# Size (binsize) Shell and python scripts acting as wrappers around `binsize` tool/command. Adding `--help` to any `.sh` will show the help message for that specific command. Settings of this specific (`trezor-firmware`) project are forwarded in each command. Specifically, `core/build/firmware/firmware.elf` and `core/build/firmware/firmware.map` (optional) files are used and we are interested in `.flash` and `.flash2` sections. `bloaty` and `nm` tools are needed. For more info about `binsize` tool, visit [its repository](github.com/trezor/binsize). ## Available scripts/commands ### app.py Shows the statistics about each micropython app. ### build.sh Builds the firmware with optional renaming of the generated .elf file. ### checker.py Checks the size of the current firmware against the size limits of its flash sections. ### commit.sh Gets the size difference introduced by a specified commit ### compare_master.py Compares the size of the current firmware with the size of the latest master. ### compare.sh Compares the size of two firmware binaries. ### get.sh Gets the size information about the current firmware. ### groups.py Shows the groupings of all symbols into specific categories. ### history.sh Shows the size history of latest `` with `` commits between them. BEWARE: might not always work properly, as it needs to build firmware for each commit. It may happens that some commits are not buildable. ### tree.sh Shows the tree-size view of all files in the current firmware with their sizes.