""" This step serves for an incremental hashing of tx.vin[i] to the tx_prefix_hasher after the sorting on tx.vin[i].ki. The sorting order was received in the previous step. """ from apps.monero.layout import confirms from apps.monero.signing import offloading_keys from apps.monero.xmr import crypto from .state import State if False: from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionSourceEntry import ( MoneroTransactionSourceEntry, ) from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionInputViniAck import ( MoneroTransactionInputViniAck, ) async def input_vini( state: State, src_entr: MoneroTransactionSourceEntry, vini_bin: bytes, vini_hmac: bytes, orig_idx: int, ) -> MoneroTransactionInputViniAck: from trezor.messages.MoneroTransactionInputViniAck import ( MoneroTransactionInputViniAck, ) await confirms.transaction_step( state, state.STEP_VINI, state.current_input_index + 1 ) if state.last_step not in (state.STEP_INP, state.STEP_PERM, state.STEP_VINI): raise ValueError("Invalid state transition") if state.current_input_index >= state.input_count: raise ValueError("Too many inputs") if state.client_version >= 2 and state.last_step < state.STEP_VINI: state.current_input_index = -1 state.last_ki = None state.current_input_index += 1 # HMAC(T_in,i || vin_i) hmac_vini_comp = await offloading_keys.gen_hmac_vini( state.key_hmac, src_entr, vini_bin, state.source_permutation[state.current_input_index] if state.client_version <= 1 else orig_idx, ) if not crypto.ct_equals(hmac_vini_comp, vini_hmac): raise ValueError("HMAC is not correct") # Key image sorting check - permutation correctness cur_ki = offloading_keys.get_ki_from_vini(vini_bin) if state.current_input_index > 0 and state.last_ki <= cur_ki: raise ValueError("Key image order invalid") """ Incremental hasing of tx.vin[i] """ state.tx_prefix_hasher.buffer(vini_bin) state.last_step = state.STEP_VINI state.last_ki = cur_ki if state.current_input_index < state.input_count else None return MoneroTransactionInputViniAck()