# This file is part of the Trezor project. # # Copyright (C) 2012-2018 SatoshiLabs and contributors # # This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the License along with this library. # If not, see . from mnemonic import Mnemonic from . import messages as proto, tools from .client import TrezorClient from .tools import expect class DebugLink: def __init__(self, transport): self.transport = transport self.transport.session_begin() def close(self): self.transport.session_end() def _call(self, msg, nowait=False): self.transport.write(msg) if nowait: return None ret = self.transport.read() return ret def state(self): return self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) def read_pin(self): state = self.state() return state.pin, state.matrix def read_pin_encoded(self): return self.encode_pin(*self.read_pin()) def encode_pin(self, pin, matrix=None): """Transform correct PIN according to the displayed matrix.""" if matrix is None: _, matrix = self.read_pin() return "".join([str(matrix.index(p) + 1) for p in pin]) def read_layout(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.layout def read_mnemonic(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.mnemonic def read_recovery_word(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return (obj.recovery_fake_word, obj.recovery_word_pos) def read_reset_word(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.reset_word def read_reset_word_pos(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.reset_word_pos def read_reset_entropy(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.reset_entropy def read_passphrase_protection(self): obj = self._call(proto.DebugLinkGetState()) return obj.passphrase_protection def input(self, word=None, button=None, swipe=None): decision = proto.DebugLinkDecision() if button is not None: decision.yes_no = button elif word is not None: decision.input = word elif swipe is not None: decision.up_down = swipe else: raise ValueError("You need to provide input data.") self._call(decision, nowait=True) def press_button(self, yes_no): self._call(proto.DebugLinkDecision(yes_no=yes_no), nowait=True) def press_yes(self): self.input(button=True) def press_no(self): self.input(button=False) def swipe_up(self): self.input(swipe=True) def swipe_down(self): self.input(swipe=False) def stop(self): self._call(proto.DebugLinkStop(), nowait=True) @expect(proto.DebugLinkMemory, field="memory") def memory_read(self, address, length): return self._call(proto.DebugLinkMemoryRead(address=address, length=length)) def memory_write(self, address, memory, flash=False): self._call( proto.DebugLinkMemoryWrite(address=address, memory=memory, flash=flash), nowait=True, ) def flash_erase(self, sector): self._call(proto.DebugLinkFlashErase(sector=sector), nowait=True) class DebugUI: def __init__(self, debuglink: DebugLink): self.debuglink = debuglink self.pin = None self.passphrase = "sphinx of black quartz, judge my wov" def button_request(self): self.debuglink.press_yes() def get_pin(self): if self.pin: return self.pin else: return self.debuglink.read_pin_encoded() def get_passphrase(self): return self.passphrase class TrezorClientDebugLink(TrezorClient): # This class implements automatic responses # and other functionality for unit tests # for various callbacks, created in order # to automatically pass unit tests. # # This mixing should be used only for purposes # of unit testing, because it will fail to work # without special DebugLink interface provided # by the device. DEBUG = LOG.getChild("debug_link").debug def __init__(self, transport): self.debug = DebugLink(transport.find_debug()) self.ui = DebugUI(self.debug) super().__init__(transport, self.ui) self.in_with_statement = 0 self.button_wait = 0 self.screenshot_id = 0 # Always press Yes and provide correct pin self.setup_debuglink(True, True) # Do not expect any specific response from device self.expected_responses = None # Use blank passphrase self.set_passphrase("") def close(self): super().close() if self.debug: self.debug.close() def set_buttonwait(self, secs): self.button_wait = secs def __enter__(self): # For usage in with/expected_responses self.in_with_statement += 1 return self def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback): self.in_with_statement -= 1 if _type is not None: # Another exception raised return False # return isinstance(value, TypeError) # Evaluate missed responses in 'with' statement if self.expected_responses is not None and len(self.expected_responses): raise RuntimeError( "Some of expected responses didn't come from device: %s" % [repr(x) for x in self.expected_responses] ) # Cleanup self.expected_responses = None return False def set_expected_responses(self, expected): if not self.in_with_statement: raise RuntimeError("Must be called inside 'with' statement") self.expected_responses = expected def setup_debuglink(self, button, pin_correct): # self.button = button # True -> YES button, False -> NO button if pin_correct: self.ui.pin = None else: self.ui.pin = "444222" def set_passphrase(self, passphrase): self.ui.passphrase = Mnemonic.normalize_string(passphrase) def set_mnemonic(self, mnemonic): self.mnemonic = Mnemonic.normalize_string(mnemonic).split(" ") def call_raw(self, msg): __tracebackhide__ = True # for pytest # pylint: disable=W0612 # if SCREENSHOT and self.debug: # from PIL import Image # layout = self.debug.state().layout # im = Image.new("RGB", (128, 64)) # pix = im.load() # for x in range(128): # for y in range(64): # rx, ry = 127 - x, 63 - y # if (ord(layout[rx + (ry / 8) * 128]) & (1 << (ry % 8))) > 0: # pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255) # im.save("scr%05d.png" % self.screenshot_id) # self.screenshot_id += 1 resp = super().call_raw(msg) self._check_request(resp) return resp def _check_request(self, msg): __tracebackhide__ = True # for pytest # pylint: disable=W0612 if self.expected_responses is not None: try: expected = self.expected_responses.pop(0) except IndexError: raise AssertionError( proto.FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, "Got %s, but no message has been expected" % repr(msg), ) if msg.__class__ != expected.__class__: raise AssertionError( proto.FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, "Expected %s, got %s" % (repr(expected), repr(msg)), ) for field, value in expected.__dict__.items(): if value is None or value == []: continue if getattr(msg, field) != value: raise AssertionError( proto.FailureType.UnexpectedMessage, "Expected %s, got %s" % (repr(expected), repr(msg)), ) def mnemonic_callback(self, _): word, pos = self.debug.read_recovery_word() if word != "": return word if pos != 0: return self.mnemonic[pos - 1] raise RuntimeError("Unexpected call") @expect(proto.Success, field="message") def load_device_by_mnemonic( client, mnemonic, pin, passphrase_protection, label, language="english", skip_checksum=False, expand=False, ): # Convert mnemonic to UTF8 NKFD mnemonic = Mnemonic.normalize_string(mnemonic) # Convert mnemonic to ASCII stream mnemonic = mnemonic.encode() m = Mnemonic("english") if expand: mnemonic = m.expand(mnemonic) if not skip_checksum and not m.check(mnemonic): raise ValueError("Invalid mnemonic checksum") if client.features.initialized: raise RuntimeError( "Device is initialized already. Call device.wipe() and try again." ) resp = client.call( proto.LoadDevice( mnemonic=mnemonic, pin=pin, passphrase_protection=passphrase_protection, language=language, label=label, skip_checksum=skip_checksum, ) ) client.init_device() return resp @expect(proto.Success, field="message") def load_device_by_xprv(client, xprv, pin, passphrase_protection, label, language): if client.features.initialized: raise RuntimeError( "Device is initialized already. Call wipe_device() and try again." ) if xprv[0:4] not in ("xprv", "tprv"): raise ValueError("Unknown type of xprv") if not 100 < len(xprv) < 112: # yes this is correct in Python raise ValueError("Invalid length of xprv") node = proto.HDNodeType() data = tools.b58decode(xprv, None).hex() if data[90:92] != "00": raise ValueError("Contain invalid private key") checksum = (tools.btc_hash(bytes.fromhex(data[:156]))[:4]).hex() if checksum != data[156:]: raise ValueError("Checksum doesn't match") # version 0488ade4 # depth 00 # fingerprint 00000000 # child_num 00000000 # chaincode 873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508 # privkey 00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35 # checksum e77e9d71 node.depth = int(data[8:10], 16) node.fingerprint = int(data[10:18], 16) node.child_num = int(data[18:26], 16) node.chain_code = bytes.fromhex(data[26:90]) node.private_key = bytes.fromhex(data[92:156]) # skip 0x00 indicating privkey resp = client.call( proto.LoadDevice( node=node, pin=pin, passphrase_protection=passphrase_protection, language=language, label=label, ) ) client.init_device() return resp @expect(proto.Success, field="message") def self_test(client): if client.features.bootloader_mode is not True: raise RuntimeError("Device must be in bootloader mode") return client.call( proto.SelfTest( payload=b"\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x66\x99\x33\xCCABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!\x00\xFF\x55\xAA\x66\x99\x33\xCC" ) )