2015-09-21 22:32:52 +02:00

184 lines
5.7 KiB

error_reporting( E_ALL | E_STRICT );
// change this, if your php files and data is outside of your webservers document root
if (!defined('PATH')) define('PATH', '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if (!defined('PUBLIC_PATH')) define('PUBLIC_PATH', '..');
require PATH . 'lib/auto.php';
class helper
* example ID of a paste
* @var string
private static $pasteid = '5e9bc25c89fb3bf9';
* example paste
* @var array
private static $paste = array(
'data' => '{"iv":"EN39/wd5Nk8HAiSG2K5AsQ","v":1,"iter":1000,"ks":128,"ts":64,"mode":"ccm","adata":"","cipher":"aes","salt":"QKN1DBXe5PI","ct":"8hA83xDdXjD7K2qfmw5NdA"}',
'meta' => array(
'postdate' => 1344803344,
'opendiscussion' => true,
'formatter' => 'plaintext',
'attachment' => '{"iv":"Pd4pOKWkmDTT9uPwVwd5Ag","v":1,"iter":1000,"ks":128,"ts":64,"mode":"ccm","adata":"","cipher":"aes","salt":"ZIUhFTliVz4","ct":"6nOCU3peNDclDDpFtJEBKA"}',
'attachmentname' => '{"iv":"76MkAtOGC4oFogX/aSMxRA","v":1,"iter":1000,"ks":128,"ts":64,"mode":"ccm","adata":"","cipher":"aes","salt":"ZIUhFTliVz4","ct":"b6Ae/U1xJdsX/+lATud4sQ"}',
* example ID of a comment
* @var string
private static $commentid = '5a52eebf11c4c94b';
* example comment
* @var array
private static $comment = array(
'data' => '{"iv":"Pd4pOKWkmDTT9uPwVwd5Ag","v":1,"iter":1000,"ks":128,"ts":64,"mode":"ccm","adata":"","cipher":"aes","salt":"ZIUhFTliVz4","ct":"6nOCU3peNDclDDpFtJEBKA"}',
'meta' => array(
'nickname' => '{"iv":"76MkAtOGC4oFogX/aSMxRA","v":1,"iter":1000,"ks":128,"ts":64,"mode":"ccm","adata":"","cipher":"aes","salt":"ZIUhFTliVz4","ct":"b6Ae/U1xJdsX/+lATud4sQ"}',
'vizhash' => '',
'postdate' => 1344803528,
* get example paste ID
* @return string
public static function getPasteId()
return self::$pasteid;
* get example paste
* @return array
public static function getPaste($meta = array())
$example = self::$paste;
$example['meta'] = array_merge($example['meta'], $meta);
return $example;
* get example paste ID
* @return string
public static function getCommentId()
return self::$commentid;
* get example comment
* @return array
public static function getComment($meta = array())
$example = self::$comment;
$example['meta'] = array_merge($example['meta'], $meta);
return $example;
* delete directory and all its contents recursively
* @param string $path
* @throws Exception
public static function rmdir($path)
$dir = dir($path);
while(false !== ($file = $dir->read())) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
if(is_dir($path . $file)) {
self::rmdir($path . $file);
} elseif(is_file($path . $file)) {
if(!@unlink($path . $file)) {
throw new Exception('Error deleting file "' . $path . $file . '".');
if(!@rmdir($path)) {
throw new Exception('Error deleting directory "' . $path . '".');
* create ini file
* @param string $pathToFile
* @param array $values
public static function createIniFile($pathToFile, $values)
if (count($values)) {
$ini = fopen($pathToFile, 'a');
foreach ($values as $section => $options) {
fwrite($ini, "[$section]" . PHP_EOL);
foreach($options as $option => $setting) {
if (is_null($setting)) {
} elseif (is_string($setting)) {
$setting = '"' . $setting . '"';
} else {
$setting = var_export($setting, true);
fwrite($ini, "$option = $setting" . PHP_EOL);
fwrite($ini, PHP_EOL);
* a var_export that returns arrays without line breaks
* by via
* @param mixed $var
* @param bool $return
* @return void|string
public static function var_export_min($var, $return = false)
if (is_array($var)) {
$toImplode = array();
foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
$toImplode[] = var_export($key, true) . ' => ' . self::var_export_min($value, true);
$code = 'array(' . implode(', ', $toImplode) . ')';
if ($return) {
return $code;
} else {
echo $code;
} else {
return var_export($var, $return);