#! /usr/bin/python2.2 # Copyright (C) 2002 by Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org> # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version # 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # Populate a tree with pseudo-randomly distributed files to test # rsync. from __future__ import generators import random, string, os, os.path nfiles = 10000 depth = 5 n_children = 20 n_files = 20 n_symlinks = 10 name_chars = string.digits + string.letters abuffer = 'a' * 1024 def random_name_chars(): a = "" for i in range(10): a = a + random.choice(name_chars) return a def generate_names(): n = 0 while 1: yield "%05d_%s" % (n, random_name_chars()) n += 1 class TreeBuilder: def __init__(self): self.n_children = 20 self.n_files = 100 self.total_entries = 100000 # long(1e8) self.actual_size = 0 self.name_gen = generate_names() self.all_files = [] self.all_dirs = [] self.all_symlinks = [] def random_size(self): return random.lognormvariate(4, 4) def random_symlink_target(self): what = random.choice(['directory', 'file', 'symlink', 'none']) try: if what == 'directory': return random.choice(self.all_dirs) elif what == 'file': return random.choice(self.all_files) elif what == 'symlink': return random.choice(self.all_symlinks) elif what == 'none': return self.name_gen.next() except IndexError: return self.name_gen.next() def can_continue(self): self.total_entries -= 1 return self.total_entries > 0 def build_tree(self, prefix, depth): """Generate a breadth-first tree""" for count, function in [[n_files, self.make_file], [n_children, self.make_child_recurse], [n_symlinks, self.make_symlink]]: for i in range(count): if not self.can_continue(): return name = os.path.join(prefix, self.name_gen.next()) function(name, depth) def print_summary(self): print "total bytes: %d" % self.actual_size def make_child_recurse(self, dname, depth): if depth > 1: self.make_dir(dname) self.build_tree(dname, depth-1) def make_dir(self, dname, depth='ignore'): print "%s/" % (dname) os.mkdir(dname) self.all_dirs.append(dname) def make_symlink(self, lname, depth='ignore'): print "%s -> %s" % (lname, self.random_symlink_target()) def make_file(self, fname, depth='ignore'): size = long(self.random_size()) print "%-70s %d" % (fname, size) f = open(fname, 'w') f.truncate(size) self.fill_file(f, size) self.all_files.append(fname) self.actual_size += size def fill_file(self, f, size): while size > 0: f.write(abuffer[:size]) size -= len(abuffer) tb = TreeBuilder() tb.build_tree('/tmp/foo', 3) tb.print_summary()