import storage import storage.device from trezor import config, wire from trezor.crypto import bip39, slip39 from trezor.enums import BackupType from trezor.messages import Success from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_action from import backup_types async def load_device(ctx, msg): word_count = _validate(msg) is_slip39 = backup_types.is_slip39_word_count(word_count) if not is_slip39 and not msg.skip_checksum and not bip39.check(msg.mnemonics[0]): raise wire.ProcessError("Mnemonic is not valid") await _warn(ctx) if not is_slip39: # BIP-39 secret = msg.mnemonics[0].encode() backup_type = BackupType.Bip39 else: identifier, iteration_exponent, secret = slip39.recover_ems(msg.mnemonics) # this must succeed if the recover_ems call succeeded share = slip39.decode_mnemonic(msg.mnemonics[0]) if share.group_count == 1: backup_type = BackupType.Slip39_Basic elif share.group_count > 1: backup_type = BackupType.Slip39_Advanced else: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid group count") storage.device.set_slip39_identifier(identifier) storage.device.set_slip39_iteration_exponent(iteration_exponent) storage.device.store_mnemonic_secret( secret, backup_type, needs_backup=msg.needs_backup is True, no_backup=msg.no_backup is True, ) storage.device.set_passphrase_enabled(msg.passphrase_protection) storage.device.set_label(msg.label or "") if config.change_pin("",, None, None) return Success(message="Device loaded") def _validate(msg) -> int: if storage.device.is_initialized(): raise wire.UnexpectedMessage("Already initialized") if not msg.mnemonics: raise wire.ProcessError("No mnemonic provided") word_count = len(msg.mnemonics[0].split(" ")) for m in msg.mnemonics[1:]: if word_count != len(m.split(" ")): raise wire.ProcessError( "All shares are required to have the same number of words" ) return word_count async def _warn(ctx: wire.Context): await confirm_action( ctx, "warn_loading_seed", "Loading seed", "Loading private seed\nis not recommended.", "Continue only if you\nknow what you are doing!", )