stderr output should now hopefully go to /sdcard/ssh/dropbear.err instead

of the bit bucket
Greg Alexander 10 years ago
parent bfa3c99dc0
commit 447ffa0b8f

@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
const char *conf_path, *conf_shell, *conf_home;
/* XXX - do i need a function to generate host keys? DROPBEAR_DELAY_HOSTKEY */
/* XXX - a C-callable interface to get property strings from the java side (paths, etc) */
@ -44,7 +50,7 @@ from_java_string(jobject s)
const char *ret, *t;
t = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, s, NULL);
if (!t) {
return NULL;
return "";
ret = strdup(t);
(*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, s, t);
@ -56,18 +62,28 @@ Java_org_galexander_sshd_SimpleSSHDService_start_1sshd(JNIEnv *env_,
jint port, jobject jpath, jobject jshell, jobject jhome)
pid_t pid;
const char *path, *shell, *home;
if (!jni_init(env_)) {
path = from_java_string(jpath);
shell = from_java_string(jshell);
home = from_java_string(jhome);
conf_path = from_java_string(jpath);
conf_shell = from_java_string(jshell);
conf_home = from_java_string(jhome);
pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
char *argv[2] = { "sshd", NULL };
char *logfn;
int logfd;
logfn = malloc(strlen(conf_path)+20);
sprintf(logfn, "%s/dropbear.err", conf_path);
logfd = open(logfn, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY, 0666);
if (logfd != -1) {
/* replace stderr, so the output is preserved... */
dup2(logfd, 2);
dropbear_main(1, argv);
} else {
(*env)->SetStaticIntField(env, cl_simplesshdservice,
