# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2023 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . from contextlib import contextmanager from enum import Enum from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Generator import pytest from trezorlib import device, exceptions from .. import buttons from .common import go_back, go_next, navigate_to_action_and_press if TYPE_CHECKING: from trezorlib.debuglink import DebugLink from ..device_handler import BackgroundDeviceHandler pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip_t1 PIN_CANCELLED = pytest.raises(exceptions.TrezorFailure, match="PIN entry cancelled") PIN_INVALID = pytest.raises(exceptions.TrezorFailure, match="PIN invalid") PIN4 = "1234" PIN24 = "875163065288639289952973" PIN50 = "31415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751" PIN60 = PIN50 + "9" * 10 TR_PIN_ACTIONS = [ "DELETE", "SHOW", "ENTER", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ] class Situation(Enum): PIN_INPUT = 1 PIN_SETUP = 2 PIN_CHANGE = 3 WIPE_CODE_SETUP = 4 @contextmanager def prepare( device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler", situation: Situation = Situation.PIN_INPUT, old_pin: str = "", ) -> Generator["DebugLink", None, None]: debug = device_handler.debuglink() # So that the digit order is the same. Needed for UI tests. # Even though it should be done in conftest::client fixture (used by device_handler), # without reseeding "again", the results are still random. debug.reseed(0) # Setup according to the wanted situation if situation == Situation.PIN_INPUT: # Any action triggering the PIN dialogue device_handler.run(device.apply_settings, auto_lock_delay_ms=300_000) # type: ignore elif situation == Situation.PIN_SETUP: # Set new PIN device_handler.run(device.change_pin) # type: ignore assert "Turn on" in debug.wait_layout().text_content() if debug.model == "T": go_next(debug) elif debug.model == "R": go_next(debug, wait=True) go_next(debug, wait=True) go_next(debug, wait=True) go_next(debug, wait=True) elif situation == Situation.PIN_CHANGE: # Change PIN device_handler.run(device.change_pin) # type: ignore _input_see_confirm(debug, old_pin) assert "Change PIN" in debug.read_layout().text_content() go_next(debug, wait=True) _input_see_confirm(debug, old_pin) elif situation == Situation.WIPE_CODE_SETUP: # Set wipe code device_handler.run(device.change_wipe_code) # type: ignore if old_pin: _input_see_confirm(debug, old_pin) assert "Turn on" in debug.wait_layout().text_content() go_next(debug, wait=True) if debug.model == "R": go_next(debug, wait=True) go_next(debug, wait=True) go_next(debug, wait=True) if old_pin: debug.wait_layout() _input_see_confirm(debug, old_pin) debug.wait_layout() _assert_pin_entry(debug) yield debug go_next(debug) device_handler.result() def _assert_pin_entry(debug: "DebugLink") -> None: assert "PinKeyboard" in debug.read_layout().all_components() def _input_pin(debug: "DebugLink", pin: str, check: bool = False) -> None: """Input the PIN""" if check: before = debug.read_layout().pin() if debug.model == "T": digits_order = debug.read_layout().tt_pin_digits_order() for digit in pin: digit_index = digits_order.index(digit) coords = buttons.pin_passphrase_index(digit_index) debug.click(coords, wait=True) elif debug.model == "R": for digit in pin: navigate_to_action_and_press(debug, digit, TR_PIN_ACTIONS) if check: after = debug.read_layout().pin() assert before + pin == after def _see_pin(debug: "DebugLink") -> None: """Navigate to "SHOW" and press it""" if debug.model == "T": debug.click(buttons.TOP_ROW, wait=True) elif debug.model == "R": navigate_to_action_and_press(debug, "SHOW", TR_PIN_ACTIONS) def _delete_pin(debug: "DebugLink", digits_to_delete: int, check: bool = True) -> None: """Navigate to "DELETE" and press it how many times requested""" if check: before = debug.read_layout().pin() for _ in range(digits_to_delete): if debug.model == "T": debug.click(buttons.pin_passphrase_grid(9), wait=True) elif debug.model == "R": navigate_to_action_and_press(debug, "DELETE", TR_PIN_ACTIONS) if check: after = debug.read_layout().pin() assert before[:-digits_to_delete] == after def _delete_all(debug: "DebugLink", check: bool = True) -> None: """Navigate to "DELETE" and hold it until all digits are deleted""" if debug.model == "T": debug.click_hold(buttons.pin_passphrase_grid(9), hold_ms=1500) elif debug.model == "R": navigate_to_action_and_press(debug, "DELETE", TR_PIN_ACTIONS, hold_ms=1000) if check: after = debug.read_layout().pin() assert after == "" def _cancel_pin(debug: "DebugLink") -> None: """Navigate to "CANCEL" and press it""" # It is the same button as DELETE # TODO: implement cancel PIN for