# pup pup is a command line tool for processing HTML. It reads from stdin, prints to stdout, and allows the user to filter parts of the page using [CSS selectors](http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp). Inspired by [jq](http://stedolan.github.io/jq/), pup aims to be a fast and flexible way of exploring HTML from the terminal. Looking for feature requests and argument design, feel free to open an issue if you'd like to comment. ## Install go get github.com/ericchiang/pup ## Quick start ```bash $ curl http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2013/games.htm ``` Ew, HTML. Let's run that through some pup selectors: ```bash $ curl http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2013/games.htm | \ pup table#games a[href*=boxscores] attr{href} ``` ## Basic Usage ```bash $ cat index.html | pup [selectors and flags] ``` or ```bash $ pup < index.html [selectors and flags] ``` ## Examples Download a webpage with wget. ```bash $ wget http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robots_exclusion_standard -O robots.html ``` ####Clean and indent By default pup will fill in missing tags and properly indent the page. ```bash $ cat robots.html # nasty looking HTML $ cat robots.html | pup --color # cleaned, indented, and colorful HTML ``` ####Filter by tag ```bash $ pup < robots.html title Robots exclusion standard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ``` ####Filter by id ```bash $ pup < robots.html span#See_also See also ``` ####Chain selectors together The following two commands are (somewhat) equivalent. ```bash $ pup < robots.html table.navbox ul a | tail ``` ```bash $ pup < robots.html table.navbox | pup ul | pup a | tail ``` Both produce the ouput: ```bash Stop words Poison words Content farm ``` Because pup reconstructs the HTML parse tree, funny things can happen when piping two commands together. I'd recommend chaining commands rather than pipes. ####Limit print level ```bash $ pup < robots.html table -l 2 ... ...
... ``` ## Implemented Selectors For further examples of these selectors head over to [w3schools]( http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp). ```bash cat index.html | pup .class # '#' indicates comments at the command line so you have to escape it cat index.html | pup \#id cat index.html | pup element cat index.html | pup [attribute] cat index.html | pup [attribute=value] ``` You can mix and match selectors as you wish. ```bash cat index.html | pup element#id[attribute=value] ``` ## Functions Non-HTML selectors which effect the output type are implemented as functions which can be provided as a final argument. As of now, `text{}` is the only implemented function. #### `text{}` Print all text from selected nodes and children in depth first order. ```bash $ cat robots.html | pup .mw-headline text{} History About the standard Disadvantages Alternatives Examples Nonstandard extensions Crawl-delay directive Allow directive Sitemap Host Universal "*" match Meta tags and headers See also References External links ``` #### `attr{attrkey}` Print the values of all attributes with a given key from all selected nodes. ```bash $ pup < robots.html a attr{href} | head #mw-navigation #p-search /wiki/MediaWiki:Robots.txt //en.wikipedia.org/robots.txt /wiki/Wikipedia:What_Wikipedia_is_not#NOTHOWTO //en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Robots_exclusion_standard&action=edit //meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Transwiki //en.wikiversity.org/wiki/ //en.wikibooks.org/wiki/ //en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/ ``` ## Flags ```bash -c --color print result with color -f --file file to read from -h --help display this help -i --indent number of spaces to use for indent or character -n --number print number of elements selected -l --limit restrict number of levels printed --version display version ``` ## TODO: * Print as json function `json{}`