/* This modules is based on the params.c module from Samba, written by Karl Auer and much modifed by Christopher Hertel. */ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, visit the http://fsf.org website. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * * Module name: params * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * * This module performs lexical analysis and initial parsing of a * Windows-like parameter file. It recognizes and handles four token * types: section-name, parameter-name, parameter-value, and * end-of-file. Comments and line continuation are handled * internally. * * The entry point to the module is function pm_process(). This * function opens the source file, calls the Parse() function to parse * the input, and then closes the file when either the EOF is reached * or a fatal error is encountered. * * A sample parameter file might look like this: * * [section one] * parameter one = value string * parameter two = another value * [section two] * new parameter = some value or t'other * * The parameter file is divided into sections by section headers: * section names enclosed in square brackets (eg. [section one]). * Each section contains parameter lines, each of which consist of a * parameter name and value delimited by an equal sign. Roughly, the * syntax is: * * <file> :== { <section> } EOF * * <section> :== <section header> { <parameter line> } * * <section header> :== '[' NAME ']' * * <parameter line> :== NAME '=' VALUE '\n' * * Blank lines and comment lines are ignored. Comment lines are lines * beginning with either a semicolon (';') or a pound sign ('#'). * * All whitespace in section names and parameter names is compressed * to single spaces. Leading and trailing whitespace is stipped from * both names and values. * * Only the first equals sign in a parameter line is significant. * Parameter values may contain equals signs, square brackets and * semicolons. Internal whitespace is retained in parameter values, * with the exception of the '\r' character, which is stripped for * historic reasons. Parameter names may not start with a left square * bracket, an equal sign, a pound sign, or a semicolon, because these * are used to identify other tokens. * * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "rsync.h" #include "ifuncs.h" #include "itypes.h" /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * Constants... */ #define BUFR_INC 1024 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * Variables... * * bufr - pointer to a global buffer. This is probably a kludge, * but it was the nicest kludge I could think of (for now). * bSize - The size of the global buffer <bufr>. */ static char *bufr = NULL; static int bSize = 0; static BOOL (*the_sfunc)(char *); static BOOL (*the_pfunc)(char *, char *); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** * Functions... */ static int EatWhitespace( FILE *InFile ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan past whitespace (see ctype(3C)) and return the first non-whitespace * character, or newline, or EOF. * * Input: InFile - Input source. * * Output: The next non-whitespace character in the input stream. * * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of * whitespace characters. * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are * considered end-of-file markers. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int c; for( c = getc( InFile ); isspace( c ) && ('\n' != c); c = getc( InFile ) ) ; return( c ); } /* EatWhitespace */ static int EatComment( FILE *InFile ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan to the end of a comment. * * Input: InFile - Input source. * * Output: The character that marks the end of the comment. Normally, * this will be a newline, but it *might* be an EOF. * * Notes: Because the config files use a line-oriented grammar, we * explicitly exclude the newline character from the list of * whitespace characters. * - Note that both EOF (-1) and the nul character ('\0') are * considered end-of-file markers. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int c; for( c = getc( InFile ); ('\n'!=c) && (EOF!=c) && (c>0); c = getc( InFile ) ) ; return( c ); } /* EatComment */ static int Continuation( char *line, int pos ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan backards within a string to discover if the last non-whitespace * character is a line-continuation character ('\\'). * * Input: line - A pointer to a buffer containing the string to be * scanned. * pos - This is taken to be the offset of the end of the * string. This position is *not* scanned. * * Output: The offset of the '\\' character if it was found, or -1 to * indicate that it was not. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { pos--; while( pos >= 0 && isSpace(line + pos) ) pos--; return( ((pos >= 0) && ('\\' == line[pos])) ? pos : -1 ); } /* Continuation */ static BOOL Section( FILE *InFile, BOOL (*sfunc)(char *) ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan a section name, and pass the name to function sfunc(). * * Input: InFile - Input source. * sfunc - Pointer to the function to be called if the section * name is successfully read. * * Output: True if the section name was read and True was returned from * <sfunc>. False if <sfunc> failed or if a lexical error was * encountered. