import gc import sys from trezorutils import ( # noqa: F401 BITCOIN_ONLY, EMULATOR, HOMESCREEN_MAXSIZE, INTERNAL_MODEL, MODEL, MODEL_FULL_NAME, MODEL_USB_MANUFACTURER, MODEL_USB_PRODUCT, SCM_REVISION, UI_LAYOUT, USE_BACKLIGHT, USE_BLE, USE_BUTTON, USE_HAPTIC, USE_OPTIGA, USE_SD_CARD, USE_THP, USE_TOUCH, USE_TROPIC, VERSION, bootloader_locked, check_firmware_header, consteq, firmware_hash, firmware_vendor, halt, memcpy, reboot_to_bootloader, sd_hotswap_enabled, unit_btconly, unit_color, unit_packaging, ) from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if __debug__: from trezorutils import LOG_STACK_USAGE if LOG_STACK_USAGE: from trezorutils import estimate_unused_stack, zero_unused_stack # noqa: F401 if EMULATOR: import uos DISABLE_ANIMATION = uos.getenv("TREZOR_DISABLE_ANIMATION") == "1" LOG_MEMORY = uos.getenv("TREZOR_LOG_MEMORY") == "1" else: from trezorutils import DISABLE_ANIMATION LOG_MEMORY = 0 else: DISABLE_ANIMATION = False LOG_STACK_USAGE = False if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Any, Iterator, Protocol, Sequence, TypeVar from trezor.protobuf import MessageType def unimport_begin() -> set[str]: return set(sys.modules) def unimport_end(mods: set[str], collect: bool = True) -> None: # static check that the size of sys.modules never grows above value of # MICROPY_LOADED_MODULES_DICT_SIZE, so that the sys.modules dict is never # reallocated at run-time assert len(sys.modules) <= 160, "Please bump preallocated size in mpconfigport.h" for mod in sys.modules: # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items if mod not in mods: # remove reference from sys.modules del sys.modules[mod] # remove reference from the parent module i = mod.rfind(".") if i < 0: continue path = mod[:i] name = mod[i + 1 :] try: delattr(sys.modules[path], name) except KeyError: # either path is not present in sys.modules, or module is not # referenced from the parent package. both is fine. pass # collect removed modules if collect: gc.collect() class unimport: def __init__(self) -> None: self.mods: set[str] | None = None def __enter__(self) -> None: self.mods = unimport_begin() def __exit__(self, _exc_type: Any, _exc_value: Any, _tb: Any) -> None: assert self.mods is not None unimport_end(self.mods, collect=False) self.mods.clear() self.mods = None gc.collect() def presize_module(modname: str, size: int) -> None: """Ensure the module's dict is preallocated to an expected size. This is used in modules like `trezor`, whose dict size depends not only on the symbols defined in the file itself, but also on the number of submodules that will be inserted into the module's namespace. """ module = sys.modules[modname] for i in range(size): setattr(module, f"___PRESIZE_MODULE_{i}", None) for i in range(size): delattr(module, f"___PRESIZE_MODULE_{i}") if __debug__: from ubinascii import hexlify def mem_dump(filename: str) -> None: from micropython import mem_info print(f"### sysmodules ({len(sys.modules)}):") for mod in sys.modules: print("*", mod) if EMULATOR: from trezorutils import meminfo print("### dumping to", filename) meminfo(filename) mem_info() else: mem_info(True) def get_bytes_as_str(a: bytes) -> str: """Converts the provided bytes to a hexadecimal string (decoded as `utf-8`).""" return hexlify(a).decode("utf-8") def ensure(cond: bool, msg: str | None = None) -> None: if not cond: if msg is None: raise AssertionError else: raise AssertionError(msg) if TYPE_CHECKING: Chunkable = TypeVar("Chunkable", str, Sequence[Any]) def chunks(items: Chunkable, size: int) -> Iterator[Chunkable]: for i in range(0, len(items), size): yield items[i : i + size] if TYPE_CHECKING: class HashContext(Protocol): def update(self, __buf: bytes) -> None: ... def digest(self) -> bytes: ... class HashContextInitable(HashContext, Protocol): def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self, __data: bytes | None = None ) -> None: ... class Writer(Protocol): def append(self, __b: int) -> None: ... def extend(self, __buf: bytes) -> None: ... if False: # noqa class DebugHashContextWrapper: """ Use this wrapper to debug hashing operations. When digest() is called, it will log all of the data that was provided to update(). Example usage: self.h_prevouts = HashWriter(DebugHashContextWrapper(sha256())) """ def __init__(self, ctx: HashContext) -> None: self.ctx = ctx = "" def update(self, data: bytes) -> None: from ubinascii import hexlify self.ctx.update(data) += hexlify(data).decode() + " " def digest(self) -> bytes: from ubinascii import hexlify from trezor import log digest = self.ctx.digest() log.debug( __name__, "%s hash: %s, data: %s", self.ctx.__class__.__name__, hexlify(digest).decode(),, ) return digest class HashWriter: def __init__(self, ctx: HashContext) -> None: self.ctx = ctx self.buf = bytearray(1) # used in append() def append(self, b: int) -> None: self.buf[0] = b self.ctx.update(self.buf) def extend(self, buf: bytes) -> None: self.ctx.update(buf) def write(self, buf: bytes) -> None: # alias for extend() self.ctx.update(buf) def get_digest(self) -> bytes: return self.ctx.digest() if TYPE_CHECKING: BufferType = bytearray | memoryview class BufferReader: """Seekable and readable view into a buffer.""" def __init__(self, buffer: bytes | memoryview) -> None: if isinstance(buffer, memoryview): self.buffer = buffer else: self.buffer = memoryview(buffer) self.offset = 0 def seek(self, offset: int) -> None: """Set current offset to `offset`. If negative, set to zero. If longer than the buffer, set to end of buffer. """ offset = min(offset, len(self.buffer)) offset = max(offset, 0) self.offset = offset def readinto(self, dst: BufferType) -> int: """Read exactly `len(dst)` bytes into `dst`, or raise EOFError. Returns number of bytes read. """ buffer = self.buffer offset = self.offset if len(dst) > len(buffer) - offset: raise EOFError nread = memcpy(dst, 0, buffer, offset) self.offset += nread return nread def read(self, length: int | None = None) -> bytes: """Read and return exactly `length` bytes, or raise EOFError. If `length` is unspecified, reads all remaining data. Note that this method makes a copy of the data. To avoid allocation, use `readinto()`. To avoid copying use `read_memoryview()`. """ return bytes(self.read_memoryview(length)) def read_memoryview(self, length: int | None = None) -> memoryview: """Read and return a memoryview of exactly `length` bytes, or raise EOFError. If `length` is unspecified, reads all remaining data. """ if length is None: ret = self.buffer[self.offset :] self.offset = len(self.buffer) elif length < 0: raise ValueError elif length <= self.remaining_count(): ret = self.buffer[self.offset : self.offset + length] self.offset += length else: raise EOFError return ret def remaining_count(self) -> int: """Return the number of bytes remaining for reading.""" return len(self.buffer) - self.offset def peek(self) -> int: """Peek the ordinal value of the next byte to be read.""" if self.offset >= len(self.buffer): raise EOFError return self.buffer[self.offset] def get(self) -> int: """Read exactly one byte and return its ordinal value.""" if self.offset >= len(self.buffer): raise EOFError byte = self.buffer[self.offset] self.offset += 1 return byte def obj_eq(__self: Any, __o: Any) -> bool: """ Compares object contents. """ if __self.__class__ is not __o.__class__: return False assert not hasattr(__self, "__slots__") return __self.__dict__ == __o.__dict__ def obj_repr(self: Any) -> str: """ Returns a string representation of object. """ assert not hasattr(self, "__slots__") return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.__dict__}>" def truncate_utf8(string: str, max_bytes: int) -> str: """Truncate the codepoints of a string so that its UTF-8 encoding is at most `max_bytes` in length.""" data = string.encode() if len(data) <= max_bytes: return string # Find the starting position of the last codepoint in data[0 : max_bytes + 1]. i = max_bytes while i >= 0 and data[i] & 0xC0 == 0x80: i -= 1 return data[:i].decode() def is_empty_iterator(i: Iterator) -> bool: try: next(i) except StopIteration: return True else: return False def empty_bytearray(preallocate: int) -> bytearray: """ Returns bytearray that won't allocate for at least `preallocate` bytes. Useful in case you want to avoid allocating too often. """ b = bytearray(preallocate) b[:] = bytes() return b if __debug__: def dump_protobuf_lines(msg: MessageType, line_start: str = "") -> Iterator[str]: msg_dict = msg.__dict__ if not msg_dict: yield line_start + msg.MESSAGE_NAME + " {}" return yield line_start + msg.MESSAGE_NAME + " {" for key, val in msg_dict.items(): if type(val) is type(msg): sublines = dump_protobuf_lines(val, line_start=key + ": ") for subline in sublines: yield " " + subline elif val and isinstance(val, list) and type(val[0]) is type(msg): # non-empty list of protobuf messages yield f" {key}: [" for subval in val: sublines = dump_protobuf_lines(subval) for subline in sublines: yield " " + subline yield " ]" else: yield f" {key}: {repr(val)}" yield "}" def dump_protobuf(msg: MessageType) -> str: return "\n".join(dump_protobuf_lines(msg))