from micropython import const from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from storage.cache_common import InvalidSessionError from trezor import log, loop, protobuf, utils, workflow from trezor.enums import FailureType from trezor.messages import Failure from trezor.wire import context, protocol_common from trezor.wire.errors import ActionCancelled, DataError, Error # Import all errors into namespace, so that `wire.Error` is available from # other packages. from trezor.wire.errors import * # isort:skip # noqa: F401,F403 if TYPE_CHECKING: from trezorio import WireInterface # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] from typing import ( # pyright: ignore[reportShadowedImports] Any, Callable, Container, Coroutine, TypeVar, ) Msg = TypeVar("Msg", bound=protobuf.MessageType) HandlerTask = Coroutine[Any, Any, protobuf.MessageType] Handler = Callable[[Msg], HandlerTask] LoadedMessageType = TypeVar("LoadedMessageType", bound=protobuf.MessageType) # If set to False protobuf messages marked with "experimental_message" option are rejected. EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLED = False def wrap_protobuf_load( buffer: bytes, expected_type: type[LoadedMessageType], ) -> LoadedMessageType: try: msg = protobuf.decode(buffer, expected_type, EXPERIMENTAL_ENABLED) if __debug__ and utils.EMULATOR: log.debug( __name__, "received message contents:\n%s", utils.dump_protobuf(msg) ) return msg except Exception as e: if __debug__: log.exception(__name__, e) if e.args: raise DataError("Failed to decode message: " + " ".join(e.args)) else: raise DataError("Failed to decode message") _PROTOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE = const(8192) WIRE_BUFFER = bytearray(_PROTOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE) if __debug__: PROTOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE_DEBUG = 1024 WIRE_BUFFER_DEBUG = bytearray(PROTOBUF_BUFFER_SIZE_DEBUG) async def handle_single_message( ctx: context.Context, msg: protocol_common.MessageWithType, use_workflow: bool ) -> protocol_common.MessageWithType | None: """Handle a message that was loaded from USB by the caller. Find the appropriate handler, run it and write its result on the wire. In case a problem is encountered at any point, write the appropriate error on the wire. If the workflow finished normally or with an error, the return value is None. If an unexpected message had arrived on the wire while the workflow was processing, the workflow is shut down with an `UnexpectedMessage` exception. This is not considered an "error condition" to return over the wire -- instead the message is processed as if starting a new workflow. In such case, the `UnexpectedMessage` is caught and the message is returned to the caller. It will then be processed in the next iteration of the message loop. """ if __debug__: try: msg_type = protobuf.type_for_wire(msg.type).MESSAGE_NAME except Exception: msg_type = f"{msg.type} - unknown message type" if ctx.channel_id is not None: sid = int.from_bytes(ctx.channel_id, "big") log.debug( __name__, "%s:%x receive: <%s>", ctx.iface.iface_num(), sid, msg_type, ) else: log.debug( __name__, "%s:unknown_sid receive: <%s>", ctx.iface.iface_num(), msg_type, ) res_msg: protobuf.MessageType | None = None # We need to find a handler for this message type. Should not raise. handler = find_handler(ctx.iface, msg.type) # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none if handler is None: # If no handler is found, we can skip decoding and directly # respond with failure. await ctx.write(unexpected_message()) return None if msg.type in workflow.ALLOW_WHILE_LOCKED: workflow.autolock_interrupts_workflow = False # Here we make sure we always respond with a Failure response # in case of any errors. try: # Find a protobuf.MessageType subclass that describes this # message. Raises if the type is not found. req_type = protobuf.type_for_wire(msg.type) # Try to decode the message according to schema from # `req_type`. Raises if the message is malformed. req_msg = wrap_protobuf_load(, req_type) # Create the handler task. task = handler(req_msg) # Run the workflow task. Workflow can do more on-the-wire # communication inside, but it should eventually return a # response message, or raise an exception (a rather common # thing to do). Exceptions are handled in the code below. if use_workflow: # Spawn a workflow around the task. This ensures that concurrent # workflows are shut down. res_msg = await workflow.spawn(context.with_context(ctx, task)) else: # For debug messages, ignore workflow processing and just await # results of the handler. res_msg = await task except context.UnexpectedMessageWithId as exc: # Workflow was trying to read a message from the wire, and # something unexpected came in. See for # example, which expects some particular message and raises # UnexpectedMessage if another one comes in. # In order not to lose the message, we return it to the caller. # TODO: # We might handle only the few common cases here, like # Initialize and Cancel. return exc.msg except BaseException as exc: # Either: # - the message had a type that has a registered handler, but does not have # a protobuf class # - the message was not valid protobuf # - workflow raised some kind of an exception while running # - something canceled the workflow from the outside if __debug__: if isinstance(exc, ActionCancelled): log.debug(__name__, "cancelled: %s", exc.message) elif isinstance(exc, loop.TaskClosed): log.debug(__name__, "cancelled: loop task was closed") else: log.exception(__name__, exc) res_msg = failure(exc) if res_msg is not None: # perform the write outside the big try-except block, so that usb write # problem bubbles up await ctx.write(res_msg) return None def _find_handler_placeholder(iface: WireInterface, msg_type: int) -> Handler | None: """Placeholder handler lookup before a proper one is registered.""" return None find_handler = _find_handler_placeholder AVOID_RESTARTING_FOR: Container[int] = () def failure(exc: BaseException) -> Failure: if isinstance(exc, Error): return Failure(code=exc.code, message=exc.message) elif isinstance(exc, loop.TaskClosed): return Failure(code=FailureType.ActionCancelled, message="Cancelled") elif isinstance(exc, InvalidSessionError): return Failure(code=FailureType.InvalidSession, message="Invalid session") else: # NOTE: when receiving generic `FirmwareError` on non-debug build, # change the `if __debug__` to `if True` to get the full error message. if __debug__: message = str(exc) else: message = "Firmware error" return Failure(code=FailureType.FirmwareError, message=message) def unexpected_message() -> Failure: return Failure(code=FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, message="Unexpected message")