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int c; int i; int end; char *func = "params.c:Section() -"; i = 0; /* <i> is the offset of the next free byte in bufr[] and */ end = 0; /* <end> is the current "end of string" offset. In most */ /* cases these will be the same, but if the last */ /* character written to bufr[] is a space, then <end> */ /* will be one less than <i>. */ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); /* We've already got the '['. Scan */ /* past initial white space. */ while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) ) { /* Check that the buffer is big enough for the next character. */ if( i > (bSize - 2) ) { bSize += BUFR_INC; bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize ); if( NULL == bufr ) { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func); return( False ); } } /* Handle a single character. */ switch( c ) { case ']': /* Found the closing bracket. */ bufr[end] = '\0'; if( 0 == end ) /* Don't allow an empty name. */ { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Empty section name in config file.\n", func ); return( False ); } if( !sfunc( bufr ) ) /* Got a valid name. Deal with it. */ return( False ); (void)EatComment( InFile ); /* Finish off the line. */ return( True ); case '\n': /* Got newline before closing ']'. */ i = Continuation( bufr, i ); /* Check for line continuation. */ if( i < 0 ) { bufr[end] = '\0'; rprintf(FLOG, "%s Badly formed line in config file: %s\n", func, bufr ); return( False ); } end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == bufr[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i); c = getc( InFile ); /* Continue with next line. */ break; default: /* All else are a valid name chars. */ if( isspace( c ) ) /* One space per whitespace region. */ { bufr[end] = ' '; i = end + 1; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); } else /* All others copy verbatim. */ { bufr[i++] = c; end = i; c = getc( InFile ); } } } /* We arrive here if we've met the EOF before the closing bracket. */ rprintf(FLOG, "%s Unexpected EOF in the config file: %s\n", func, bufr ); return( False ); } /* Section */ static BOOL Parameter( FILE *InFile, BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *), int c ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan a parameter name and value, and pass these two fields to pfunc(). * * Input: InFile - The input source. * pfunc - A pointer to the function that will be called to * process the parameter, once it has been scanned. * c - The first character of the parameter name, which * would have been read by Parse(). Unlike a comment * line or a section header, there is no lead-in * character that can be discarded. * * Output: True if the parameter name and value were scanned and processed * successfully, else False. * * Notes: This function is in two parts. The first loop scans the * parameter name. Internal whitespace is compressed, and an * equal sign (=) terminates the token. Leading and trailing * whitespace is discarded. The second loop scans the parameter * value. When both have been successfully identified, they are * passed to pfunc() for processing. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int i = 0; /* Position within bufr. */ int end = 0; /* bufr[end] is current end-of-string. */ int vstart = 0; /* Starting position of the parameter value. */ char *func = "params.c:Parameter() -"; /* Read the parameter name. */ while( 0 == vstart ) /* Loop until we've found the start of the value. */ { if( i > (bSize - 2) ) /* Ensure there's space for next char. */ { bSize += BUFR_INC; bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize ); if( NULL == bufr ) { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func) ; return( False ); } } switch( c ) { case '=': /* Equal sign marks end of param name. */ if( 0 == end ) /* Don't allow an empty name. */ { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Invalid parameter name in config file.\n", func ); return( False ); } bufr[end++] = '\0'; /* Mark end of string & advance. */ i = vstart = end; /* New string starts here. */ c = EatWhitespace(InFile); break; case '\n': /* Find continuation char, else error. */ i = Continuation( bufr, i ); if( i < 0 ) { bufr[end] = '\0'; rprintf(FLOG, "%s Ignoring badly formed line in config file: %s\n", func, bufr ); return( True ); } end = ( (i > 0) && (' ' == bufr[i - 1]) ) ? (i - 1) : (i); c = getc( InFile ); /* Read past eoln. */ break; case '\0': /* Shouldn't have EOF within param name. */ case EOF: bufr[i] = '\0'; rprintf(FLOG, "%s Unexpected end-of-file at: %s\n", func, bufr ); return( True ); case ' ': case '\t': /* A directive divides at the first space or tab. */ if (*bufr == '&') { bufr[end++] = '\0'; i = vstart = end; c = EatWhitespace(InFile); if (c == '=') c = EatWhitespace(InFile); break; } /* FALL THROUGH */ default: if( isspace( c ) ) /* One ' ' per whitespace region. */ { bufr[end] = ' '; i = end + 1; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); } else /* All others verbatim. */ { bufr[i++] = c; end = i; c = getc( InFile ); } } } /* Now parse the value. */ while( (EOF !=c) && (c > 0) ) { if( i > (bSize - 2) ) /* Make sure there's enough room. */ { bSize += BUFR_INC; bufr = realloc_array( bufr, char, bSize ); if( NULL == bufr ) { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Memory re-allocation failure.", func) ; return( False ); } } switch( c ) { case '\r': /* Explicitly remove '\r' because the older */ c = getc( InFile ); /* version called fgets_slash() which also */ break; /* removes them. */ case '\n': /* Marks end of value unless there's a '\'. */ i = Continuation( bufr, i ); if( i < 0 ) c = 0; else { for( end = i; end >= 0 && isSpace(bufr + end); end-- ) ; c = getc( InFile ); } break; default: /* All others verbatim. Note that spaces do */ bufr[i++] = c; /* not advance <end>. This allows trimming */ if( !isspace( c ) ) /* of whitespace at the end of the line. */ end = i; c = getc( InFile ); break; } } bufr[end] = '\0'; /* End of value. */ return( pfunc( bufr, &bufr[vstart] ) ); /* Pass name & value to pfunc(). */ } /* Parameter */ static int name_cmp(const void *n1, const void *n2) { return strcmp(*(char * const *)n1, *(char * const *)n2); } static int include_config(char *include, int manage_globals) { STRUCT_STAT sb; char *match = manage_globals ? "*.conf" : "*.inc"; int ret; if (do_stat(include, &sb) < 0) { rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to stat config file \"%s\"", include); return 0; } if (S_ISREG(sb.st_mode)) { if (manage_globals && the_sfunc) the_sfunc("]push"); ret = pm_process(include, the_sfunc, the_pfunc); if (manage_globals && the_sfunc) the_sfunc("]pop"); } else if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { char buf[MAXPATHLEN], **bpp; item_list conf_list; struct dirent *di; size_t j; DIR *d; if (!