#!/usr/bin/env python3 import datetime from pathlib import Path import re import subprocess import click from typing import Iterator LINK_RE = re.compile(r"\[#(\d+)\]") ISSUE_URL = "https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/pull/{issue}" VERSION_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r"## \[([.0-9]+)\]") DIFF_LINK = "[{new}]: https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware/compare/{tag_prefix}{old}...{tag_prefix}{new}\n" MODELS_RE = re.compile(r"\[([A-Z0-9]{4})(,[A-Z0-9]{4})*\][ ]?") INTERNAL_MODELS = ("T2T1", "T2B1", "T3B1", "T3T1", "D001") INTERNAL_MODELS_SKIP = ("D001",) ROOT = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve() # Source of truth for all managed changelogs in this repository. # Please extend it when adding a new project with a managed changelog. KNOWN_PROJECTS = ( ROOT / "core", ROOT / "core/embed/projects/boardloader", ROOT / "core/embed/projects/bootloader", ROOT / "core/embed/projects/bootloader_ci", ROOT / "core/embed/projects/prodtest", ROOT / "legacy/bootloader", ROOT / "legacy/firmware", ROOT / "legacy/intermediate_fw", ROOT / "python", ) for project in KNOWN_PROJECTS: assert project.is_dir(), f"Project {project} does not exist" IGNORED_FILES = (".gitignore", ".keep") def linkify_changelog(changelog_file: Path, only_check: bool = False) -> bool: links = {} orig_links = {} result_lines = [] with open(changelog_file, "r+") as changelog: for line in changelog: m = LINK_RE.match(line) if m: # line *starts with* issue identifier # keep existing links as-is orig_links[int(m[1])] = line.replace(m[0] + ": ", "").strip() else: for issue in LINK_RE.findall(line): links[int(issue)] = ISSUE_URL.format(issue=issue) result_lines.append(line) if only_check: missing_links = set(links.keys()) - set(orig_links.keys()) if missing_links: click.echo(f"missing links: {missing_links}") return False else: return True links.update(orig_links) changelog.seek(0) changelog.truncate(0) for line in result_lines: changelog.write(line) for marker, url in sorted(links.items()): changelog.write(f"[#{marker}]: {url}\n") return True def linkify_gh_diff(changelog_file: Path, tag_prefix: str): linkified = False versions = [] result_lines = [] with open(changelog_file, "r+") as changelog: for line in changelog: m = VERSION_HEADER_RE.match(line) if m: versions.append(m[1]) result_lines.append(line) changelog.seek(0) changelog.truncate(0) for line in result_lines: changelog.write(line) if not linkified and VERSION_HEADER_RE.match(line): changelog.write( DIFF_LINK.format( tag_prefix=tag_prefix, new=versions[0], old=versions[1] ) ) linkified = True def current_date(project: Path) -> str: parts = project.parts today = datetime.datetime.now() if ( parts[-3:] == ("core", "embed", "boardloader") or parts[-3:] == ("core", "embed", "bootloader") or parts[-3:] == ("core", "embed", "bootloader_ci") or parts[-2:] == ("legacy", "bootloader") or parts[-2:] == ("legacy", "intermediate_fw") ): return today.strftime("%B %Y") elif parts[-1] == "python": return today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: daysuffix = {1: "st", 2: "nd", 3: "rd"}.get(today.day % 10, "th") return today.strftime(f"%-d{daysuffix} %B %Y") def filter_changelog(changelog_file: Path, internal_name: str): def filter_line(line: str) -> str | None: m = MODELS_RE.search(line) if not m: return line if internal_name in m[0]: return MODELS_RE.sub("", line, count=1) else: return None destination_file = changelog_file.with_suffix(f".{internal_name}.md") with open(changelog_file, "r") as changelog, open( destination_file, "w" ) as destination: for line in changelog: res = filter_line(line) if res is not None: destination.write(res) def _iter_fragments(project: Path) -> Iterator[Path]: fragements_dir = project / ".changelog.d" for fragment in fragements_dir.iterdir(): if fragment.name in IGNORED_FILES: continue yield fragment def check_fragments_style(project: Path): success = True for fragment in _iter_fragments(project): fragment_text = fragment.read_text().rstrip() if not fragment_text.endswith("."): click.echo(f"Changelog '{fragment}' must end with a period.") success = False if not success: raise click.ClickException(f"Changelog style error: {project}") else: click.echo(f"Changelog style OK: {project}") def fix_fragments_style(project: Path): for fragment in _iter_fragments(project): fragment_text = fragment.read_text().rstrip() if not fragment_text.endswith("."): fragment.write_text(fragment_text + ".\n") click.echo(f"Changelog '{fragment}' style fixed.") def generate_filtered(project: Path, changelog: Path): if project.parts[-1] != "core": return for internal_name in INTERNAL_MODELS: if internal_name in INTERNAL_MODELS_SKIP: continue filter_changelog(changelog, internal_name) @click.group() def cli(): pass @cli.command() def check(): """Check the style of all changelog fragments.""" for project in KNOWN_PROJECTS: check_fragments_style(project) @cli.command() def style(): """Fix the style of all changelog fragments.""" for project in KNOWN_PROJECTS: fix_fragments_style(project) @cli.command() @click.argument( "project", type=click.Path( exists=True, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False, resolve_path=True, path_type=Path, ), ) @click.argument( "version", type=str, required=False, ) @click.option("--date", help="Specify release date (default: today).") @click.option( "--check", is_flag=True, help="Dry run, do not actually create changelog." ) @click.option( "--only-models", is_flag=True, help="Only regenerate the model-changelogs from the main one.", ) def generate(project, version, date, check, only_models): """Generate changelog for given project (core, python, legacy/firmware, legacy/bootloader). - Run towncrier to assemble changelog from fragments in .changelog.d/. - Find all occurences of "[#123]" in text, and add a Markdown link to the referenced issue. - Tell git to stage changed files. """ if project not in KNOWN_PROJECTS: try: path_for_print = project.relative_to(ROOT) except ValueError: raise click.ClickException( f"Paths outside the repository are not supported (path was: {project})." ) raise click.ClickException( f"Please add '{path_for_print}' to `KNOWN_PROJECTS` to be part of our managed changelogs." ) changelog = project / "CHANGELOG.md" if not changelog.exists(): raise click.ClickException(f"{changelog} not found") if version is None: if not check and not only_models: raise click.ClickException("Version argument is required.") version = "unreleased" if date is None: date = current_date(project) if only_models: generate_filtered(project, changelog) return 0 args = ["towncrier", "build", "--yes", "--version", version, "--date", date] if check: args.append("--draft") subprocess.run(args, cwd=project, check=True) if not check: linkify_changelog(changelog) # python changelog has links to github diffs if project.parts[-1] == "python": linkify_gh_diff(changelog, tag_prefix="python/v") # core changelog for each model generate_filtered(project, changelog) # towncrier calls git add before we do linkification, stage the changes too subprocess.run(["git", "add", changelog], check=True) if __name__ == "__main__": cli()