/* * This file is part of the Trezor project, https://trezor.io/ * * Copyright (C) 2019 SatoshiLabs * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "keyboard.h" #include #include "buttons.h" #include "memzero.h" #include "messages-common.pb.h" #include "messages.h" #include "messages.pb.h" #include "oled.h" #include "usb.h" #define BTN_WIDTH 23 #define BTN_HEIGHT 11 #define BTN_X_SEP 4 #define BTN_Y_SEP 3 #define KBD_COLS 3 #define KBD_ROWS 4 #define KBD_SIZE (KBD_COLS * KBD_ROWS) #define KBD_X_OFFSET 26 #define KBD_Y_OFFSET 10 #define KBD_HEIGHT (KBD_ROWS * (BTN_HEIGHT + BTN_Y_SEP) - BTN_Y_SEP + 1) #define KBD_WIDTH (KBD_COLS * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP) - BTN_X_SEP + 1) #define KBD_COUNT 4 #define MAX_INPUT_LEN 50 const char *KBD_LABELS[KBD_COUNT][KBD_SIZE] = { {"abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqr", "stu", "vwx", "yz ", "", "*#", ""}, {"ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX", "YZ ", "", "*#", ""}, {"_<>", ".:@", "/|\\", "!()", "+%&", "-[]", "?{}", ",'`", ";\"~", "", "$^=", ""}, {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "", "0", ""}, }; #define BTN_BACKSPACE 9 #define BTN_DONE 11 #define LABEL_BACKSPACE "Bksp" #define LABEL_CANCEL "Exit" #define LABEL_DONE "OK" #define CURSOR_WIDTH 5 #define CURSOR_HEIGHT 2 static int select_index = -1; static int kbd_layout = 0; static char oldTiny = '\0'; enum { STATUS_IN_PROGRESS = 0, STATUS_DONE = 1, STATUS_CANCELLED = 2, } status = STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; #define INPUT_OFFSET KBD_X_OFFSET #define TEXT_OFFSET 0 CONFIDENTIAL char input[MAX_INPUT_LEN + 1] = ""; typedef struct { int select_index; bool input_done; int kbd_layout; bool left_shift; bool right_shift; } State; static void drawBtn(int i, const char *text) { int x = KBD_X_OFFSET + (i % KBD_COLS) * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP); int y = KBD_Y_OFFSET + (i / KBD_COLS) * (BTN_HEIGHT + BTN_Y_SEP); for (int j = 0; j < BTN_WIDTH; j++) { oledDrawPixel(x + j, y - 1); oledDrawPixel(x + j, y + BTN_HEIGHT); } for (int j = 0; j < BTN_HEIGHT; j++) { oledDrawPixel(x - 1, y + j); oledDrawPixel(x + BTN_WIDTH, y + j); } oledDrawStringCenter(x + BTN_WIDTH / 2 + 1, y + 2, text, FONT_STANDARD); } static void drawBtnLeft(const char *label) { int x = KBD_X_OFFSET - BTN_X_SEP; oledBox(0, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, x, OLED_HEIGHT - 1, false); if (label) oledDrawStringCenter(KBD_X_OFFSET / 2 - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, label, FONT_STANDARD); else oledDrawBitmap(3, OLED_HEIGHT - 7, &bmp_btn_down); oledInvert(0, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, x, OLED_HEIGHT - 1); } static void drawBtnRight(const char *label) { int x = KBD_X_OFFSET + KBD_COLS * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP) - 1; oledBox(x, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, OLED_WIDTH - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 1, false); if (label) oledDrawStringCenter((OLED_WIDTH + x + 1) / 2, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, label, FONT_STANDARD); else oledDrawBitmap(OLED_WIDTH - 14, OLED_HEIGHT - 8, &bmp_btn_right); oledInvert(x, OLED_HEIGHT - 9, OLED_WIDTH - 1, OLED_HEIGHT - 1); } static void drawKeyboard(void) { oledBox(KBD_X_OFFSET, KBD_Y_OFFSET, KBD_X_OFFSET + KBD_WIDTH - 1, KBD_Y_OFFSET + KBD_HEIGHT - 1, false); for (int i = 0; i < KBD_SIZE; ++i) { drawBtn(i, KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][i]); } int x = KBD_X_OFFSET + 0 * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP); int y = KBD_Y_OFFSET + 3 * (BTN_HEIGHT + BTN_Y_SEP); if (input[0] == '\0') { oledDrawBitmap(x + 8, y + 2, &bmp_btn_cancel); } else { oledDrawBitmap(x + 3, y + 1, &bmp_btn_backspace); } x = KBD_X_OFFSET + 2 * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP); y = KBD_Y_OFFSET + 3 * (BTN_HEIGHT + BTN_Y_SEP); oledDrawBitmap(x + 8, y + 2, &bmp_btn_confirm); } static void drawCursor(void) { int