(d = opendir(include))) { rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to open config dir \"%s\"", include); return 0; } memset(&conf_list, 0, sizeof conf_list); while ((di = readdir(d)) != NULL) { char *dname = d_name(di); if (!wildmatch(match, dname)) continue; bpp = EXPAND_ITEM_LIST(&conf_list, char *, 32); pathjoin(buf, sizeof buf, include, dname); *bpp = strdup(buf); } closedir(d); if (!(bpp = conf_list.items)) return 1; if (conf_list.count > 1) qsort(bpp, conf_list.count, sizeof (char *), name_cmp); for (j = 0, ret = 1; j < conf_list.count; j++) { if (manage_globals && the_sfunc) the_sfunc(j == 0 ? "]push" : "]reset"); if ((ret = pm_process(bpp[j], the_sfunc, the_pfunc)) != 1) break; } if (manage_globals && the_sfunc) the_sfunc("]pop"); for (j = 0; j < conf_list.count; j++) free(bpp[j]); free(bpp); } else ret = 0; return ret; } static int parse_directives(char *name, char *val) { if (strcasecmp(name, "&include") == 0) return include_config(val, 1); if (strcasecmp(name, "&merge") == 0) return include_config(val, 0); rprintf(FLOG, "Unknown directive: %s.\n", name); return 0; } static int Parse( FILE *InFile, BOOL (*sfunc)(char *), BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *) ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Scan & parse the input. * * Input: InFile - Input source. * sfunc - Function to be called when a section name is scanned. * See Section(). * pfunc - Function to be called when a parameter is scanned. * See Parameter(). * * Output: 1 if the file was successfully scanned, 2 if the file was * scanned until a section header with no section function, else 0. * * Notes: The input can be viewed in terms of 'lines'. There are four * types of lines: * Blank - May contain whitespace, otherwise empty. * Comment - First non-whitespace character is a ';' or '#'. * The remainder of the line is ignored. * Section - First non-whitespace character is a '['. * Parameter - The default case. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int c; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); while( (EOF != c) && (c > 0) ) { switch( c ) { case '\n': /* Blank line. */ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); break; case ';': /* Comment line. */ case '#': c = EatComment( InFile ); break; case '[': /* Section Header. */ if (!sfunc) return 2; if( !Section( InFile, sfunc ) ) return 0; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); break; case '\\': /* Bogus backslash. */ c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); break; case '&': /* Handle directives */ the_sfunc = sfunc; the_pfunc = pfunc; c = Parameter( InFile, parse_directives, c ); if (c != 1) return c; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); break; default: /* Parameter line. */ if( !Parameter( InFile, pfunc, c ) ) return 0; c = EatWhitespace( InFile ); break; } } return 1; } /* Parse */ static FILE *OpenConfFile( char *FileName ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Open a config file. * * Input: FileName - The pathname of the config file to be opened. * * Output: A pointer of type (FILE *) to the opened file, or NULL if the * file could not be opened. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { FILE *OpenedFile; char *func = "params.c:OpenConfFile() -"; if( NULL == FileName || 0 == *FileName ) { rprintf(FLOG, "%s No config filename specified.\n", func); return( NULL ); } OpenedFile = fopen( FileName, "r" ); if( NULL == OpenedFile ) { rsyserr(FLOG, errno, "unable to open config file \"%s\"", FileName); } return( OpenedFile ); } /* OpenConfFile */ int pm_process( char *FileName, BOOL (*sfunc)(char *), BOOL (*pfunc)(char *, char *) ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** * Process the named parameter file. * * Input: FileName - The pathname of the parameter file to be opened. * sfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when * a section name is discovered. * pfunc - A pointer to a function that will be called when * a parameter name and value are discovered. * * Output: 1 if the file was successfully parsed, 2 if parsing ended at a * section header w/o a section function, else 0. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** */ { int result; FILE *InFile; char *func = "params.c:pm_process() -"; InFile = OpenConfFile( FileName ); /* Open the config file. */ if( NULL == InFile ) return( False ); if( NULL != bufr ) /* If we already have a buffer */ result = Parse( InFile, sfunc, pfunc ); /* (recursive call), then just */ /* use it. */ else /* If we don't have a buffer */ { /* allocate one, then parse, */ bSize = BUFR_INC; /* then free. */ bufr = new_array( char, bSize ); if( NULL == bufr ) { rprintf(FLOG, "%s memory allocation failure.\n", func); fclose(InFile); return( False ); } result = Parse( InFile, sfunc, pfunc ); free( bufr ); bufr = NULL; bSize = 0; } fclose(InFile); if( !result ) /* Generic failure. */ { rprintf(FLOG, "%s Failed. Error returned from params.c:parse().\n", func); return 0; } return result; } /* pm_process */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */