from __future__ import annotations import json import typing as t import unicodedata from hashlib import sha256 from pathlib import Path import construct as c from construct_classes import Struct, subcon from typing_extensions import Self, TypedDict from ..firmware.models import Model from ..models import TrezorModel from import EnumAdapter, TupleAdapter # All sections need to be aligned to 2 bytes for the offset tables using u16 to work properly ALIGNMENT = 2 # "align end of struct" subcon. The builtin c.Aligned does not do the right thing, # because it assumes that the alignment is relative to the start of the subcon, not the # start of the whole struct. # TODO this spelling may or may not align in context of the stream as a whole (as # opposed to the containing struct). This is prooobably not a problem -- we want the # top-level alignment to always be ALIGNMENT anyway. But if someone were to use some # of the structs separately, they might get a surprise. Maybe. Didn't test this. ALIGN_SUBCON = c.Padding( lambda ctx: (ALIGNMENT - (ctx._io.tell() % ALIGNMENT)) % ALIGNMENT ) JsonFontInfo = t.Dict[str, str] Order = t.Dict[int, str] VersionTuple = t.Tuple[int, int, int, int] class JsonHeader(TypedDict): language: str version: str class JsonDef(TypedDict): header: JsonHeader translations: dict[str, str] fonts: dict[str, JsonFontInfo] def version_from_json(json_str: str) -> VersionTuple: version_digits = [int(v) for v in json_str.split(".")] if len(version_digits) < 4: version_digits.extend([0] * (4 - len(version_digits))) return t.cast(VersionTuple, tuple(version_digits)) def _normalize(what: str) -> str: return unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", what) def offsets_seq(data: t.Iterable[bytes]) -> t.Iterator[int]: offset = 0 for item in data: yield offset offset += len(item) yield offset class Header(Struct): language: str model: Model firmware_version: VersionTuple data_len: int data_hash: bytes # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "magic" / c.Const(b"TR"), "language" / c.PaddedString(8, "ascii"), # BCP47 language tag "model" / EnumAdapter(c.Bytes(4), Model), "firmware_version" / TupleAdapter(c.Int8ul, c.Int8ul, c.Int8ul, c.Int8ul), "data_len" / c.Int16ul, "data_hash" / c.Bytes(32), ALIGN_SUBCON, c.Terminated, ) # fmt: on class Proof(Struct): merkle_proof: list[bytes] sigmask: int signature: bytes # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "merkle_proof" / c.PrefixedArray(c.Int8ul, c.Bytes(32)), "sigmask" / c.Byte, "signature" / c.Bytes(64), ALIGN_SUBCON, c.Terminated, ) # fmt: on class BlobTable(Struct): offsets: list[tuple[int, int]] data: bytes SENTINEL: t.ClassVar[int] = 0xFFFF # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "_length" / c.Rebuild(c.Int16ul, c.len_(c.this.offsets) - 1), "offsets" / c.Array(c.this._length + 1, TupleAdapter(c.Int16ul, c.Int16ul)), "data" / c.GreedyBytes, ALIGN_SUBCON, c.Terminated, ) # fmt: on @classmethod def from_items(cls, items: dict[int, bytes]) -> Self: assert not any(key >= cls.SENTINEL for key in items.keys()) keys = sorted(items.keys()) items_sorted = [items[key] for key in keys] offsets = list(offsets_seq(items_sorted)) keys.append(cls.SENTINEL) assert len(keys) == len(offsets) return cls( offsets=list(zip(keys, offsets)), data=b"".join(items_sorted), ) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.offsets) - 1 def get(self, id: int) -> bytes | None: if id == self.SENTINEL: return None for key, offset in self.offsets: if key == id: return[offset : self.offsets[key + 1][1]] return None class TranslatedStrings(Struct): offsets: list[int] strings: bytes # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "_length" / c.Rebuild(c.Int16ul, c.len_(c.this.offsets) - 1), "offsets" / c.Array(c.this._length + 1, c.Int16ul), "strings" / c.GreedyBytes, ALIGN_SUBCON, c.Terminated, ) # fmt: on @classmethod def from_items(cls, items: list[str]) -> Self: item_bytes = [_normalize(item).encode("utf-8") for item in items] offsets = list(offsets_seq(item_bytes)) return cls(offsets=offsets, strings=b"".join(item_bytes)) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.offsets) - 1 def get(self, idx: int) -> str | None: if idx >= len(self.offsets) - 1: return None return self.strings[self.offsets[idx] : self.offsets[idx + 