from typing import TYPE_CHECKING # pyright: ignore[reportShadowedImports] from storage.cache_thp import SessionThpCache from trezor import log, loop, protobuf from trezor.wire import message_handler, protocol_common from trezor.wire.message_handler import AVOID_RESTARTING_FOR, failure from ..protocol_common import Context, MessageWithType from . import SessionState if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import ( # pyright: ignore[reportShadowedImports] Any, Awaitable, Container, ) from . import ChannelContext pass _EXIT_LOOP = True _REPEAT_LOOP = False class UnexpectedMessageWithType(Exception): """A message was received that is not part of the current workflow. Utility exception to inform the session handler that the current workflow should be aborted and a new one started as if `msg` was the first message. """ def __init__(self, msg: MessageWithType) -> None: super().__init__() self.msg = msg class SessionContext(Context): def __init__( self, channel_ctx: ChannelContext, session_cache: SessionThpCache ) -> None: if channel_ctx.channel_id != session_cache.channel_id: raise Exception( "The session has different channel id than the provided channel context!" ) super().__init__(channel_ctx.iface, channel_ctx.channel_id) self.channel_ctx = channel_ctx self.session_cache = session_cache self.session_id = int.from_bytes(session_cache.session_id, "big") self.incoming_message = loop.chan() async def handle(self, is_debug_session: bool = False) -> None: if __debug__: self._handle_debug(is_debug_session) take = self.incoming_message.take() next_message: MessageWithType | None = None # Take a mark of modules that are imported at this point, so we can # roll back and un-import any others. # TODO modules = utils.unimport_begin() while True: try: if await self._handle_message(take, next_message, is_debug_session): return except Exception as exc: # Log and try again. if __debug__: log.exception(__name__, exc) def _handle_debug(self, is_debug_session: bool) -> None: log.debug(__name__, "handle - start (session_id: %d)", self.session_id) if is_debug_session: import apps.debug apps.debug.DEBUG_CONTEXT = self async def _handle_message( self, take: Awaitable[Any], next_message: MessageWithType | None, is_debug_session: bool, ) -> bool: try: message = await self._get_message(take, next_message) except protocol_common.WireError as e: if __debug__: log.exception(__name__, e) await self.write(failure(e)) return _REPEAT_LOOP try: next_message = await message_handler.handle_single_message( self, message, use_workflow=not is_debug_session ) except Exception as exc: # Log and ignore. The session handler can only exit explicitly in the # following finally block. if __debug__: log.exception(__name__, exc) finally: if not __debug__ or not is_debug_session: # Unload modules imported by the workflow. Should not raise. # This is not done for the debug session because the snapshot taken # in a debug session would clear modules which are in use by the # workflow running on wire. # TODO utils.unimport_end(modules) if next_message is None and message.type not in AVOID_RESTARTING_FOR: # Shut down the loop if there is no next message waiting. return _EXIT_LOOP # pylint: disable=lost-exception return _REPEAT_LOOP # pylint: disable=lost-exception async def _get_message( self, take: Awaitable[Any], next_message: MessageWithType | None ) -> MessageWithType: if next_message is None: # If the previous run did not keep an unprocessed message for us, # wait for a new one. message: MessageWithType = await take else: # Process the message from previous run. message = next_message next_message = None return message async def read( self, expected_types: Container[int], expected_type: type[protobuf.MessageType] | None = None, ) -> protobuf.MessageType: if __debug__: exp_type: str = str(expected_type) if expected_type is not None: exp_type = expected_type.MESSAGE_NAME log.debug( __name__, "Read - with expected types %s and expected type %s", str(expected_types), exp_type, ) message: MessageWithType = await self.incoming_message.take() if message.type not in expected_types: raise UnexpectedMessageWithType(message) if expected_type is None: expected_type = protobuf.type_for_wire(message.type) return message_handler.wrap_protobuf_load(, expected_type) async def write(self, msg: protobuf.MessageType) -> None: return await self.channel_ctx.write(msg, self.session_id) # ACCESS TO SESSION DATA def get_session_state(self) -> SessionState: state = int.from_bytes(self.session_cache.state, "big") return SessionState(state) def set_session_state(self, state: SessionState) -> None: self.session_cache.state = bytearray(state.to_bytes(1, "big"))