# Steam in Docker Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit) with the following GPU's: - Intel HD Graphics 3000 - Intel HD Graphics 4400 - NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 560 Ti ## Requirements - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) - (Optional) [Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/) ## Limitations - The version of your Nvidia drivers should match the ones in Dockerfile used to build this image. Currently this image supports these versions of the NVIDIA driver: 304, 340, 361. # Building and launching Steam ## Build Steam Docker image You may want to re-run this command later on in order to keep the image updated. ``` docker build -t andrey01/steam . ``` ## Launch the Steam in Docker You can use the following shortcut function and place it to your `~/.bash_aliases` file ``` function docker_helper() { { pushd ~/docker/$1; docker-compose rm -fa "$1"; docker-compose run -d --name "$1" "$@"; popd; } } function steam() { { docker_helper $FUNCNAME $@; } } ``` Then just issue "steam" command to run Steam in docker. ## Troubleshooting You might want to modify the `docker-compose.yml` in case of problems, the file should be pretty self explanatory, although you may refer to the official [Docker Compose file reference](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/) Also keep in mind to uncomment or/and add your devices to the `devices:` section there. The best result is when you have a similar to the following output, using the `glxgears` (part of `mesa-utils` package): If you are getting `segmentation fault` error or Steam does not start, then you could try resetting its config: ``` $ docker-compose run --rm steam --reset ``` ## Grsecurity notes ### grsec: TPE Trusted Path Execution (TPE) This Steam docker image is working with the grsecurity patched kernel. It only needs a `/proc/sys/kernel/grsecurity/tpe_gid` accessible by root for read. ### grsec: PaX It is also working with PaX part of the grsecurity. I have tested it with Half-Life games like CS 1.6, and CS:GO. Please refer to the `launch` file if grsecurity is blocking some executable or a library. # Links Below is just bunch of links, someone might find them useful - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve - https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux#Ubuntu - http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb - http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/archive/precise/steam_latest.deb - http://repo.steamstatic.com/steam/ - https://grsecurity.net/