#include #include #include #include "py/nlr.h" #include "py/compile.h" #include "py/runtime.h" #include "py/stackctrl.h" #include "py/repl.h" #include "py/gc.h" #include "py/mperrno.h" #include "lib/utils/pyexec.h" #include "gccollect.h" #include "pendsv.h" #include "common.h" #include "display.h" #include "flash.h" #include "rng.h" #include "sdcard.h" #include "touch.h" #include "usb.h" int usb_init_all(void) { static const usb_dev_info_t dev_info = { .vendor_id = 0x1209, .product_id = 0x53C1, .release_num = 0x0002, .manufacturer_str = (const uint8_t *)"manufacturer_str", .product_str = (const uint8_t *)"product_str", .serial_number_str = (const uint8_t *)"serial_number_str", .configuration_str = (const uint8_t *)"configuration_str", .interface_str = (const uint8_t *)"interface_str", }; static uint8_t hid_rx_buffer[64]; static const usb_hid_info_t hid_info = { .iface_num = 0x00, .ep_in = USB_EP_DIR_IN | 0x01, .ep_out = USB_EP_DIR_OUT | 0x01, .subclass = 0, .protocol = 0, .rx_buffer = hid_rx_buffer, .max_packet_len = sizeof(hid_rx_buffer), .polling_interval = 1, .report_desc_len = 34, .report_desc = (const uint8_t *)"\x06\x00\xff\x09\x01\xa1\x01\x09\x20\x15\x00\x26\xff\x00\x75\x08\x95\x40\x81\x02\x09\x21\x15\x00\x26\xff\x00\x75\x08\x95\x40\x91\x02\xc0", }; static const usb_vcp_info_t vcp_info = { .iface_num = 0x01, .data_iface_num = 0x02, .ep_cmd = USB_EP_DIR_IN | 0x02, .ep_in = USB_EP_DIR_IN | 0x03, .ep_out = USB_EP_DIR_OUT | 0x03, .polling_interval = 1, .max_cmd_packet_len = 8, .max_data_packet_len = 64, }; if (0 != usb_init(&dev_info)) { __fatal_error("usb_init failed"); } if (0 != usb_hid_add(&hid_info)) { __fatal_error("usb_hid_add failed"); } if (0 != usb_vcp_add(&vcp_info)) { __fatal_error("usb_vcp_add failed"); } if (0 != usb_start()) { __fatal_error("usb_start failed"); } return 0; } int main(void) { periph_init(); pendsv_init(); if (0 != display_init()) { __fatal_error("display_init failed"); } if (0 != flash_init()) { __fatal_error("flash_init failed"); } if (0 != rng_init()) { __fatal_error("rng_init failed"); } if (0 != sdcard_init()) { __fatal_error("sdcard_init failed"); } if (0 != touch_init()) { __fatal_error("touch_init failed"); } if (0 != usb_init_all()) { __fatal_error("usb_init_all failed"); } for (;;) { // Stack limit should be less than real stack size, so we have a chance // to recover from limit hit. mp_stack_set_top(&_estack); mp_stack_set_limit((char*)&_estack - (char*)&_heap_end - 1024); // GC init gc_init(&_heap_start, &_heap_end); // Interpreter init mp_init(); mp_obj_list_init(mp_sys_argv, 0); mp_obj_list_init(mp_sys_path, 0); mp_obj_list_append(mp_sys_path, MP_OBJ_NEW_QSTR(MP_QSTR_)); // current dir (or base dir of the script) // Run the main script pyexec_frozen_module("main.py"); // Clean up mp_deinit(); } return 0; } #ifndef NDEBUG void MP_WEAK __assert_func(const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *expr) { printf("Assertion '%s' failed, at file %s:%d\n", expr, file, line); __fatal_error("Assertion failed"); } #endif // Micropython file I/O stubs mp_lexer_t *mp_lexer_new_from_file(const char *filename) { return NULL; } mp_import_stat_t mp_import_stat(const char *path) { return MP_IMPORT_STAT_NO_EXIST; } mp_obj_t mp_builtin_open(uint n_args, const mp_obj_t *args, mp_map_t *kwargs) { return mp_const_none; } MP_DEFINE_CONST_FUN_OBJ_KW(mp_builtin_open_obj, 1, mp_builtin_open); void mp_reader_new_file(mp_reader_t *reader, const char *filename) { mp_raise_OSError(MP_ENOENT); // assume "file not found" }