# Trezor BLE Gateway Welcome to the **Trezor BLE Gateway** project! This repository contains the source code and instructions to build and flash the application onto the `t3w1_nrf52833` board. ## Table of Contents - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Install the toolchain](#install-the-toolchain) - [Launch the nRF Shell](#launch-the-nrf-shell) - [Initialize the Workspace](#initialize-the-workspace) - [Update nRF Connect SDK Modules](#update-nrf-connect-sdk-modules) - [Build the Application](#build-the-application) - [Flash the Application](#flash-the-application) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Prerequisites Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements: - **nrfutil**: Install [nrfutil](https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/nrfutil/page/README.html). This tool is essential for managing the nRF Connect SDK and toolchains. - **Git**: Ensure you have Git installed for cloning repositories. ## Getting Started Follow these steps to set up the project on your local machine. ### Install the toolchain Using nrfutil, install the required toolchain for the nRF Connect SDK: ```sh nrfutil toolchain-manager install --ncs-version v2.9.0 ``` ### Launch the nRF Shell First, launch the nRF shell using the `nrfutil` toolchain manager and set the NCS to chosen version: ```sh nrfutil toolchain-manager launch --shell ``` ### Initialize the Workspace Initialize your West workspace for the Trezor BLE Gateway project: ```sh cd nordic west init -l ./trezor ``` ### Update nRF Connect SDK Modules Update the modules: ```sh west update ``` ### Building the Application ```sh cd trezor west build ./trezor-ble -b t3w1_revA_nrf52832 --sysbuild ``` When building for first time, add `--pristine=always` so that NCS versions and their cached files don't mix and fubar each other. Debug builds can be built using the debug overlay configuration: Build the application for the t3w1_revA_nrf52832 board: ```sh west build ./trezor-ble -b t3w1_revA_nrf52832 --sysbuild -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=debug.conf ``` ### Flashing the Application Flash the compiled application onto the board: ```sh west flash ```