#!/usr/bin/env python3 import click from PIL import Image from trezorlib._internal import toif @click.command() @click.argument("infile", type=click.File("rb")) @click.argument("outfile", type=click.File("wb")) def toif_convert(infile, outfile): """Convert any image format to/from TOIF or vice-versa. \b Examples: toif_convert.py somefile.jpg outfile.toif toif_convert.py infile.toif outfile.png """ if infile.name.endswith(".toif") or infile.name == "-": toi = toif.from_bytes(infile.read()) im = toi.to_image() im.save(outfile) elif outfile.name.endswith(".toif") or outfile.name == "-": im = Image.open(infile) toi = toif.from_image(im) outfile.write(toi.to_bytes()) else: raise click.ClickException("At least one of the arguments must end with .toif") if __name__ == "__main__": toif_convert()