TR? _delete_pin(debug, 1, check=False) def _confirm_pin(debug: "DebugLink") -> None: """Navigate to "ENTER" and press it""" if debug.model == "T": debug.click(buttons.pin_passphrase_grid(11), wait=True) elif debug.model == "R": navigate_to_action_and_press(debug, "ENTER", TR_PIN_ACTIONS) def _input_see_confirm(debug: "DebugLink", pin: str) -> None: _input_pin(debug, pin) _see_pin(debug) _confirm_pin(debug) def _enter_two_times(debug: "DebugLink", pin1: str, pin2: str) -> None: _input_see_confirm(debug, pin1) if debug.model == "R": # Please re-enter go_next(debug, wait=True) _input_see_confirm(debug, pin2) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN4) def test_pin_short(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN4) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN24) def test_pin_long(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN24) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN4) def test_pin_empty_cannot_send(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_see_confirm(debug, "") _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN4) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN24) def test_pin_long_delete(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_pin(debug, PIN24) _see_pin(debug) _delete_pin(debug, 10) _see_pin(debug) _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN24[-10:]) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN4) def test_pin_delete_hold(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_pin(debug, PIN4) _see_pin(debug) _delete_all(debug) _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN4) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN60[:50]) def test_pin_longer_than_max(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_pin(debug, PIN60, check=False) # What is over 50 digits was not entered # TODO: do some UI change when limit is reached? assert debug.read_layout().pin() == PIN60[:50] _see_pin(debug) _confirm_pin(debug) @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN4) def test_pin_incorrect(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_see_confirm(debug, "1235") _input_see_confirm(debug, PIN4) @pytest.mark.skip_tr("TODO: will we support cancelling on TR?") @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin=PIN4) def test_pin_cancel(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with PIN_CANCELLED, prepare(device_handler) as debug: _input_pin(debug, PIN4) _see_pin(debug) _delete_pin(debug, len(PIN4)) _see_pin(debug) _cancel_pin(debug) @pytest.mark.setup_client() def test_pin_setup(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler, Situation.PIN_SETUP) as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, PIN4, PIN4) @pytest.mark.setup_client() def test_pin_setup_mismatch(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with PIN_CANCELLED, prepare(device_handler, Situation.PIN_SETUP) as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, "1", "2") if debug.model == "T": go_next(debug) _cancel_pin(debug) elif debug.model == "R": debug.press_middle() debug.press_no() @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin="1") def test_pin_change(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler, Situation.PIN_CHANGE, old_pin="1") as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, "2", "2") @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin="1") def test_wipe_code_setup(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler, Situation.WIPE_CODE_SETUP, old_pin="1") as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, "2", "2") # @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin="1") # @pytest.mark.timeout(15) # @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="It will disconnect from the emulator") # def test_wipe_code_setup_and_trigger(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): # with prepare(device_handler, Situation.WIPE_CODE_SETUP, old_pin="1") as debug: # _enter_two_times(debug, "2", "2") # device_handler.client.lock() # with prepare(device_handler) as debug: # _input_see_confirm(debug, "2") @pytest.mark.setup_client(pin="1") def test_wipe_code_same_as_pin(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler, Situation.WIPE_CODE_SETUP, old_pin="1") as debug: _input_see_confirm(debug, "1") # Try again go_next(debug, wait=True) _enter_two_times(debug, "2", "2") @pytest.mark.setup_client() def test_pin_same_as_wipe_code(device_handler: "BackgroundDeviceHandler"): with prepare(device_handler, Situation.WIPE_CODE_SETUP) as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, "1", "1") with PIN_INVALID, prepare(device_handler, Situation.PIN_SETUP) as debug: _enter_two_times(debug, "1", "1") go_back(debug, r_middle=True)