name: 'UI report' description: 'Prepare and upload HTML report of UI test results' inputs: artifact-name: description: 'Name of the uploaded artifact' required: true default: ui-report runs: using: composite steps: - run: mv tests/ui_tests/reports/test/ test_ui_report || true shell: sh - run: nix-shell --run "poetry run python ci/ || true" shell: sh - run: diff -u tests/ui_tests/fixtures.json tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json || true shell: sh - run: tar -cf test_ui_report.tar test_ui_report/ || true shell: sh - run: tar -cf tests/ui_tests/screens.tar tests/ui_tests/screens/ || true shell: sh - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: ${{ inputs.artifact-name }} path: | ci/ui_test_records/ # test_ui_report/ # can't have :: on ntfs # tests/ui_tests/screens/ # can't have :: on ntfs test_ui_report.tar tests/ui_tests/screens.tar tests/ui_tests/fixtures.suggestion.json tests/ui_tests/fixtures.results.json tests/trezor.log retention-days: 7