{ "setup": { "mnemonic": "alcohol woman abuse must during monitor noble actual mixed trade anger aisle", "passphrase": "" }, "tests": [ { "name": "stake_bad_inputs_1", "parameters": { "comment": "Stake transaction - Holesky testnet. Wrong source argument (should be 1).", "data": "3a29dbae0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002", "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "to_address": "0xAFA848357154a6a624686b348303EF9a13F63264", "chain_id": 1, "nonce": "0x0", "gas_price": "0x14", "gas_limit": "0x14", "tx_type": null, "value": "0x16345785D8A0000" }, "result": { "sig_v": 0, "sig_r": "0x0", "sig_s": "0x0" } }, { "name": "stake_bad_inputs_2", "parameters": { "comment": "Stake transaction - Mainnet. Missing arguments.", "data": "3a29dbae", "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "to_address": "0xD523794C879D9eC028960a231F866758e405bE34", "chain_id": 1, "nonce": "0x0", "gas_price": "0x14", "gas_limit": "0x14", "tx_type": null, "value": "0x16345785D8A0000" }, "result": { "sig_v": 0, "sig_r": "0x0", "sig_s": "0x0" } }, { "name": "unstake_bad_inputs_1", "parameters": { "comment": "Unstake transaction - Holesky testnet. Wrong source argument (should be 1).", "data": "76ec871c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000016345785d8a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002", "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "to_address": "0xAFA848357154a6a624686b348303EF9a13F63264", "chain_id": 1, "nonce": "0x0", "gas_price": "0x14", "gas_limit": "0x14", "tx_type": null, "value": "0x0" }, "result": { "sig_v": 0, "sig_r": "0x0", "sig_s": "0x0" } }, { "name": "unstake_bad_inputs_2", "parameters": { "comment": "Unstake transaction - Holesky testnet. Misaligned arguments.", "data": "76ec871c000000000000000000", "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "to_address": "0xAFA848357154a6a624686b348303EF9a13F63264", "chain_id": 1, "nonce": "0x0", "gas_price": "0x14", "gas_limit": "0x14", "tx_type": null, "value": "0x0" }, "result": { "sig_v": 0, "sig_r": "0x0", "sig_s": "0x0" } }, { "name": "claim_bad_inputs_1", "parameters": { "comment": "Claim transaction - Mainnet. Misaligned data.", "data": "33986ffaaa000aaa", "path": "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", "to_address": "0x7a7f0b3c23C23a31cFcb0c44709be70d4D545c6e", "chain_id": 1, "nonce": "0x0", "gas_price": "0x14", "gas_limit": "0x14", "tx_type": null, "value": "0x0" }, "result": { "sig_v": 0, "sig_r": "0x0", "sig_s": "0x0" } } ] }