# !/usr/bin/env python3 import json import os import subprocess import tempfile from pathlib import Path import click from mako.template import Template from munch import munchify, Munch HERE = Path(__file__).parent ROOT = HERE.parent.resolve() TEMPLATES = ( ROOT / "core" / "src" / "apps" / "solana" / "transaction" / "instructions.py.mako", ROOT / "tests" / "device_tests" / "solana" / "construct" / "instructions.py.mako", ROOT / "core" / "tests" / "test_apps.solana.predefined_transaction.py.mako", ) PROGRAMS_JSON = ROOT / "common" / "defs" / "solana" / "programs.json" def _silent_call(*args): subprocess.check_call(args, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) def format(file: Path): _silent_call("isort", file) _silent_call("black", file) _silent_call("flake8", file) def render_single(template_path: Path, programs: Munch) -> str: template = Template(filename=str(template_path.resolve())) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", dir=template_path.parent) as f: f.write(str(template.render(programs=programs))) f.flush() # after flushing the contents, on-disk file will be formatted... format(Path(f.name)) # ...and we need to explicitly open it again to get the updated contents, # otherwise we get cached results? with open(f.name, "r") as new_f: return new_f.read() @click.command() @click.option( "-c", "--check", is_flag=True, help="Check if the templates are up to date" ) def build_templates(check: bool): programs = munchify(json.loads(PROGRAMS_JSON.read_text())) prog_stat = PROGRAMS_JSON.stat() all_ok = True for template_path in TEMPLATES: assert template_path.suffix == ".mako" dest_path = template_path.with_suffix("") result = render_single(template_path, programs) if check: if result != dest_path.read_text(): print(f"{dest_path} is out of date") all_ok = False else: tmpl_stat = template_path.stat() dest_path.write_text(result) os.utime( dest_path, ns=( max(tmpl_stat.st_atime_ns, prog_stat.st_atime_ns), max(tmpl_stat.st_mtime_ns, prog_stat.st_mtime_ns), ), ) if not all_ok: raise click.ClickException("Some templates are out of date") if __name__ == "__main__": build_templates()