#!/usr/bin/env bash set -u base_branch=main fail=0 subdirs="core core/embed/boardloader core/embed/bootloader core/embed/bootloader_ci core/embed/prodtest legacy/bootloader legacy/firmware legacy/intermediate_fw python" # $ignored_files is a newline-separated list of patterns for grep # therefore there must not be empty lines at start or end ignored_files="^core/src/apps/ethereum/networks.py$ ^core/src/apps/ethereum/tokens.py$ ^core/src/trezor/enums/.* ^core/src/trezor/messages.py$ ^python/src/trezorlib/messages.py$" changed_files=$(mktemp) trap 'rm -- $changed_files' EXIT git fetch origin "$base_branch" check_feature_branch () { for commit in $(git rev-list origin/$base_branch..) do if git log -n1 --format=%B "$commit" | grep -iFq "[no changelog]"; then echo "Found [no changelog] in $commit, skipping." continue fi git show --pretty=format: --name-only "$commit" | grep -v "$ignored_files" >> "$changed_files" done for subdir in $subdirs do echo "Checking $subdir" files=$(grep "^$subdir/" "$changed_files") if echo "$files" | grep . | grep -Fq -v .changelog.d; then if ! echo "$files" | grep -Fq .changelog.d; then fail=1 echo "FAILURE! No changelog entry for changes in $subdir." fi fi done } check_release_branch () { if git diff --name-only "origin/$base_branch..." | grep -Fq .changelog.d; then fail=1 echo "FAILURE! Changelog fragments not allowed in release branch:" git diff --name-only "origin/$base_branch..." | grep -F .changelog.d fi } # gitlab if echo "$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH" | grep -Eq "^(release|secfix)/"; then check_release_branch # github, TODO this only makes sense running on branches but not pull requests elif $(git branch --show-current) | grep -Eq "^(release|secfix)/"; then check_release_branch else check_feature_branch fi if [[ "$fail" -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Please see https://docs.trezor.io/trezor-firmware/misc/changelog.html for instructions." fi exit $fail