""" Reference client implementation consuming trezorctl's script interface (ScriptUI class) available by using `--script` flag in any trezorctl command. Function `get_address()` is showing the communication with ScriptUI on a specific example """ import os import subprocess from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import click def parse_args_from_line(line: str) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]]: # ?PIN code=123 # ?PASSPHRASE available_on_device command, *args = line.split(" ") result: Dict[str, Union[str, bool]] = {} for arg in args: if "=" in arg: key, value = arg.split("=") result[key] = value else: result[arg] = True return command, result def get_pin_from_user(code: Optional[str] = None) -> str: # ?PIN # ?PIN code=Current while True: try: pin = click.prompt( f"Enter PIN (code: {code})", hide_input=True, default="", show_default=False, ) except click.Abort: return "CANCEL" if not all(c in "123456789" for c in pin): click.echo("PIN must only be numbers 1-9") continue return ":" + pin def show_button_request( code: Optional[str] = None, pages: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: # ?BUTTON code=Other # ?BUTTON code=SignTx pages=2 # ?BUTTON code=ProtectCall name=confirm_set_pin print(f"Please confirm action on Trezor (code={code} name={name} pages={pages})") def get_passphrase_from_user(available_on_device: bool = False) -> str: # ?PASSPHRASE # ?PASSPHRASE available_on_device if available_on_device: if click.confirm("Enter passphrase on device?", default=True): return "ON_DEVICE" env_passphrase = os.getenv("PASSPHRASE") if env_passphrase: if click.confirm("Use env PASSPHRASE?", default=False): return ":" + env_passphrase while True: try: passphrase = click.prompt("Enter passphrase", hide_input=True, default="") except click.Abort: return "CANCEL" passphrase2 = click.prompt( "Enter passphrase again", hide_input=True, default="" ) if passphrase != passphrase2: click.echo("Passphrases do not match") continue return ":" + passphrase def get_address() -> str: args = """ trezorctl --script get-address -n "m/49h/0h/0h/0/0" """.strip() p = subprocess.Popen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, shell=True, bufsize=0, ) assert p.stdout is not None assert p.stdin is not None text_result: List[str] = [] while True: line = p.stdout.readline().strip() if not line: break if line.startswith("?"): command, args = parse_args_from_line(line) if command == "?PIN": response = get_pin_from_user(**args) p.stdin.write(response + "\n") elif command == "?PASSPHRASE": response = get_passphrase_from_user(**args) p.stdin.write(response + "\n") elif command == "?BUTTON": show_button_request(**args) else: print("Unrecognized script command:", line) text_result.append(line) print(line) address = text_result[-1] print("Address:", address) return address def clear_session_to_enable_pin(): os.system("trezorctl clear-session") if __name__ == "__main__": get_address() clear_session_to_enable_pin()