Updated FAQ (markdown)

rugk 2016-10-18 16:25:03 +02:00
parent 03b0b39799
commit 3abf59b6fe


@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ For server admins we do actually [provide a way](https://github.com/PrivateBin/P
\* Only available if the server admin has enabled this feature.
#### As a server admin...
* you are protected against legal orders forcing you to scan the content you receive from your users (which is not possible with PrivateBin, as you don't have the pastes keys)
* you are protected against legal orders forcing you to scan the content you receive from your users (which is not possible with PrivateBin, as you don't have the keys of the pastes)
* you provide a service for [those who need it](https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2015/06/why_we_encrypt.html)
* you can customize the template and code of PrivateBin, everything is open-source
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ Here is the workflow you should use for verifying commits or tags:
1. Download our public keys [from PrivateBin.info](https://privatebin.info/credits.html).
2. Verify the keys. Here are our fingerprints:
[@elrido](https://github.com/elrido/): `1C2A 890A F113 5CEC 3681 666A 0F5C 940A 6BD8 1F92`
[@rugk](https://github.com/rugk): `ABA9 B8F6 F448 B07F D7EA 4A1A 05D4 0A63 6AFA B34D`
[@rugk](https://github.com/rugk): `ABA9 B8F6 F448 B07F D7EA 4A1A 05D4 0A63 6AFA B34D`
You can use `gpg --list-public-keys --fingerprint` to view the fingerprints of all public keys.
3. Import the keys [and adjust the trust level](https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x334.html). We recommend that you sign the keys with your own or set the trust level to the highest one (not recommend).
**Note:** If you only update PrivateBin manually and do not automate the setup you can skip this step.