from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from trezor import ui from trezor.enums import ButtonRequestType from trezor.strings import format_plural from trezor.ui.layouts import ( confirm_blob, confirm_ethereum_tx, confirm_text, should_show_more, ) from .helpers import address_from_bytes, decode_typed_data if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Awaitable, Iterable from trezor.messages import ( EthereumFieldType, EthereumNetworkInfo, EthereumStructMember, EthereumTokenInfo, ) async def require_confirm_smart_contract( func_name: str | bytes, func_args: list[tuple[str, str | bytes]] ): from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_properties await confirm_properties( "confirm_smart_contract", "Smart contract", [("Function:", func_name)] ) await confirm_properties("confirm_smart_contract", "Smart contract", func_args) async def require_confirm_tx( to_bytes: bytes, value: int, gas_price: int, gas_limit: int, network: EthereumNetworkInfo, token: EthereumTokenInfo | None, chunkify: bool, ) -> None: if to_bytes: to_str = address_from_bytes(to_bytes, network) else: to_str = "new contract?" chunkify = False total_amount = format_ethereum_amount(value, token, network) maximum_fee = format_ethereum_amount(gas_price * gas_limit, None, network) gas_limit_str = f"{gas_limit} units" gas_price_str = format_ethereum_amount( gas_price, None, network, force_unit_gwei=True ) items = ( ("Gas limit:", gas_limit_str), ("Gas price:", gas_price_str), ) await confirm_ethereum_tx( to_str, total_amount, maximum_fee, items, chunkify=chunkify ) async def require_confirm_tx_eip1559( to_bytes: bytes, value: int, max_gas_fee: int, max_priority_fee: int, gas_limit: int, network: EthereumNetworkInfo, token: EthereumTokenInfo | None, chunkify: bool, ) -> None: if to_bytes: to_str = address_from_bytes(to_bytes, network) else: to_str = "new contract?" chunkify = False total_amount = format_ethereum_amount(value, token, network) maximum_fee = format_ethereum_amount(max_gas_fee * gas_limit, None, network) gas_limit_str = f"{gas_limit} units" max_gas_fee_str = format_ethereum_amount( max_gas_fee, None, network, force_unit_gwei=True ) max_priority_fee_str = format_ethereum_amount( max_priority_fee, None, network, force_unit_gwei=True ) items = ( ("Gas limit:", gas_limit_str), ("Max gas price:", max_gas_fee_str), ("Priority fee:", max_priority_fee_str), ) await confirm_ethereum_tx( to_str, total_amount, maximum_fee, items, chunkify=chunkify ) def require_confirm_unknown_token(address_bytes: bytes) -> Awaitable[None]: from ubinascii import hexlify from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_address contract_address_hex = "0x" + hexlify(address_bytes).decode() return confirm_address( "Unknown token", contract_address_hex, "Contract:", "unknown_token", br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) def require_confirm_address(address_bytes: bytes) -> Awaitable[None]: from ubinascii import hexlify from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_address address_hex = "0x" + hexlify(address_bytes).decode() return confirm_address( "Signing address", address_hex, br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ) def require_confirm_data(data: bytes, data_total: int) -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_blob( "confirm_data", "Confirm data", data, f"Size: {data_total} bytes", br_code=ButtonRequestType.SignTx, ask_pagination=True, ) async def confirm_typed_data_final() -> None: from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_action await confirm_action( "confirm_typed_data_final", "Confirm typed data", "Really sign EIP-712 typed data?", verb="Hold to confirm", hold=True, ) def confirm_empty_typed_message() -> Awaitable[None]: return confirm_text( "confirm_empty_typed_message", "Confirm message", "", "No message field", ) async def should_show_domain(name: bytes, version: bytes) -> bool: domain_name = decode_typed_data(name, "string") domain_version = decode_typed_data(version, "string") para = ( (ui.NORMAL, "Name and version"), (ui.DEMIBOLD, domain_name), (ui.DEMIBOLD, domain_version), ) return await should_show_more( "Confirm domain", para, "Show full domain", "should_show_domain", ) async def should_show_struct( description: str, data_members: list[EthereumStructMember], title: str = "Confirm struct", button_text: str = "Show full struct", ) -> bool: para = ( (ui.DEMIBOLD, description), ( ui.NORMAL, format_plural("Contains {count} {plural}", len(data_members), "key"), ), (ui.NORMAL, ", ".join( for field in data_members)), ) return await should_show_more( title, para, button_text, "should_show_struct", ) async def should_show_array( parent_objects: Iterable[str], data_type: str, size: int, ) -> bool: para = ((ui.NORMAL, format_plural("Array of {count} {plural}", size, data_type)),) return await should_show_more( limit_str(".".join(parent_objects)), para, "Show full array", "should_show_array", ) async def confirm_typed_value( name: str, value: bytes, parent_objects: list[str], field: EthereumFieldType, array_index: int | None = None, ) -> None: from trezor.enums import EthereumDataType from .helpers import get_type_name type_name = get_type_name(field) if array_index is not None: title = limit_str(".".join(parent_objects + [name])) description = f"[{array_index}] ({type_name})" else: title = limit_str(".".join(parent_objects)) description = f"{name} ({type_name})" data = decode_typed_data(value, type_name) if field.data_type in (EthereumDataType.ADDRESS, EthereumDataType.BYTES): await confirm_blob( "confirm_typed_value", title, data, description, ask_pagination=True, ) else: await confirm_text( "confirm_typed_value", title, data, description, ) def format_ethereum_amount( value: int, token: EthereumTokenInfo | None, network: EthereumNetworkInfo, force_unit_gwei: bool = False, ) -> str: from trezor.strings import format_amount if token: suffix = token.symbol decimals = token.decimals else: suffix = network.symbol decimals = 18 if force_unit_gwei: assert token is None assert decimals >= 9 decimals = decimals - 9 suffix = "Gwei" elif decimals > 9 and value < 10 ** (decimals - 9): # Don't want to display wei values for tokens with small decimal numbers suffix = "Wei " + suffix decimals = 0 amount = format_amount(value, decimals) return f"{amount} {suffix}" def limit_str(s: str, limit: int = 16) -> str: """Shortens string to show the last characters.""" if len(s) <= limit + 2: return s return ".." + s[-limit:]