/* * This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/ * * Copyright (c) SatoshiLabs * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "display-unix.h" #include "display_interface.h" #include "profile.h" #define EMULATOR_BORDER 16 #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR_RASPI #define WINDOW_WIDTH 480 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 320 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_X 110 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_Y 40 #else #define WINDOW_WIDTH 400 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 600 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_X 80 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_Y 110 #endif #elif defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R #define WINDOW_WIDTH 200 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 340 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_X 36 #define TOUCH_OFFSET_Y 92 #else #error Unknown Trezor model #endif static SDL_Window *WINDOW; static SDL_Renderer *RENDERER; // BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY will contain the actual pixels to be displayed, // it will be filled from BUFFER by gamma-correcting the pixel colors. // Screenshots will be taken with data from BUFFER. static SDL_Surface *BUFFER; static SDL_Surface *BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY; static SDL_Texture *TEXTURE, *BACKGROUND; static SDL_Surface *PREV_SAVED; static int DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT = -1; static int DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = -1; float DISPLAY_GAMMA = 0.55f; int sdl_display_res_x = DISPLAY_RESX, sdl_display_res_y = DISPLAY_RESY; int sdl_touch_offset_x, sdl_touch_offset_y; // Using RGB565 (16-bit) color format. typedef uint16_t pixel_color; // Will depend on SDL_VIDEODRIVER env variable static bool DO_GAMMA_CORRECTION = true; static pixel_color GAMMA_LUT[0x10000]; // this is just for compatibility with DMA2D using algorithms uint8_t *const DISPLAY_DATA_ADDRESS = 0; static struct { struct { uint16_t x, y; } start; struct { uint16_t x, y; } end; struct { uint16_t x, y; } pos; } PIXELWINDOW; static pixel_color gamma_correct(pixel_color c, float gamma) { // NOTE: 0x1f/31 and 0x3f/63 are maximum values of RGB components // given the color is 16-bit (5 bits for R, 6 bits for G, 5 bits for B). int r = (c >> 11) & 0x1f; int g = (c >> 5) & 0x3f; int b = c & 0x1f; r = (int)round(pow(r / 31.0, gamma) * 31.0); g = (int)round(pow(g / 63.0, gamma) * 63.0); b = (int)round(pow(b / 31.0, gamma) * 31.0); return (r << 11) | (g << 5) | b; } static void prepare_gamma_lut(float gamma) { for (int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++) { GAMMA_LUT[i] = gamma_correct(i, gamma); } } #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T static void gamma_correct_buffer_to_display(void) { // Gamma correct all the pixels in BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY. pixel_color *pixels = (pixel_color *)BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->pixels; for (int y = 0; y < BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->h; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->w; x++) { int index = y * BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->pitch / 2 + x; pixels[index] = GAMMA_LUT[pixels[index]]; } } } #endif float display_gamma(float gamma) { float prev_gamma = DISPLAY_GAMMA; if (gamma != 0) { DISPLAY_GAMMA = gamma; prepare_gamma_lut(gamma); } return prev_gamma; } void display_pixeldata(pixel_color c) { #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R // set to white if highest bits of all R, G, B values are set to 1 // bin(10000 100000 10000) = hex(0x8410) // otherwise set to black c = (c & 0x8410) ? 0xFFFF : 0x0000; #endif if (!RENDERER) { display_init(); } if (PIXELWINDOW.pos.x <= PIXELWINDOW.end.x && PIXELWINDOW.pos.y <= PIXELWINDOW.end.y) { ((pixel_color *) BUFFER->pixels)[PIXELWINDOW.pos.x + PIXELWINDOW.pos.y * BUFFER->pitch / sizeof(pixel_color)] = c; } PIXELWINDOW.pos.x++; if (PIXELWINDOW.pos.x > PIXELWINDOW.end.x) { PIXELWINDOW.pos.x = PIXELWINDOW.start.x; PIXELWINDOW.pos.y++; } } #define PIXELDATA(c) display_pixeldata(c) void display_reset_state() {} void display_init_seq(void) {} void display_deinit(void) { SDL_FreeSurface(PREV_SAVED); SDL_FreeSurface(BUFFER); SDL_FreeSurface(BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY); if (BACKGROUND != NULL) { SDL_DestroyTexture(BACKGROUND); } if (TEXTURE != NULL) { SDL_DestroyTexture(TEXTURE); } if (RENDERER != NULL) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(RENDERER); } if (WINDOW != NULL) { SDL_DestroyWindow(WINDOW); } SDL_Quit(); } void display_init(void) { if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) { printf("%s\n", SDL_GetError()); ensure(secfalse, "SDL_Init error"); } atexit(display_deinit); // Not doing gamma correction for "dummy" SDL driver // (not to slow down device/UI tests) char *sdl_env = getenv("SDL_VIDEODRIVER"); if (sdl_env && strcmp(sdl_env, "dummy") == 0) { DO_GAMMA_CORRECTION = false; } else { DO_GAMMA_CORRECTION = true; prepare_gamma_lut(DISPLAY_GAMMA); } char *window_title = NULL; char *window_title_alloc = NULL; if (asprintf(&window_title_alloc, "Trezor^emu: %s", profile_name()) > 0) { window_title = window_title_alloc; } else { window_title = "Trezor^emu"; window_title_alloc = NULL; } WINDOW = SDL_CreateWindow(window_title, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR_RASPI SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN #else SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI #endif ); free(window_title_alloc); if (!WINDOW) { printf("%s\n", SDL_GetError()); ensure(secfalse, "SDL_CreateWindow error"); } RENDERER = SDL_CreateRenderer(WINDOW, -1, SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE); if (!RENDERER) { printf("%s\n", SDL_GetError()); SDL_DestroyWindow(WINDOW); ensure(secfalse, "SDL_CreateRenderer error"); } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(RENDERER, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(RENDERER); BUFFER = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, MAX_DISPLAY_RESX, MAX_DISPLAY_RESY, 16, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0x0000); BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, MAX_DISPLAY_RESX, MAX_DISPLAY_RESY, 16, 0xF800, 0x07E0, 0x001F, 0x0000); TEXTURE = SDL_CreateTexture(RENDERER, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, DISPLAY_RESX, DISPLAY_RESY); SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(TEXTURE, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND); #ifdef __APPLE__ // macOS Mojave SDL black screen workaround SDL_PumpEvents(); SDL_SetWindowSize(WINDOW, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); #endif #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR_RASPI #include "background_raspi.h" BACKGROUND = IMG_LoadTexture_RW( RENDERER, SDL_RWFromMem(background_raspi_jpg, background_raspi_jpg_len), 0); #else #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T #include "background_T.h" BACKGROUND = IMG_LoadTexture_RW( RENDERER, SDL_RWFromMem(background_T_jpg, background_T_jpg_len), 0); #elif defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R #include "background_1.h" BACKGROUND = IMG_LoadTexture_RW( RENDERER, SDL_RWFromMem(background_1_jpg, background_1_jpg_len), 0); #endif #endif if (BACKGROUND) { SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(BACKGROUND, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); sdl_touch_offset_x = TOUCH_OFFSET_X; sdl_touch_offset_y = TOUCH_OFFSET_Y; } else { SDL_SetWindowSize(WINDOW, DISPLAY_RESX + 2 * EMULATOR_BORDER, DISPLAY_RESY + 2 * EMULATOR_BORDER); sdl_touch_offset_x = EMULATOR_BORDER; sdl_touch_offset_y = EMULATOR_BORDER; } #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R // T1 and TR do not have backlight capabilities in hardware, so // setting its value here for emulator to avoid // calling any `set_backlight` functions DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT = 255; #else DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT = 0; #endif #ifdef TREZOR_EMULATOR_RASPI DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = 270; SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); #else DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = 0; #endif } void display_set_window(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1) { if (!RENDERER) { display_init(); } PIXELWINDOW.start.x = x0; PIXELWINDOW.start.y = y0; PIXELWINDOW.end.x = x1; PIXELWINDOW.end.y = y1; PIXELWINDOW.pos.x = x0; PIXELWINDOW.pos.y = y0; } void display_sync(void) {} void display_refresh(void) { if (!RENDERER) { display_init(); } if (BACKGROUND) { const SDL_Rect r = {0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT}; SDL_RenderCopy(RENDERER, BACKGROUND, NULL, &r); } else { SDL_RenderClear(RENDERER); } // Fill BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY with BUFFER data SDL_BlitSurface(BUFFER, NULL, BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY, NULL); #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T // Gamma-correcting the display buffer for model T when wanted if (DO_GAMMA_CORRECTION) { gamma_correct_buffer_to_display(); } #endif // Show the display buffer SDL_UpdateTexture(TEXTURE, NULL, BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->pixels, BUFFER_TO_DISPLAY->pitch); #define BACKLIGHT_NORMAL 150 SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(TEXTURE, MIN(255, 255 * DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT / BACKLIGHT_NORMAL)); if (BACKGROUND) { const SDL_Rect r = {TOUCH_OFFSET_X, TOUCH_OFFSET_Y, DISPLAY_RESX, DISPLAY_RESY}; SDL_RenderCopyEx(RENDERER, TEXTURE, NULL, &r, DISPLAY_ORIENTATION, NULL, 0); } else { const SDL_Rect r = {EMULATOR_BORDER, EMULATOR_BORDER, DISPLAY_RESX, DISPLAY_RESY}; SDL_RenderCopyEx(RENDERER, TEXTURE, NULL, &r, DISPLAY_ORIENTATION, NULL, 0); } SDL_RenderPresent(RENDERER); } int display_orientation(int degrees) { if (degrees != DISPLAY_ORIENTATION) { #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_T if (degrees == 0 || degrees == 90 || degrees == 180 || degrees == 270) { #elif defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R if (degrees == 0 || degrees == 180) { #else #error Unknown Trezor model #endif DISPLAY_ORIENTATION = degrees; display_refresh(); } } return DISPLAY_ORIENTATION; } int display_get_orientation(void) { return DISPLAY_ORIENTATION; } int display_backlight(int val) { #if defined TREZOR_MODEL_1 || defined TREZOR_MODEL_R val = 255; #endif if (DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT != val && val >= 0 && val <= 255) { DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT = val; display_refresh(); } return DISPLAY_BACKLIGHT; } const char *display_save(const char *prefix) { if (!RENDERER) { display_init(); } static int count; static char filename[256]; // take a cropped view of the screen contents const SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, DISPLAY_RESX, DISPLAY_RESY}; SDL_Surface *crop = SDL_CreateRGBSurface( BUFFER->flags, rect.w, rect.h, BUFFER->format->BitsPerPixel, BUFFER->format->Rmask, BUFFER->format->Gmask, BUFFER->format->Bmask, BUFFER->format->Amask); SDL_BlitSurface(BUFFER, &rect, crop, NULL); // compare with previous screen, skip if equal if (PREV_SAVED != NULL) { if (memcmp(PREV_SAVED->pixels, crop->pixels, crop->pitch * crop->h) == 0) { SDL_FreeSurface(crop); return filename; } SDL_FreeSurface(PREV_SAVED); } // save to png snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s%08d.png", prefix, count++); IMG_SavePNG(crop, filename); PREV_SAVED = crop; return filename; } void display_clear_save(void) { SDL_FreeSurface(PREV_SAVED); PREV_SAVED = NULL; }