funcs | ||
selector | ||
.gitignore | ||
main.go | ||
printing.go | ||
pup is a command line tool for processing HTML. It reads from stdin, prints to stdout, and allows the user to filter parts of the page using CSS selectors.
Inspired by jq, pup aims to be a fast and flexible way of exploring HTML from the terminal.
Looking for feature requests and argument design, feel free to open an issue if you'd like to comment.
go get github.com/ericchiang/pup
Quick start
$ curl http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2013/games.htm
Ew, HTML. Let's run that through some pup selectors:
$ curl http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2013/games.htm | \
pup table#games 'a[href*=boxscores]' attr{href}
Basic Usage
$ cat index.html | pup [selectors and flags]
$ pup < index.html [selectors and flags]
Download a webpage with wget.
$ wget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard -O robots.html
####Clean and indent
By default pup will fill in missing tags and properly indent the page.
$ cat robots.html
# nasty looking HTML
$ cat robots.html | pup --color
# cleaned, indented, and colorful HTML
####Filter by tag
$ pup < robots.html title
Robots exclusion standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
####Filter by id
$ pup < robots.html span#See_also
<span class="mw-headline" id="See_also">
See also
####Chain selectors together
The following two commands are (somewhat) equivalent.
$ pup < robots.html table.navbox ul a | tail
$ pup < robots.html table.navbox | pup ul | pup a | tail
Both produce the ouput:
<a href="/wiki/Stop_words" title="Stop words">
Stop words
<a href="/wiki/Poison_words" title="Poison words">
Poison words
<a href="/wiki/Content_farm" title="Content farm">
Content farm
Because pup reconstructs the HTML parse tree, funny things can happen when piping two commands together. I'd recommend chaining commands rather than pipes.
####Limit print level
$ pup < robots.html table -l 2
<table class="metadata plainlinks ambox ambox-content" role="presentation">
<table style="background:#f9f9f9;font-size:85%;line-height:110%;max-width:175px;">
<table cellspacing="0" class="navbox" style="border-spacing:0;">
Implemented Selectors
For further examples of these selectors head over to w3schools.
cat index.html | pup .class
# '#' indicates comments at the command line so you have to escape it
cat index.html | pup \#id
cat index.html | pup element
cat index.html | pup [attribute]
cat index.html | pup [attribute=value]
You can mix and match selectors as you wish.
cat index.html | pup element#id[attribute=value]
Non-HTML selectors which effect the output type are implemented as functions which can be provided as a final argument.
As of now, text{}
is the only implemented function.
Print all text from selected nodes and children in depth first order.
$ cat robots.html | pup .mw-headline text{}
About the standard
Nonstandard extensions
Crawl-delay directive
Allow directive
Universal "*" match
Meta tags and headers
See also
External links
Print the values of all attributes with a given key from all selected nodes.
$ pup < robots.html a attr{href} | head
-c --color print result with color
-f --file file to read from
-h --help display this help
-i --indent number of spaces to use for indent or character
-n --number print number of elements selected
-l --limit restrict number of levels printed
--version display version
- Print as json function