diff --git a/core/src/all_modules.py b/core/src/all_modules.py
index 42914e34ba..2a23e58aee 100644
--- a/core/src/all_modules.py
+++ b/core/src/all_modules.py
@@ -461,8 +461,6 @@ if utils.USE_THP:
     import trezor.wire.thp.writer
     import apps.thp
-    apps.thp.create_new_session
-    import apps.thp.create_new_session
     import apps.thp.credential_manager
diff --git a/core/src/apps/base.py b/core/src/apps/base.py
index ca923b7337..1cc546a959 100644
--- a/core/src/apps/base.py
+++ b/core/src/apps/base.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
 import storage.device as storage_device
 from storage.cache_common import APP_COMMON_BUSY_DEADLINE_MS, APP_COMMON_SEED
 from trezor import TR, config, utils, wire, workflow
-from trezor.enums import HomescreenFormat, MessageType
+from trezor.enums import HomescreenFormat, MessageType, ThpMessageType
 from trezor.messages import Success, UnlockPath
 from trezor.ui.layouts import confirm_action
 from trezor.wire import context
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ if TYPE_CHECKING:
     from trezor.wire import Handler, Msg
+    if utils.USE_THP:
+        from trezor.messages import Failure, ThpCreateNewSession, ThpNewSession
@@ -204,7 +207,69 @@ def get_features() -> Features:
     return f
-if not utils.USE_THP:
+if utils.USE_THP:
+    async def handle_ThpCreateNewSession(
+        message: ThpCreateNewSession,
+    ) -> ThpNewSession | Failure:
+        """
+        Creates a new `ThpSession` based on the provided parameters and returns a
+        `ThpNewSession` message containing the new session ID.
+        Returns an appropriate `Failure` message if session creation fails.
+        """
+        from trezor import log, loop
+        from trezor.enums import FailureType
+        from trezor.messages import Failure, ThpNewSession
+        from trezor.wire import NotInitialized
+        from trezor.wire.context import get_context
+        from trezor.wire.errors import ActionCancelled, DataError
+        from trezor.wire.thp import SessionState
+        from trezor.wire.thp.session_context import GenericSessionContext
+        from trezor.wire.thp.session_manager import create_new_session
+        from apps.common.seed import derive_and_store_roots
+        ctx = get_context()
+        # Assert that context `ctx` is `GenericSessionContext`
+        assert isinstance(ctx, GenericSessionContext)
+        channel = ctx.channel
+        # Do not use `ctx` beyond this point, as it is techically
+        # allowed to change in between await statements
+        new_session = create_new_session(channel)
+        try:
+            await derive_and_store_roots(new_session, message)
+        except DataError as e:
+            return Failure(code=FailureType.DataError, message=e.message)
+        except ActionCancelled as e:
+            return Failure(code=FailureType.ActionCancelled, message=e.message)
+        except NotInitialized as e:
+            return Failure(code=FailureType.NotInitialized, message=e.message)
+        # TODO handle other errors (`Exception`` when "Cardano icarus secret is already set!"
+        # and `RuntimeError` when accessing storage for mnemonic.get_secret - it actually
+        # happens for locked devices)
+        new_session.set_session_state(SessionState.ALLOCATED)
+        channel.sessions[new_session.session_id] = new_session
+        loop.schedule(new_session.handle())
+        new_session_id: int = new_session.session_id
+        if __debug__ and utils.ALLOW_DEBUG_MESSAGES:
+            log.debug(
+                __name__,
+                "create_new_session - new session created. Passphrase: %s, Session id: %d\n%s",
+                message.passphrase if message.passphrase is not None else "",
+                new_session.session_id,
+                str(channel.sessions),
+            )
+        return ThpNewSession(new_session_id=new_session_id)
     async def handle_Initialize(msg: Initialize) -> Features:
         import storage.cache_codec as cache_codec
@@ -468,7 +533,10 @@ def boot() -> None:
     MT = MessageType  # local_cache_global
     # Register workflow handlers
-    if not utils.USE_THP:
+    if utils.USE_THP:
+        TMT = ThpMessageType
+        workflow_handlers.register(TMT.ThpCreateNewSession, handle_ThpCreateNewSession)
+    else:
         workflow_handlers.register(MT.Initialize, handle_Initialize)
     for msg_type, handler in [
         (MT.GetFeatures, handle_GetFeatures),
diff --git a/core/src/apps/thp/create_new_session.py b/core/src/apps/thp/create_new_session.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 156b852d46..0000000000
--- a/core/src/apps/thp/create_new_session.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-from trezor import log, loop
-from trezor.enums import FailureType
-from trezor.messages import Failure, ThpCreateNewSession, ThpNewSession
-from trezor.wire.context import get_context
-from trezor.wire.errors import ActionCancelled, DataError
-from trezor.wire.thp import SessionState
-async def create_new_session(message: ThpCreateNewSession) -> ThpNewSession | Failure:
-    """
-    Creates a new `ThpSession` based on the provided parameters and returns a
-    `ThpNewSession` message containing the new session ID.
-    Returns an appropriate `Failure` message if session creation fails.
-    """
-    from trezor.wire import NotInitialized
-    from trezor.wire.thp.session_context import GenericSessionContext
-    from trezor.wire.thp.session_manager import create_new_session
-    from apps.common.seed import derive_and_store_roots
-    ctx = get_context()
-    # Assert that context `ctx` is `GenericSessionContext`
-    assert isinstance(ctx, GenericSessionContext)
-    channel = ctx.channel
-    # Do not use `ctx` beyond this point, as it is techically
-    # allowed to change in between await statements
-    new_session = create_new_session(channel)
-    try:
-        await derive_and_store_roots(new_session, message)
-    except DataError as e:
-        return Failure(code=FailureType.DataError, message=e.message)
-    except ActionCancelled as e:
-        return Failure(code=FailureType.ActionCancelled, message=e.message)
-    except NotInitialized as e:
-        return Failure(code=FailureType.NotInitialized, message=e.message)
-    # TODO handle other errors (`Exception`` when "Cardano icarus secret is already set!"
-    # and `RuntimeError` when accessing storage for mnemonic.get_secret - it actually
-    # happens for locked devices)
-    new_session.set_session_state(SessionState.ALLOCATED)
-    channel.sessions[new_session.session_id] = new_session
-    loop.schedule(new_session.handle())
-    new_session_id: int = new_session.session_id
-    if __debug__:
-        log.debug(
-            __name__,
-            "create_new_session - new session created. Passphrase: %s, Session id: %d\n%s",
-            message.passphrase if message.passphrase is not None else "",
-            new_session.session_id,
-            str(channel.sessions),
-        )
-    return ThpNewSession(new_session_id=new_session_id)
diff --git a/core/src/apps/workflow_handlers.py b/core/src/apps/workflow_handlers.py
index 3013516382..b65c853c93 100644
--- a/core/src/apps/workflow_handlers.py
+++ b/core/src/apps/workflow_handlers.py
@@ -35,13 +35,6 @@ def _find_message_handler_module(msg_type: int) -> str:
     if __debug__ and msg_type == MessageType.BenchmarkRun:
         return "apps.benchmark.run"
-    if utils.USE_THP:
-        from trezor.enums import ThpMessageType
-        # thp management
-        if msg_type == ThpMessageType.ThpCreateNewSession:
-            return "apps.thp.create_new_session"
     # management
     if msg_type == MessageType.ResetDevice:
         return "apps.management.reset_device"