1]].decode("utf-8") # =========== class Font(BlobTable): @classmethod def from_file(cls, file: Path) -> Self: json_content = json.loads(file.read_text()) assert all(len(codepoint) == 1 for codepoint in json_content) raw_content = { ord(codepoint): bytes.fromhex(data) for codepoint, data in json_content.items() } return cls.from_items(raw_content) class FontsTable(BlobTable): @classmethod def from_dir(cls, model_fonts: dict[str, str], font_dir: Path) -> Self: """Example structure of the font dict: (The beginning number corresponds to the C representation of each font) { "1_FONT_NORMAL": "font_tthoves_regular_21_cs.json", "2_FONT_BOLD": "font_tthoves_bold_17_cs.json", "3_FONT_MONO": "font_robotomono_medium_20_cs.json", "4_FONT_BIG": null, "5_FONT_DEMIBOLD": "font_tthoves_demibold_21_cs.json" } """ fonts = {} for font_name, file_name in model_fonts.items(): if not file_name: continue file_path = font_dir / file_name font_num = int(font_name.split("_")[0]) try: fonts[font_num] = Font.from_file(file_path).build() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load font {file_name}") from e return cls.from_items(fonts) def get_font(self, font_id: int) -> Font | None: font_bytes = self.get(font_id) if font_bytes is None: return None return Font.parse(font_bytes) # ========= class Payload(Struct): translations_bytes: bytes fonts_bytes: bytes # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "translations_bytes" / c.Prefixed(c.Int16ul, c.GreedyBytes), "fonts_bytes" / c.Prefixed(c.Int16ul, c.GreedyBytes), c.Terminated, ) # fmt: on class TranslationsBlob(Struct): header_bytes: bytes proof_bytes: bytes payload: Payload = subcon(Payload) # fmt: off SUBCON = c.Struct( "magic" / c.Const(b"TRTR00"), "total_length" / c.Rebuild( c.Int16ul, ( c.len_(c.this.header_bytes) + c.len_(c.this.proof_bytes) + c.len_(c.this.payload.translations_bytes) + c.len_(c.this.payload.fonts_bytes) + 2 * 4 # sizeof(u16) * number of fields ) ), "_start_offset" / c.Tell, "header_bytes" / c.Prefixed(c.Int16ul, c.GreedyBytes), "proof_bytes" / c.Prefixed(c.Int16ul, c.GreedyBytes), "payload" / Payload.SUBCON, "_end_offset" / c.Tell, c.Terminated, c.Check(c.this.total_length == c.this._end_offset - c.this._start_offset), ) # fmt: on @property def header(self): return Header.parse(self.header_bytes) @property def proof(self): return Proof.parse(self.proof_bytes) @proof.setter def proof(self, proof: Proof): self.proof_bytes = @property def translations(self): return TranslatedStrings.parse(self.payload.translations_bytes) @property def fonts(self): return FontsTable.parse(self.payload.fonts_bytes) def build(self) -> bytes: assert len(self.header_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 assert len(self.proof_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 assert len(self.payload.translations_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 assert len(self.payload.fonts_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 return super().build() # ==================== def order_from_json(json_order: dict[str, str]) -> Order: return {int(k): v for k, v in json_order.items()} def blob_from_defs( lang_data: JsonDef, order: Order, model: TrezorModel, version: VersionTuple, fonts_dir: Path, ) -> TranslationsBlob: json_header: JsonHeader = lang_data["header"] # order translations -- python dicts keep insertion order translations_ordered: list[str] = [ lang_data["translations"].get(key, "") for _, key in sorted(order.items()) ] translations = TranslatedStrings.from_items(translations_ordered) if model.internal_name not in lang_data["fonts"]: raise ValueError( f"Model {model.internal_name} not found in header for {json_header['language']} v{json_header['version']}" ) model_fonts = lang_data["fonts"][model.internal_name] fonts = FontsTable.from_dir(model_fonts, fonts_dir) translations_bytes = assert len(translations_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 fonts_bytes = assert len(fonts_bytes) % ALIGNMENT == 0 payload = Payload( translations_bytes=translations_bytes, fonts_bytes=fonts_bytes, ) data = header = Header( language=json_header["language"], model=Model.from_trezor_model(model), firmware_version=version, data_len=len(data), data_hash=sha256(data).digest(), ) return TranslationsBlob(, proof_bytes=b"", payload=payload, )