x = INPUT_OFFSET + oledStringWidth(input, FONT_STANDARD); oledBox(x, FONT_HEIGHT - CURSOR_HEIGHT, x + CURSOR_WIDTH - 1, FONT_HEIGHT - 1, true); } static void invertBtn(int i, int j) { int x = KBD_X_OFFSET + i * (BTN_WIDTH + BTN_X_SEP); int y = KBD_Y_OFFSET + j * (BTN_HEIGHT + BTN_Y_SEP); oledInvert(x, y, x + BTN_WIDTH - 1, y + BTN_HEIGHT - 1); oledRefresh(); } static void pressBtn(int btn) { int len = strlen(input); if (btn == BTN_DONE) { status = STATUS_DONE; } else if (btn == BTN_BACKSPACE) { if (len > 0) { input[len - 1] = '\0'; if (len == 1) { // Replace backspace with cancel button. drawKeyboard(); select_index = -2; // Avoid accidentally pressing the cancel button. } } else if (select_index == -1) { // Cancel only if this is not a repeated pressing of backspace. status = STATUS_CANCELLED; } } else { int btn_len = strlen(KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][btn]); int pos = len; if (select_index >= 0) { pos -= 1; select_index = (select_index + 1) % btn_len; } else { select_index = 0; } if (pos < MAX_INPUT_LEN) { input[pos] = KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][btn][select_index]; input[pos + 1] = '\0'; } if (len == 0 && pos == 0) { // Replace cancel button with backspace. drawKeyboard(); } if (btn_len == 1) { // If the button has only one symbol, then pressing it repeatedly should // cause the symbol to be typed repeatedly. select_index = -1; } } oledBox(TEXT_OFFSET, 0, OLED_WIDTH - 1, FONT_HEIGHT, false); oledDrawString(INPUT_OFFSET, 0, input, FONT_STANDARD); if (select_index < 0) drawCursor(); } #define STATE_NONE 0 #define STATE_LEFT_DOWN 1 #define STATE_RIGHT_DOWN 2 #define STATE_SHIFT 4 #define STATE_LEFT_SHIFT (STATE_LEFT_DOWN | STATE_SHIFT) #define STATE_RIGHT_SHIFT (STATE_RIGHT_DOWN | STATE_SHIFT) #define EVENT_NONE 0 #define EVENT_LEFT 1 #define EVENT_RIGHT 2 #define EVENT_SHIFTED_LEFT 4 #define EVENT_SHIFTED_RIGHT 8 #define EVENT_LEFT_SHIFT 16 #define EVENT_RIGHT_SHIFT 32 #define EVENT_SHIFT_RELEASE 64 int button_handler(State *state) { int events = 0; buttonUpdate(); if (button.YesReleased) { if (state->right_shift) { state->right_shift = false; events |= EVENT_SHIFT_RELEASE; } else { if (button.YesDown > button.NoDown) { // Right events |= EVENT_RIGHT; } else { // Shift + Right events |= EVENT_SHIFTED_RIGHT; state->left_shift = true; } } } if (button.NoReleased) { if (state->left_shift) { state->left_shift = false; events |= EVENT_SHIFT_RELEASE; } else { if (button.NoDown > button.YesDown) { // Left events |= EVENT_LEFT; } else { // Shift + Left events |= EVENT_SHIFTED_LEFT; state->right_shift = true; } } } if (button.NoDown == 1 && button.YesDown <= 1) { events |= EVENT_LEFT_SHIFT; } if (button.YesDown == 1 && button.NoDown <= 1) { events |= EVENT_RIGHT_SHIFT; } return events; } static bool host_cancelled(void) { return (msg_tiny_id == MessageType_MessageType_Cancel) || (msg_tiny_id == MessageType_MessageType_Initialize); } static void usb_begin(ButtonRequestType type) { ButtonRequest resp = {0}; memzero(&resp, sizeof(ButtonRequest)); resp.has_code = true; resp.code = type; oldTiny = usbTiny(1); msg_write(MessageType_MessageType_ButtonRequest, &resp); while (!host_cancelled()) { usbPoll(); // wait for ButtonAck if (msg_tiny_id == MessageType_MessageType_ButtonAck) { msg_tiny_id = 0xFFFF; break; } } } static bool usb_cancelled(void) { usbPoll(); if (host_cancelled()) { msg_tiny_id = 0xFFFF; return true; } return false; } static void usb_finish(void) { usbTiny(oldTiny); } const char *pin_keyboard(const char *text) { input[0] = '\0'; select_index = -1; status = STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; kbd_layout = 3; usb_begin(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_PinEntry); oledClear(); oledDrawString(TEXT_OFFSET, 0, text, FONT_STANDARD); drawKeyboard(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); int i = 0; int j = 0; bool left_shift = false; bool right_shift = false; invertBtn(i, j); while (status == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) { usbSleep(5); if (usb_cancelled()) { status = STATUS_CANCELLED; break; } bool refresh = false; buttonUpdate(); if (button.YesReleased) { if (right_shift) { right_shift = false; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { invertBtn(i, j); if (button.YesDown > button.NoDown) { // Right i = (i + 1) % KBD_COLS; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { // Shift + Right pressBtn(i + j * KBD_COLS); left_shift = true; drawBtnLeft(""); } invertBtn(i, j); } refresh = true; } else if (button.NoReleased) { if (left_shift) { left_shift = false; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { invertBtn(i, j); if (button.NoDown > button.YesDown) { // Left j = (j + 1) % KBD_ROWS; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { // Shift + Left pressBtn(i + j * KBD_COLS); right_shift = true; drawBtnRight(""); } invertBtn(i, j); } refresh = true; } if (button.NoDown == 1 && button.YesDown <= 1) { int btn = i + j * KBD_COLS; const char *label = NULL; if (btn == BTN_BACKSPACE) { if (input[0] == '\0') { label = LABEL_CANCEL; } else { label = LABEL_BACKSPACE; } } else if (btn == BTN_DONE) { label = LABEL_DONE; } else { label = KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][btn]; } drawBtnRight(label); refresh = true; } if (button.YesDown == 1 && button.NoDown <= 1) { int btn = i + j * KBD_COLS; const char *label = NULL; if (btn == BTN_BACKSPACE) { if (input[0] == '\0') { label = LABEL_CANCEL; } else { label = LABEL_BACKSPACE; } } else if (btn == BTN_DONE) { label = LABEL_DONE; } else { label = KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][btn]; } drawBtnLeft(label); refresh = true; } if (refresh) { oledRefresh(); } } usb_finish(); // Wait for buttons to be released. while (button.NoDown || button.YesDown) { usbSleep(5); buttonUpdate(); } if (status == STATUS_DONE) { return input; } else { return NULL; } } const char *passphrase_keyboard(const char *text) { input[0] = '\0'; select_index = -1; status = STATUS_IN_PROGRESS; kbd_layout = 0; usb_begin(ButtonRequestType_ButtonRequest_PassphraseEntry); oledClear(); oledDrawString(TEXT_OFFSET, 0, text, FONT_STANDARD); drawKeyboard(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); int i = 0; int j = 0; bool left_shift = false; bool right_shift = false; invertBtn(i, j); while (status == STATUS_IN_PROGRESS) { usbSleep(5); if (usb_cancelled()) { status = STATUS_CANCELLED; break; } bool refresh = false; buttonUpdate(); if (button.YesReleased) { if (right_shift) { right_shift = false; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { invertBtn(i, j); if (button.YesDown > button.NoDown) { // Right i = (i + 1) % KBD_COLS; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { // Shift + Right pressBtn(i + j * KBD_COLS); left_shift = true; drawBtnLeft(""); } invertBtn(i, j); } refresh = true; } else if (button.NoReleased) { if (left_shift) { left_shift = false; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { invertBtn(i, j); if (button.NoDown > button.YesDown) { // Left j = (j + 1) % KBD_ROWS; select_index = -1; drawCursor(); drawBtnLeft(NULL); drawBtnRight(NULL); } else { // Shift + Left kbd_layout = (kbd_layout + 1) % KBD_COUNT; drawKeyboard(); right_shift = true; drawBtnRight(""); } invertBtn(i, j); } refresh = true; } if (button.NoDown == 1 && button.YesDown <= 1) { int btn = i + j * KBD_COLS; const char *label = NULL; if (btn == BTN_BACKSPACE) { if (input[0] == '\0') { label = LABEL_CANCEL; } else { label = LABEL_BACKSPACE; } } else if (btn == BTN_DONE) { label = LABEL_DONE; } else { label = KBD_LABELS[kbd_layout][btn]; } drawBtnRight(label); refresh = true; } if (button.YesDown == 1 && button.NoDown <= 1) { drawBtnLeft("0aA!"); refresh = true; } if (refresh) { oledRefresh(); } } usb_finish(); // Wait for buttons to be released. while (button.NoDown || button.YesDown) { usbSleep(5); buttonUpdate(); } if (status == STATUS_DONE) { return input; } else { return NULL; } }