//! This file is generated by core/tools/codegen/gen_font.py #![cfg_attr(any(), rustfmt::skip)] #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] // Each glyph: // - first two bytes: width, height // - next three bytes: advance, bearingX, bearingY // - rest is packed ${bpp}-bit glyph data use crate::ui::display::font::FontInfo; % for g in glyphs: /// '${g["char"]}' (ASCII ${g["ascii"]}) const ${g["var_name"]}: [u8; ${g["arr_len"]}] = [ ${g["arr_content"]} ]; % endfor /// Nonprintable glyph (inverse colors of '?') const ${nonprintable["var_name"]}: [u8; ${nonprintable["arr_len"]}] = [ ${nonprintable["arr_content"]} ]; % if gen_normal: /// Array of references for '${name}' normal ASCII glyphs const Font_${name}: [&[u8]; ${len(glyph_array)}] = [ % for ref in glyph_array: ${ref}, % endfor ]; % endif % if gen_upper: /// Array of references for '${name}' ASCII glyphs (forced uppercase) const Font_${name}_upper: [&[u8]; ${len(glyph_array_upper)}] = [ % for ref in glyph_array_upper: ${ref}, % endfor ]; % endif % if gen_normal: /// FontInfo struct for normal ASCII usage pub const Font_${name}_info: FontInfo = FontInfo { translation_blob_idx: ${font_info["translation_blob_idx"]}, height: ${font_info["height"]}, max_height: ${font_info["max_height"]}, baseline: ${font_info["baseline"]}, glyph_data: &${font_info["glyph_array"]}, glyph_nonprintable: &${font_info["nonprintable"]}, }; % endif % if gen_upper: /// FontInfo struct for forced uppercase usage pub const Font_${name}_upper_info: FontInfo = FontInfo { translation_blob_idx: ${font_info_upper["translation_blob_idx"]}, height: ${font_info_upper["height"]}, max_height: ${font_info_upper["max_height"]}, baseline: ${font_info_upper["baseline"]}, glyph_data: &${font_info_upper["glyph_array"]}, glyph_nonprintable: &${font_info_upper["nonprintable"]}, }; % endif