import os from bitkey_proto import bitkey_pb2 as proto from transport_pipe import PipeTransport def show_message(message): print "MESSAGE FROM DEVICE:", message def show_input(input_text, message=None): if message: print "QUESTION FROM DEVICE:", message return raw_input(input_text) class BitkeyClient(object): def __init__(self, path, message_func=show_message, input_func=show_input, debug=False): self.master_public_key = None self.path = path self.connected = False self.device = None self.message_func = message_func self.input_func = input_func self.debug = debug def open(self): self.device = PipeTransport(self.path, False) self.features = self.UUID = def close(self): if self.device: self.device.close() self.device = None def _pprint(self, msg): return "<%s>:\n%s" % (msg.__class__.__name__, msg) def call(self, msg, tries=3): if self.debug: print '----------------------' print "Sending", self._pprint(msg) self.device.write(msg) resp = if isinstance(resp, proto.OtpRequest): otp = self.input_func("OTP required: ", resp.message) self.device.write(proto.OtpAck(otp=otp)) resp = if isinstance(resp, proto.PinRequest): pin = self.input_func("PIN required: ", resp.message) self.device.write(proto.PinAck(pin=pin)) resp = if isinstance(resp, proto.Failure): self.message_func(resp.message) if resp.code == 3: if tries <= 1: raise Exception("OTP is invalid, too many retries") self.message_func("OTP is invalid, let's try again...") elif resp.code == 4: raise Exception("Action cancelled by user") elif resp.code == 6: if tries <= 1: raise Exception("PIN is invalid, too many retries") self.message_func("PIN is invalid, let's try again...") return, tries-1) if isinstance(resp, proto.Failure): raise Exception(resp.code, resp.message) if self.debug: print "Received", self._pprint(resp) return resp def sign_tx(self, algo, inputs, outputs, fee): ''' inputs: list of TxInput outputs: list of TxOutput ''' tx = proto.SignTx() tx.algo = algo # Choose BIP32 or ELECTRUM way for deterministic keys tx.random = os.urandom(256) # Provide additional entropy to the device for addr, amount in outputs: if addr in self.addresses: addr_n = self.addresses.index(addr) else: addr_n = None fee -= amount output = tx.outputs.add() output.address=addr output.address_n.append(addr_n) output.amount=amount output.script_type=proto.PAYTOADDRESS print "FEE", fee #print inputs2, outputs2 tx.fee = fee print "PBDATA", tx.SerializeToString().encode('hex') ################# ################# ################# signatures = [('add550d6ba9ab7e01d37e17658f98b6e901208d241f24b08197b5e20dfa7f29f095ae01acbfa5c4281704a64053dcb80e9b089ecbe09f5871d67725803e36edd', '3045022100dced96eeb43836bc95676879eac303eabf39802e513f4379a517475c259da12502201fd36c90ecd91a32b2ca8fed2e1755a7f2a89c2d520eb0da10147802bc7ca217')] s_inputs = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, _, _ = inputs[i] pubkey = signatures[i][0].decode('hex') sig = signatures[i][1].decode('hex') s_inputs.append((addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, pubkey, sig)) return s_inputs ''' s_inputs = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, _, _ = inputs[i] private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string( self.get_private_key(addr, password), curve = SECP256k1 ) public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key() pubkey = public_key.to_string() tx = filter( raw_tx( inputs, outputs, for_sig = i ) ) sig = private_key.sign_digest( Hash( tx.decode('hex') ), sigencode = ecdsa.util.sigencode_der ) assert public_key.verify_digest( sig, Hash( tx.decode('hex') ), sigdecode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der) s_inputs.append( (addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, pubkey, sig) ) return s_inputs '''