show text on Trezor display.

Device management commands - setup, recover seed, wipe, etc.

.. code::

  trezorctl device --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl device [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Device management commands - setup, recover seed, wipe, etc.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    backup      Perform device seed backup.
    load        Upload seed and custom configuration to the device.
    recover     Start safe recovery workflow.
    sd-protect  Secure the device with SD card protection.
    self-test   Perform a self-test.
    setup       Perform device setup and generate new seed.
    wipe        Reset device to factory defaults and remove all private data.

EOS commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl eos --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl eos [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    EOS commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-public-key    Get Eos public key in base58 encoding.
    sign-transaction  Sign EOS transaction.

Ethereum commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl ethereum --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl ethereum [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Ethereum commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address      Get Ethereum address in hex encoding.
    get-public-node  Get Ethereum public node of given path.
    sign-message     Sign message with Ethereum address.
    sign-tx          Sign (and optionally publish) Ethereum transaction.
    verify-message   Verify message signed with Ethereum address.

FIDO2, U2F and WebAuthN management commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl fido --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl fido [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    FIDO2, U2F and WebAuthN management commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    counter      Get or set the FIDO/U2F counter value.
    credentials  Manage FIDO2 resident credentials.

Lisk commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl lisk --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl lisk [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Lisk commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address     Get Lisk address for specified path.
    get-public-key  Get Lisk public key for specified path.
    sign-message    Sign message with Lisk address.
    sign-tx         Sign Lisk transaction.
    verify-message  Verify message signed with Lisk address.

Monero commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl monero --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl monero [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Monero commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address    Get Monero address for specified path.
    get-watch-key  Get Monero watch key for specified path.

NEM commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl nem --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl nem [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    NEM commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address  Get NEM address for specified path.
    sign-tx      Sign (and optionally broadcast) NEM transaction.

Ripple commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl ripple --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl ripple [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Ripple commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address  Get Ripple address
    sign-tx      Sign Ripple transaction

Device settings.

.. code::

  trezorctl set --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl set [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Device settings.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    auto-lock-delay   Set auto-lock delay (in seconds).
    display-rotation  Set display rotation.
    flags             Set device flags.
    homescreen        Set new homescreen.
    label             Set new device label.
    passphrase        Enable, disable or configure passphrase protection.
    pin               Set, change or remove PIN.
    wipe-code         Set or remove the wipe code.

Stellar commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl stellar --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl stellar [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Stellar commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address       Get Stellar public address.
    sign-transaction  Sign a base64-encoded transaction envelope.

Tezos commands.

.. code::

  trezorctl tezos --help

.. code::

  Usage: trezorctl tezos [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

    Tezos commands.

    --help  Show this message and exit.

    get-address     Get Tezos address for specified path.
    get-public-key  Get Tezos public key.
    sign-tx         Sign Tezos transaction.