[tool.poetry] name = "trezor-firmware" version = "0.0.0" description = "" authors = ["SatoshiLabs "] [tool.poetry.dependencies] # all python = "^3.6" trezor = {path = "./python"} scons = "*" protobuf = "*" pyblake2 = "*" Pyro4 = "*" nanopb = "^0.4.3" ## test tools pytest = "^6.1.0" coverage = "<5" # coverage 5+ uses binary sqlite format flaky = "^3.6.1" # https://github.com/box/flaky/issues/156 pytest-ordering = "*" pytest-random-order = "*" pytest-timeout = "*" tox = "*" dominate = "*" # hardware tests pyserial = "*" ## test requirements shamir-mnemonic = "*" fido2 = "^0.8.0" ## typing mypy = ">=0.782" typing-extensions = ">=3.7.4" ## style isort = "<5" # 5 changes lots of stuff that need to be addressed first: https://timothycrosley.github.io/isort/docs/upgrade_guides/5.0.0/ flake8 = ">=3.7.0" black = ">=20.8b0" mako = "^1.0.7" munch = "^2.3.2" autoflake = "*" flake8-requirements = ">=1.3.2" # common demjson = "*" graphviz = "*" ## cointool click = "^7" ed25519 = "^1.4" requests = "^2.19" termcolor = "*" Pillow = "*" # crypto ecdsa = "^0.16" curve25519-donna = "*" pyasn1 = "*" # legacy setuptools = ">=24.2.0" # storage cryptography = "*" hypothesis = "*" attrs = "*" inotify = "*" yamllint = "^1.25.0" [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] scan-build = "*" [build-system] requires = ["poetry>=1;<1.1", "pip>=20"] build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"