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# Make errors visible upon `docker logs -f steam` command
exec 2>&1
service dnsmasq start
6 years ago
id user >/dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/user -u ${USER_ID:-1000} user
6 years ago
# NOTE: This workaround has been obsolete by "apt-get -y install libnm-glib4:i386 libnm-util2:i386".
# WORKAROUND to "steam launcher crashes on second run (debian sid in a chroot on debian wheezy) #3501"
# rm -vf ~user/.local/share/Steam/config/config.vdf
6 years ago
# LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:$(for LIB in ${ tls/}; do find /hostlibs -type f -iregex ".*/${LIB}.*" -print0; done | tr '\0' ':' ; echo)
# su -l user -c "HOME=/home/user STEAM_RUNTIME=${STEAM_RUNTIME:-1} LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD steam $@" |& grep -v 'wrong ELF class'
8 years ago
6 years ago
# LD_PRELOAD does not work well when you want to use Proton (modified version of Wine created by Steam)
# When running the games with Proton, they will fail with:
# "wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address 0xf5c1c2b6 (thread 0009), starting debugger..."
# This is due to a mix of our LD_PRELOAD and Proton's. They add ".local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_{32,64}/".
8 years ago
6 years ago
su -l user -c "HOME=/home/user STEAM_RUNTIME=${STEAM_RUNTIME:-1} LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} steam $@" |& grep -v 'wrong ELF class'