You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

546 lines
12 KiB

import $ from 'jquery'
* Manage top (navigation) bar
* @name TopNav
* @param {object} window
* @param {object} document
* @class
var createButtonsDisplayed = false;
var viewButtonsDisplayed = false;
var $attach,
var pasteExpiration = '1week';
* set the expiration on bootstrap templates in dropdown
* @name TopNav.updateExpiration
* @private
* @function
* @param {Event} event
function updateExpiration(event)
// get selected option
var target = $(;
// update dropdown display and save new expiration time
pasteExpiration ='expiration');
* set the format on bootstrap templates in dropdown
* @name TopNav.updateFormat
* @private
* @function
* @param {Event} event
function updateFormat(event)
// get selected option
var $target = $(;
// update dropdown display and save new format
var newFormat = $'format');
// update preview
if (Editor.isPreview()) {;
* when "burn after reading" is checked, disable discussion
* @name TopNav.changeBurnAfterReading
* @private
* @function
function changeBurnAfterReading()
if ($':checked')) {
$openDiscussion.prop('checked', false);
// if button is actually disabled, force-enable it and uncheck other button
} else {
* when discussion is checked, disable "burn after reading"
* @name TopNav.changeOpenDiscussion
* @private
* @function
function changeOpenDiscussion()
if ($':checked')) {
$burnAfterReading.prop('checked', false);
// if button is actually disabled, force-enable it and uncheck other button
} else {
* return raw text
* @name TopNav.rawText
* @private
* @function
function rawText()
Alert.showLoading('Showing raw text…', 'time');
var paste = PasteViewer.getText();
// push a new state to allow back navigation with browser back button
{type: 'raw'},
// recreate paste URL
Helper.baseUri() + '?' + Model.getPasteId() + '#' +
// we use text/html instead of text/plain to avoid a bug when
// reloading the raw text view (it reverts to type text/html)
import('dompurify').then(function (module) {
var DOMPurify = module.default;
var $head = $('head').children().not('noscript, script, link[type="text/css"]');
var newDoc ='text/html', 'replace');
newDoc.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>');
for (var i = 0; i < $head.length; i++) {
newDoc.write('</head><body><pre>' + DOMPurify.sanitize(paste) + '</pre></body></html>');
* saves the language in a cookie and reloads the page
* @name TopNav.setLanguage
* @private
* @function
* @param {Event} event
function setLanguage(event)
document.cookie = 'lang=' + $('lang');
* hides all messages and creates a new paste
* @name TopNav.clickNewPaste
* @private
* @function
function clickNewPaste()
* removes the existing attachment
* @name TopNav.removeAttachment
* @private
* @function
* @param {Event} event
function removeAttachment(event)
// if custom attachment is used, remove it first
if (!$customAttachment.hasClass('hidden')) {
// our up-to-date jQuery can handle it :)
// pevent '#' from appearing in the URL
* Shows the QR code of the current paste (URL).
* @name TopNav.displayQrCode
* @function
function displayQrCode()
import('kjua').then(function (module) {
var kjua = module.default;
var qrCanvas = kjua({
render: 'canvas',
text: window.location.href
* Shows all elements belonging to viwing an existing pastes
* @name TopNav.showViewButtons
* @function
export function showViewButtons()
if (viewButtonsDisplayed) {
console.warn('showViewButtons: view buttons are already displayed');
viewButtonsDisplayed = true;
* Hides all elements belonging to existing pastes
* @name TopNav.hideViewButtons
* @function
export function hideViewButtons()
if (!viewButtonsDisplayed) {
console.warn('hideViewButtons: view buttons are already hidden');
viewButtonsDisplayed = false;
* Hides all elements belonging to existing pastes
* @name TopNav.hideAllButtons
* @function
export function hideAllButtons()
* shows all elements needed when creating a new paste
* @name TopNav.showCreateButtons
* @function
export function showCreateButtons()
if (createButtonsDisplayed) {
console.warn('showCreateButtons: create buttons are already displayed');
createButtonsDisplayed = true;
* shows all elements needed when creating a new paste
* @name TopNav.hideCreateButtons
* @function
export function hideCreateButtons()
if (!createButtonsDisplayed) {
console.warn('hideCreateButtons: create buttons are already hidden');
createButtonsDisplayed = false;
* only shows the "new paste" button
* @name TopNav.showNewPasteButton
* @function
export function showNewPasteButton()
* only hides the clone button
* @name TopNav.hideCloneButton
* @function
export function hideCloneButton()
* only hides the raw text button
* @name TopNav.hideRawButton
* @function
export function hideRawButton()
* hides the file selector in attachment
* @name TopNav.hideFileSelector
* @function
export function hideFileSelector()
* shows the custom attachment
* @name TopNav.showCustomAttachment
* @function
export function showCustomAttachment()
* collapses the navigation bar if nedded
* @name TopNav.collapseBar
* @function
export function collapseBar()
var $bar = $('.navbar-toggle');
// check if bar is expanded
if ($bar.hasClass('collapse in')) {
// if so, toggle it
* returns the currently set expiration time
* @name TopNav.getExpiration
* @function
* @return {int}
export function getExpiration()
return pasteExpiration;
* returns the currently selected file(s)
* @name TopNav.getFileList
* @function
* @return {FileList|null}
export function getFileList()
var $file = $('#file');
// if no file given, return null
if (!$file.length || !$file[0].files.length) {
return null;
// ensure the selected file is still accessible
if (!($file[0].files && $file[0].files[0])) {
return null;
return $file[0].files;
* returns the state of the burn after reading checkbox
* @name TopNav.getExpiration
* @function
* @return {bool}
export function getBurnAfterReading()
return $':checked');
* returns the state of the discussion checkbox
* @name TopNav.getOpenDiscussion
* @function
* @return {bool}
export function getOpenDiscussion()
return $':checked');
* returns the entered password
* @name TopNav.getPassword
* @function
* @return {string}
export function getPassword()
return $passwordInput.val();
* returns the element where custom attachments can be placed
* Used by AttachmentViewer when an attachment is cloned here.
* @name TopNav.getCustomAttachment
* @function
* @return {jQuery}
export function getCustomAttachment()
return $customAttachment;
* init navigation manager
* preloads jQuery elements
* @name TopNav.init
* @function
export function init()
$attach = $('#attach');
$burnAfterReading = $('#burnafterreading');
$burnAfterReadingOption = $('#burnafterreadingoption');
$cloneButton = $('#clonebutton');
$customAttachment = $('#customattachment');
$expiration = $('#expiration');
$fileRemoveButton = $('#fileremovebutton');
$fileWrap = $('#filewrap');
$formatter = $('#formatter');
$newButton = $('#newbutton');
$openDiscussion = $('#opendiscussion');
$openDiscussionOption = $('#opendiscussionoption');
$password = $('#password');
$passwordInput = $('#passwordinput');
$rawTextButton = $('#rawtextbutton');
$sendButton = $('#sendbutton');
$qrCodeLink = $('#qrcodelink');
// bootstrap template drop down
$('#language ul.dropdown-menu li a').click(setLanguage);
// page template drop down
$('#language select option').click(setLanguage);
// bind events
// bootstrap template drop downs
$('ul.dropdown-menu li a', $('#expiration').parent()).click(updateExpiration);
$('ul.dropdown-menu li a', $('#formatter').parent()).click(updateFormat);
// initiate default state of checkboxes
// get default value from template or fall back to set value
pasteExpiration = Model.getExpirationDefault() || pasteExpiration;