diff --git a/python/src/trezorlib/transport/thp/protocol_v2.py b/python/src/trezorlib/transport/thp/protocol_v2.py
index fc640dfd9e..d2e926ac67 100644
--- a/python/src/trezorlib/transport/thp/protocol_v2.py
+++ b/python/src/trezorlib/transport/thp/protocol_v2.py
@@ -132,40 +132,78 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
     def _establish_new_channel(self) -> None:
         self.sync_bit_send = 0
         self.sync_bit_receive = 0
-        # Send channel allocation request
-        channel_id_request_nonce = os.urandom(8)
+        # Generate ephemeral keys
+        host_ephemeral_privkey = curve25519.get_private_key(os.urandom(32))
+        host_ephemeral_pubkey = curve25519.get_public_key(host_ephemeral_privkey)
+        self._do_channel_allocation()
+        self._do_handshake(host_ephemeral_privkey, host_ephemeral_pubkey)
+        self._do_pairing()
+    def _do_channel_allocation(self) -> None:
+        channel_allocation_nonce = os.urandom(8)
+        self._send_channel_allocation_request(channel_allocation_nonce)
+        cid, dp = self._read_channel_allocation_response(channel_allocation_nonce)
+        self.channel_id = cid
+        self.device_properties = dp
+    def _send_channel_allocation_request(self, nonce: bytes):
-            channel_id_request_nonce,
+            nonce,
-        # Read channel allocation response
+    def _read_channel_allocation_response(
+        self, expected_nonce: bytes
+    ) -> tuple[int, bytes]:
         header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
         if not self._is_valid_channel_allocation_response(
-            header, payload, channel_id_request_nonce
+            header, payload, expected_nonce
-            # TODO raise exception here, I guess
             raise Exception("Invalid channel allocation response.")
-        self.channel_id = int.from_bytes(payload[8:10], "big")
-        self.device_properties = payload[10:]
+        channel_id = int.from_bytes(payload[8:10], "big")
+        device_properties = payload[10:]
+        return (channel_id, device_properties)
-        # Send handshake init request
+    def _do_handshake(
+        self, host_ephemeral_privkey: bytes, host_ephemeral_pubkey: bytes
+    ):
+        self._send_handshake_init_request(host_ephemeral_pubkey)
+        self._read_ack()
+        init_response = self._read_handshake_init_response()
+        # assert len(init_response) == 96
+        trezor_ephemeral_pubkey = init_response[:32]
+        encrypted_trezor_static_pubkey = init_response[32:80]
+        noise_tag = init_response[80:96]
+        LOG.debug("noise_tag: %s", hexlify(noise_tag).decode())
+        # TODO check noise_tag is valid
+        ck = self._send_handshake_completion_request(
+            host_ephemeral_pubkey,
+            host_ephemeral_privkey,
+            trezor_ephemeral_pubkey,
+            encrypted_trezor_static_pubkey,
+        )
+        self._read_ack()
+        self._read_handshake_completion_response()
+        self.key_request, self.key_response = _hkdf(ck, b"")
+        self.nonce_request = 0
+        self.nonce_response = 1
+    def _send_handshake_init_request(self, host_ephemeral_pubkey: bytes) -> None:
         ha_init_req_header = MessageHeader(0, self.channel_id, 36)
-        host_ephemeral_privkey = curve25519.get_private_key(os.urandom(32))
-        host_ephemeral_pubkey = curve25519.get_public_key(host_ephemeral_privkey)
             self.transport, ha_init_req_header, host_ephemeral_pubkey
-        # Read ACK
-        header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
-        if not header.is_ack() or len(payload) > 0:
-            click.echo("Received message is not a valid ACK", err=True)
-        # Read handshake init response
+    def _read_handshake_init_response(self) -> bytes:
         header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
@@ -180,15 +218,16 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
                 "Received message is not a valid handshake init response message",
+        return payload
-        trezor_ephemeral_pubkey = payload[:32]
-        encrypted_trezor_static_pubkey = payload[32:80]
-        noise_tag = payload[80:96]
-        # TODO check noise tag
-        LOG.debug("noise_tag: %s", hexlify(noise_tag).decode())
-        # Prepare and send handshake completion request
+    def _send_handshake_completion_request(
+        self,
+        host_ephemeral_pubkey: bytes,
+        host_ephemeral_privkey: bytes,
+        trezor_ephemeral_pubkey: bytes,
+        encrypted_trezor_static_pubkey: bytes,
+        credential: bytes | None = None,
+    ) -> bytes:
         PROTOCOL_NAME = b"Noise_XX_25519_AESGCM_SHA256\x00\x00\x00\x00"
         IV_1 = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
         IV_2 = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01"
@@ -232,7 +271,8 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
-                ]
+                ],
+                host_pairing_credential=credential,
@@ -252,12 +292,9 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
             encrypted_host_static_pubkey + encrypted_payload,
+        return ck
-        # Read ACK
-        header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
-        if not header.is_ack() or len(payload) > 0:
-            click.echo("Received message is not a valid ACK", err=True)
+    def _read_handshake_completion_response(self) -> None:
         # Read handshake completion response, ignore payload as we do not care about the state
         header, _ = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
         if not header.is_handshake_comp_response():
@@ -267,10 +304,7 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
-        self.key_request, self.key_response = _hkdf(ck, b"")
-        self.nonce_request = 0
-        self.nonce_response = 1
+    def _do_pairing(self):
         # Send StartPairingReqest message
         message = messages.ThpStartPairingRequest()
         message_type, message_data = self.mapping.encode(message)
@@ -278,17 +312,20 @@ class ProtocolV2(ProtocolAndChannel):
         self._encrypt_and_write(MANAGEMENT_SESSION_ID, message_type, message_data)
         # Read ACK
-        header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
-        if not header.is_ack() or len(payload) > 0:
-            click.echo("Received message is not a valid ACK", err=True)
+        self._read_ack()
-        # Read
+        # Read ThpEndResponse
         _, msg_type, msg_data = self.read_and_decrypt()
         maaa = self.mapping.decode(msg_type, msg_data)
         assert isinstance(maaa, messages.ThpEndResponse)
         self._has_valid_channel = True
+    def _read_ack(self):
+        header, payload = self._read_until_valid_crc_check()
+        if not header.is_ack() or len(payload) > 0:
+            click.echo("Received message is not a valid ACK", err=True)
     def _send_ack_0(self):
         LOG.debug("sending ack 0")
         header = MessageHeader(0x20, self.channel_id, 4)