import ustruct from micropython import const from trezor import io, loop, utils if False: from trezorio import WireInterface _REP_LEN = const(64) _REP_MARKER = const(63) # ord('?') _REP_MAGIC = const(35) # org('#') _REP_INIT = ">BBBHL" # marker, magic, magic, wire type, data length _REP_INIT_DATA = const(9) # offset of data in the initial report _REP_CONT_DATA = const(1) # offset of data in the continuation report SESSION_ID = const(0) INVALID_TYPE = const(-1) class CodecError(Exception): pass class Message: def __init__(self, mtype: int, mdata: utils.BufferIO) -> None: self.type = mtype = mdata async def read_message(iface: WireInterface, buffer: utils.BufferType) -> Message: read = loop.wait(iface.iface_num() | io.POLL_READ) # wait for initial report report = await read if report[0] != _REP_MARKER: raise CodecError("Invalid magic") _, magic1, magic2, mtype, msize = ustruct.unpack(_REP_INIT, report) if magic1 != _REP_MAGIC or magic2 != _REP_MAGIC: raise CodecError("Invalid magic") if msize > len(buffer): # allocate a new buffer to fit the message mdata = bytearray(msize) # type: utils.BufferType else: # reuse a part of the supplied buffer mdata = memoryview(buffer)[:msize] # buffer the initial data nread = utils.memcpy(mdata, 0, report, _REP_INIT_DATA) while nread < msize: # wait for continuation report report = await read if report[0] != _REP_MARKER: raise CodecError("Invalid magic") # buffer the continuation data nread += utils.memcpy(mdata, nread, report, _REP_CONT_DATA) return Message(mtype, utils.BufferIO(mdata)) async def write_message(iface: WireInterface, mtype: int, mdata: bytes) -> None: write = loop.wait(iface.iface_num() | io.POLL_WRITE) # gather data from msg msize = len(mdata) # prepare the report buffer with header data report = bytearray(_REP_LEN) repofs = _REP_INIT_DATA ustruct.pack_into( _REP_INIT, report, 0, _REP_MARKER, _REP_MAGIC, _REP_MAGIC, mtype, msize ) nwritten = 0 while True: # copy as much as possible to the report buffer nwritten += utils.memcpy(report, repofs, mdata, nwritten) # write the report while True: await write n = iface.write(report) if n == len(report): break # if we have more data to write, use continuation reports for it if nwritten < msize: repofs = _REP_CONT_DATA else: break