from trezor import messages, wire from trezor.enums import CardanoCertificateType from .. import layout, seed from ..helpers.paths import SCHEMA_STAKING_ANY_ACCOUNT from .signer import Signer class PoolOwnerSigner(Signer): """ We have a separate tx signing flow for stake pool registration because it's a transaction where the witnessable entries (i.e. inputs, withdrawals, etc.) are not supposed to be controlled by the HW wallet, which means the user is vulnerable to unknowingly supplying a witness for an UTXO or other tx entry they think is external, resulting in the co-signers gaining control over their funds (Something SLIP-0019 is dealing with for BTC but no similar standard is currently available for Cardano). Hence we completely forbid witnessing inputs and other entries of the transaction except the stake pool certificate itself and we provide a witness only to the user's staking key in the list of pool owners. """ def __init__( self, ctx: wire.Context, msg: messages.CardanoSignTxInit, keychain: seed.Keychain, ) -> None: super().__init__(ctx, msg, keychain) def _validate_tx_signing_request(self) -> None: super()._validate_tx_signing_request() if ( self.msg.certificates_count != 1 or self.msg.withdrawals_count != 0 or self.msg.minting_asset_groups_count != 0 ): raise wire.ProcessError( "Stakepool registration transaction cannot contain other certificates, withdrawals or minting" ) if ( self.msg.script_data_hash is not None or self.msg.collateral_inputs_count != 0 or self.msg.required_signers_count != 0 ): raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid tx signing request") async def _confirm_transaction(self, tx_hash: bytes) -> None: # super() omitted intentionally await layout.confirm_stake_pool_registration_final( self.ctx, self.msg.protocol_magic, self.msg.ttl, self.msg.validity_interval_start, ) def _validate_output(self, output: messages.CardanoTxOutput) -> None: super()._validate_output(output) if output.address_parameters is not None or output.datum_hash is not None: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid output") def _should_show_output(self, output: messages.CardanoTxOutput) -> bool: # super() omitted intentionally # There are no spending witnesses, it is thus safe to hide outputs. return False def _validate_certificate(self, certificate: messages.CardanoTxCertificate) -> None: super()._validate_certificate(certificate) if certificate.type != CardanoCertificateType.STAKE_POOL_REGISTRATION: raise wire.ProcessError("Invalid certificate") def _validate_witness_request( self, witness_request: messages.CardanoTxWitnessRequest ) -> None: super()._validate_witness_request(witness_request) if not SCHEMA_STAKING_ANY_ACCOUNT.match(witness_request.path): raise wire.ProcessError( "Stakepool registration transaction can only contain staking witnesses" ) def _is_network_id_verifiable(self) -> bool: # super() omitted intentionally return True