Taiga in Docker =============== This container allows you to run [Taiga](https://taiga.io/) in a Docker container. What is Taiga? -------------- Taiga is a project management application that can handle both simple and complex projects for startups, software developers, and other target teams. It tracks the progress of a project. Taiga's design is clean and elegant design—something that is supposed to be "beautiful to look at all day long." With Taiga, you can use either Kanban or Scrum template, or both. Backlogs are shown as a running list of all features and User Stories added to the project. Taiga integrates video conferencing functions with the use of third party services from Talky.io and Appear.in. Group and private chat is done via HipChat. Dockerfile ---------- The Dockerfile performs the following steps: * install the OS & Python dependencies required to run Taiga Django backend. * install nginx - to serve the content including static assests which Django app should not be handling. * install circus - a process & socket manager for the Python web application. * install gunicorn - a Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) HTTP Server to serve dynamic content. * create taiga user for running circus & gunicorn. * clone stable branches of the taiga backend and frontend. * copy templates which will be then processed by the launch script when the container starts. Running Taiga ============= I recommend to use Docker Compose for running the Taiga. Docker Compose -------------- Below is a docker compose file as example **docker-compose.yml** ``` version: '2' volumes: postgres_data: {} taiga_static: {} taiga_media: {} networks: backend: {} services: postgres: # https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/ image: postgres networks: - backend volumes: - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./db:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:ro env_file: - ./postgres.env - ./taiga-db.env taiga: # https://hub.docker.com/r/andrey01/taiga image: andrey01/taiga # build: . networks: - backend ports: - 80:80 volumes: - taiga_static:/usr/local/taiga/static - taiga_media:/usr/local/taiga/media env_file: - ./taiga.env - ./taiga-db.env environment: - TZ=Europe/Amsterdam depends_on: - postgres ``` The following file is required so that Postgres will create taiga database that is used by the Taiga backend. **db/init-taiga-db.sh** ``` #!/bin/bash set -e psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --username "$POSTGRES_USER" <<-EOSQL CREATE USER $TAIGA_DB_USER; CREATE DATABASE $TAIGA_DB_NAME; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE $TAIGA_DB_NAME TO $TAIGA_DB_USER; ALTER USER $TAIGA_DB_USER WITH PASSWORD '$TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD'; EOSQL ``` The environment variables ------------------------- This file will defines a superuser for Postgres. **postgres.env** ``` POSTGRES_USER=admin POSTGRES_PASSWORD=admin ``` This file defines individual settings for Taiga. **taiga.env** ``` GUNICORN_WORKERS=1 SITE_URI=http://taiga.mydomain.com PUBLIC_REGISTER=true ADMIN_EMAIL=admin@mydomain.com NOREPLY_EMAIL=no-reply@mydomain.com ``` This file defines the database settings for Taiga. **taiga-db.env** ``` TAIGA_DB_USER=taiga TAIGA_DB_NAME=taiga TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD=secretpassword TAIGA_DB_HOST=postgres TAIGA_DB_PORT=5432 ``` Run the Taiga ------------- ``` docker-compose up -d taiga ``` Now you can access Taiga with your favorite Web Browser. Default user **admin** with password **123123** will be created on the first run. **Please do not forget to change the password.** I recommend to run nginx reverse proxy in front of this container, so that you could use TLS. [Let's Encrypt](https://letsencrypt.org) project is now able to issue free SSL/TLS certificates. Maintenance =========== Keeping your image up2dated --------------------------- This is simple, just run the following commands which will ensure that you are running the latest images ``` docker-compose pull docker-compose up -d ``` Accessing the Taiga Database ---------------------------- You can access it using the docker compose or docker as follows > docker-compose run --rm postgres sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD exec psql -h "$TAIGA_DB_HOST" -U $TAIGA_DB_USER' > docker run -ti --rm --net taiga_backend --env-file taiga-db.env postgres sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD exec psql -h "$TAIGA_DB_HOST" -U $TAIGA_DB_USER' Backup the database ------------------- Below is an example of how you can make the Taiga PostgreSQL database backup > docker-compose run --rm postgres sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD exec pg_dump -h "$TAIGA_DB_HOST" -U $TAIGA_DB_USER $TAIGA_DB_NAME' > taiga-db.backup To restore it > docker-compose run --rm postgres sh -c 'PGPASSWORD=$TAIGA_DB_PASSWORD exec psql -h "$TAIGA_DB_HOST" -U $TAIGA_DB_USER $TAIGA_DB_NAME' < taiga-db.backup There are also volumes containing the data you might want to backup externally ``` $ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME local taiga_taiga_media local taiga_taiga_static local taiga_postgres_data ``` Useful links ------------ * [Docker Compose file reference](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/) * [Taiga: Setup production environment](https://taigaio.github.io/taiga-doc/dist/setup-production.html) * [Read Taiga upgrade notes](https://taigaio.github.io/taiga-doc/dist/upgrades.html) * [How to upgrade Taiga](https://taigaio.github.io/taiga-doc/dist/upgrades.html)